Chapter 2: Asgard's Fall

The golden spires of Asgard stood tall and proud, a beacon of divine power and glory. Eli looked around, the Chaos Marines by his side, their dark presence a stark contrast to the splendor of the realm. As the echoes of Loki's defeat faded, he knew the Asgardians would soon retaliate.

Thor appeared first, his entrance marked by a thunderous roar. Mjolnir crackled with energy as he landed, eyes blazing with fury.

"You dare bring this evil to Asgard?" Thor's voice was a storm, echoing through the halls.

Eli's smile was unyielding. "Evil? I bring only justice—the same justice denied to me in my own world."

Thor charged, Mjolnir swinging with lethal intent. The Word Bearers moved to intercept, their bolters roaring as they fired. Thor smashed through their ranks, but Eli's strategic mind was already at work. He summoned the Iron Warriors, their fortified armor and relentless tactics a perfect counter to Thor's brute strength.

The battlefield erupted in chaos, the clang of metal and the cries of the wounded filling the air. Eli watched, his mind calculating every move, every possible outcome. Thor was strong, but he was only one man. The legions were infinite.

As Thor fought valiantly, Eli knew he needed more than brute force to win. He focused, summoning the psychic might of the Alpha Legion. Their sorcerers cast dark spells, the very air around Thor warping with eldritch energy. 

A psychic bolt struck Thor, staggering him. Seizing the moment, the Iron Warriors closed in, their relentless assault pushing him to his limits.

Eli stepped forward, his voice cutting through the din of battle. "You can't win, Thor. Surrender, and I might spare your realm."

Thor's eyes burned with defiance. "I will never bow to the likes of you!"

With a roar, Thor summoned a massive lightning strike. The energy surged through the ranks of Chaos Marines, scattering them. Eli felt a jolt of pain as the electricity coursed through him, but his will was iron.

"Enough!" Eli commanded, summoning the Death Guard. The air grew thick with the stench of decay as the plague-ridden warriors joined the fray. Their resilience and noxious aura began to wear down even Thor's mighty defenses.

In the midst of battle, Heimdall appeared, his sword gleaming with divine light. Eli knew the gatekeeper would be a formidable foe, but he was prepared.

"Word Bearers, engage!" Eli ordered, directing the fanatical legion towards Heimdall. They attacked with fervor, their dark chants echoing through the battlefield.

Heimdall fought valiantly, his sword cutting through the Chaos Marines with precision. But the numbers were against him. Eli saw his opportunity and moved in, his eyes locked on the gatekeeper.

"You think yourself a protector," Eli taunted. "But you can't protect them from me."

Heimdall's gaze was steely. "You are nothing but a scourge. You will be stopped."

Eli's smile was cold. "Not today."

With a swift motion, Eli unleashed a blast of dark energy, striking Heimdall in the chest. The gatekeeper staggered, and the Word Bearers seized the moment, overwhelming him. Heimdall fell, his sword clattering to the ground.

Thor, witnessing Heimdall's fall, let out a cry of rage. But it was too late. The combined might of the Chaos Legions pressed him down. Eli approached, his expression one of dark triumph.

"Your time is over, Thor," Eli said, raising his hand. "Join your brother in oblivion."

With a final, devastating strike of dark power, Thor fell. The mighty god of thunder lay defeated at Eli's feet, his body broken.

Eli looked around at the conquered realm of Asgard, now littered with the bodies of fallen gods and warriors. The Chaos Marines stood victorious, their presence a blight upon the once-glorious realm.

"Legion, we have work to do," Eli commanded, his voice filled with purpose. "This universe will bow to us, or it will burn."

As the Chaos Marines began to secure Asgard, Eli's mind turned to the next target. The Avengers would come for him, but he would be ready. With the power of the Warhammer 40K universe at his command, he would bring destruction to all who opposed him.

His journey was just beginning, and the Marvel Universe had yet to witness the full extent of his wrath.