Not getting better

Ye Shun's voice was tentative as if he was afraid that if he were to speak one wrong word, Luo Huian would leave him. 

Luo Huian looked at the mer who was speaking to her in such a soft and gentle manner. He reminded her too much of her father who was not only gentle but who also loved her so much that he would never raise his voice on her. 

Not to mention ——

'I have a soft spot for gentle and sweet people like him,' Luo Huian scratched her cheek with her forefinger. She thought about it a little before nodding, "Very well let's go." Anyway even if she were to have tea with Ye Shun, the sky would not fall. 

When Ye Shun saw that Luo Huian had agreed, his eyes lit up. Looks like the books and the psychiatrists were right, as long as he was gentle and unhurried in his approach, Luo Huian would definitely not be resistant to him. 

"Then come with me, I will have the servants arrange everything," Ye Shun was really happy when he thought about how he would finally be able to spend some time with Luo Huian. 

Seeing the smile on his face, Luo Huian also smiled. It seems like she did not make a mistake by agreeing to Ye Shun's suggestion. 

Ye Shun was quick on his feet especially with Luo Huian agreeing to spend time with him, he was even quicker. If not for the fact that he could not fly, he would have arranged for everything in a jiffy. 

"I am sorry that everything is a bit of a mess," Ye Shun said apologetically as he brewed tea for Luo Huian. 

The two of them were sitting in a small greenhouse which had a lot of flowers. From roses to peonies, Luo Huian could find every single flower blooming inside of it. 

She raised her head and looked at the ivy vines that reached the dome-shaped ceiling. But when she heard the words of Ye Shun, she immediately lowered her head. 

"No, it is alright," Luo Huian waved her hands as she looked at the mer in front of her.

His skin was even paler than before. There was also the matter of his eyes getting even more sunken. 

'What about Aura of Gloom?' Luo Huian thought as she turned on her Divine eyes. No sooner did she use her power to see through the many layers of skin, than she noticed a thick black smoke covering Ye Shun's heart. 

Shit. She thought that if she gave him something to fight for this mer would get better, why was it that instead of getting better, he ended up becoming even more sick? 

What was going on? 

Luo Huian was a bit confused but she did not have the time to think too much about the condition of Ye Shun. 

As she needed to do something. 

"Here, I brought this cake…we can eat this," Luo Huian spoke as she infused her spiritual energy inside the cake. Though the spiritual energy absorbed by the cake that she did not make was less than half of what could have been absorbed if she had baked the cake, Luo Huian was willing to take whatever was in her hands at the moment. 

Because if she didn't ——

"He will die," Xiao Bai spoke up after she finished examining the mer, with her spiritual energy. "This mer is so wrapped up in the Aura of gloom that he is not in a good condition."

Luo Huian could see that as well, it seemed like she underestimated the emotions of humans once again. 

'I thought that provoking him would do him some good but it seems like I underestimated the damage he faced while living in this house where he has no existence,' Luo Huian rubbed her head as she thought about how negligent and irresponsible she was once again. 

Ye Shun naturally had no idea what Luo Huian was thinking about. However, when he heard that she wanted to eat the cake that she had bought, he immediately agreed,

"Sure why not?" He picked up the cake box and then picked up the small knife that was sitting in the corner of the table. 

While he was cutting the slices of the cake, Luo Huian tentatively asked, "Just now Mrs Luo seemed to have fainted because she was agitated by something that I said to her. Do you not want to go to her?" 

"She has someone to take care of her, so why should I join in the fun?" Ye Shun answered and the Aura of Gloom in his heart turned even more intense. 

Damn. The frog was truly in the boiling crock, wasn't it? 

Though Ye Shun said such things, he cared for Luo Yeqing but because of some complexities of their relation, he could not bring himself to see her.

'This is not good,' Luo Huian sighed. 

"Here," Ye Shun handed her a piece of cake while taking a bite from the piece of cake that was sitting in front of him. 

Usually, he did not have any appetite to eat anything but now for some reason, after he ate a bite of the cake, Ye Shun felt like taking another bite. 

And another.

Then another…

Soon he had eaten the entire piece of cake. 

"Miss Huian looks like the master is feeling happy with your presence," the mer servant who followed Ye Shun could not help but chime in when he saw that Ye Shun had eaten everything on his small plate. "Usually he only eats one or two bites…maybe if you come every day then——"

"Enough Xiao Bei!" Ye Shun glared at his servant who lowered his head. However, Ye Shun did not say anything much to Xiao Bei as he was worried that Luo Huian would think too much. 

He turned to look at Luo Huian and said to her, "Don't listen to his nonsense, there is no need for you to——"

"Fine, I will accompany you to lunch and tea every day but in return …"
