Death for sure

"Ah, are you really okay?" The head of the hunter association, Peng He looked at Luo Huian with concern.

Right now, Luo Huian was in a mess. Her delicately arranged hair was scattered all over her back and head like a wild mane, and her makeup was smeared with dust and debris. 

Leaves and small sticks were sticking out of her hair and Luo Huian did not get the time to pull them out of her hair as they were entangled in her pink locks ——the hairdo looked rather comical. 

While Dong Geming was trying her best to pull out the leaves and sticks, she was like a giant bear plucking small stones off the ground almost tearing Luo Huian's scalp.

Of course, Luo Huian was still attracting attention because she looked even hotter with her rugged condition. 

Many mers were blushing upon seeing her halter top slashed on her bosom, which gave them a peek at what Luo Huian had to offer. Not that she was going to offer them anything.