A close call

"What's going on?" A mer hiding inside his house peered out of the window of his bedroom.

Just now his heart was filled with all kinds of gloomy thoughts including the thought of adding poison to his girlfriend's meal for cheating on him.

Though women were allowed to marry three mers, the thing was that his girlfriend promised him that she would not take a mer concubine until three years of their marriage were up. 

She also promised him that her first child would be born by him. 

However, last night she called him and told him that her new boyfriend was already pregnant and asked him to be understanding. 

Seven years of friendship and four years of relationship, the mer felt like it had been fed to a bitch.

From the moment he received his girlfriend's call, the mer had been filled with desperation and with the Aura of Gloom surging inside of his heart, he now wished he could hurt his girlfriend and her new mer boyfriend.