
Though Luo Huian was growling and snarling like an angry beast, in the eyes of Luo Qingling she resembled a pink rabbit with gem-like pink eyes. 

Extremely cute. 


Luo Qingling gasped inwardly as soon as that thought came into her head, what was she doing? Why did she think that Luo Huian was cute? Fortunately, she did not say anything out loud or else this woman would have raised the sky on her head. 

"Ahem, I am not saying this to tease you. I was just surprised with how quickly you agreed with my suggestion," said Luo Qingling. Inwardly she was happy that Luo Huian had taken her offer without making any sarcastic remarks. 

Luo Huian arched a brow as she casually remarked, "I have no place to go to at the moment, nor do I have the money to rent or buy a place. So why won't I?" 

With that, she neatly placed the card key and the ID card in her bag before turning around to leave. 

She raised her hand in the air and waved a Luo Qingling before bidding her goodbye, "I will see you later, I guess?" 

Luo Qingling watched Luo Huian leave, but she did not stop Luo Huian as at that very moment her phone rang. 

"Yes, Dad?" She answered the call at once as Luo Qingling knew that her daddy would not stay quiet if she was to ignore his call. 

"Where are you, Qing Qing?" Qin Qiu said in a panicked voice. "Your mother fainted and is not waking up, come to the hospital quickly!" 

Luo Qingling sighed, with her hand pushing her hair back, she said, "I got it, I just came home and didn't know that you brought Mother to the hospital. Don't worry, I am coming." 

As she knew that her father was worried, Luo Qingling did not go against his wishes. 

"If you are coming then hurry up," Qin Qiu urged Luo Qingling. "Come to the hospital before Huian, that way you will be able to make yourself look even more filial." 

"Dad… I am coming and you don't need to worry about Huian. She will not be going to the hospital nor will Daddy Ye," Luo Qingling told Qin Qiu as she headed towards the parking lot. 

"How do you know that?" 

Luo Qingling did not answer, instead, she turned to look in the direction where Luo Huian left and murmured in a low voice, "I just know it." 

On the other side, Luo Huian was heading down the street while humming a soft tune. It was the song that she had listened to on television with Pan Delan. 

She was looking at the screen of her phone while wearing a blue tooth earpiece. This was something that Xiao Hei asked her to buy because he didn't want Luo Huian to talk to them and make herself look like a crazy woman. 

Fortunately, Xu Suisui was willing to spend his money on her and did not find it a burden. 

"I have been working next to Xu Suisui for days but the mission doesn't seem to be getting anywhere close to the finish line," Luo Huian said to the two familiars. "What's going on? Isn't Xu Suisui happier than he was in the past? Even the Aura of Gloom in his heart seemed to have decreased by leaps and bounds." 

Xu Suisui seemed to have gotten the peace that he wanted but still, the mission that was handed to Luo Huian was nowhere close to getting finished. 

"There must be something that we might have ignored," replied Xiao Bai. "This generally happens when there is something wrong with the subject of our mission." 

"What can be wrong with that mer when——"

Luo Huian stopped speaking when she saw a few women who were dressed in black suits, standing in front of them. They were wearing sunglasses on their eyes and compared to the bodyguards of the Luo family, they reeked of hostility.

"Hello? How may I help you?" Luo Huian placed the mobile phone in her pants pocket as it was new and she did not want to break it. If it broke, where would she get the money from?

The woman at the front of the group took a threatening step close to Luo Huian. She parted her thin lips and said to Luo Huian, "Miss Luo, you need to come with us as our boss wants to meet you." 

"And who is this boss of yours?" Luo Huian questioned with a tilt of her head. There was a smile on her lips as she said, "I have not fixed any appointment which requires me to visit anyone." 

The bodyguards exchanged a look with one another before one of them took a step close to Luo Huian. She reached her hand forward and then caught hold of the collar of Luo Huian's shirt.

"Listen to me you bitch. You better come with us when we are being polite to you or else!" Her voice was filled with threats and warnings. The rest of the bodyguards jeered and laughed as some of them mocked Luo Huian. 

"Take it easy Miss He," said one of the bodyguards. "She might piss her pants off if you treat her so roughly." 

"Haha, piss her pants? I think she will start crying and begging for mercy," said another one as she looked at Luo Huian. Her gaze was contemptuous as the woman in front of her was just an F-rank hunter. So what if Luo Huian was Luo Qingling's sister? The two of them did not get along at all. 

The bodyguards who were at the lowest of the low status because they were E and D grade hunters, found it quite a lot of fun to suppress Luo Huian who was a rich missy but had no power as she was an F class hunter. 

With Luo Huian lowering her head they became even more bold, they thought that she was scared and was easy to bully. In their eyes, Luo Huian would not dare to fight back. 

And even if she dared to fight back they could easily pummel her to the ground!