Chapter 3: Famine, Martial arts School

Chapter 3: Famine, Martial arts School

  "Hey, have you heard? These people are all refugees from Yunchen and Chenzhou."

  "Yeah, look, this kid is just a little kid, and he's almost starving to skin and bones! How much suffering he has suffered along the way..."

  "There is a part of Qingzhou between our Yuzhou and these two states! If you calculate it this way, it must be 1,300 to 1,400 miles, and this is still the least!"

  "Alas... the world is like this now..."


  After Gu Changsheng came out of his house, he didn't walk far and found that there were many more refugees on the street.

  They were all dirty, some were still leaning on wooden sticks, with children in their arms, their eyes were numb, and they leaned on the roadside. They were all equally weak, ragged, and skinny.

  Some were lying, some were sitting, and only when they saw someone coming, could they burst out a trace of pleading in their numb eyes.

  Seeing that there was a crowd of people discussing in front of him, he went over and stood at the back of the crowd to listen for a while, and then he basically understood.

  Gu Changsheng frowned, and a piece of news from a few months ago flashed through his mind. In the eighteenth year of Emperor Anping, that is, this year, there was a severe drought in Yunchen and Chenzhou!

  He thought it had nothing to do with Yuzhou, but he didn't expect the situation to be so serious.

  And listening to the discussion among the crowd, in fact, the most important thing is not only natural disasters, but also man-made disasters, otherwise the situation would not be so bad.

  However, everyone was silent, and only dared to say a few words, and then they didn't dare to continue talking. When they looked at each other, they showed sympathetic eyes and sighed from time to time.

  That's what it means. The water here is very deep, and it is hard to grasp. I can't say more, I can only say that I understand.

  It is estimated that many people are like Gu Changsheng, cursing the "dog emperor" in their hearts.

  A sudden heavy rain last night made things worse.

  You can see that many people are lying on the ground, watching more exhalation and less intake.

  "Please be kind, sirs. Please have pity on my family and buy this child so that we can have some rice soup..."

  "Dad, when we get here, no one will chase us away, right?"

  "Mom, I'm so hungry, mom, mom, why don't you say anything, mom..."


  Gu Changsheng reluctantly turned his head away, with a heavy look on his face.

  He sighed quietly to himself, realizing, "During famine, people even turn to cannibalism."

  If you don't experience it yourself, it would be difficult to understand how painful it is behind these seven short words in the history books.


  Suddenly, a cry came from not far away from him, and Gu Changsheng immediately looked sideways.

  I saw that in a refugee family, which should be a family, there was a little girl of seven or eight years old in the family. Although she was starving, her facial features could barely be seen as pretty. She was picked by a wealthy family in the city and bought.

  After paying the money, the buyer had not walked far, and the little girl was still looking back frequently.

  And this cry came from the little girl's mouth.

  Several strong but idle men, obviously from the city's gangs, were smiling and snatching away most of the money that the family had just earned from selling their daughter.

  The lives of refugees are worthless, and in fact, there is not much money in total, just a few dozen copper coins.

  But for refugees, this money is the life-saving money of a family.

  Even so, the city's gangs took away most of it.

  Of course, in name, it is not robbery, but regular money. Commonly known as "protection fee".

  They even robbed the money that refugees earned from selling their children.

  This operation... is really inhumane!

  "Alas..." Gu Changsheng sighed secretly and turned to leave.

  At this moment, his understanding of this world is even deeper.


  Inner city.

  Chuyun Martial Arts School.

  Although there are many martial arts schools of all sizes in Yuzhou City, there are only three famous ones, namely Chuyun, Hanshan, and Benlei.

  They are also called One Palm, One Punch, and One Knife.

  Chuyun Martial Arts School is the one with the lowest fee among the three martial arts schools, and it is also the most suitable for Gu Changsheng.

  Compared with other martial arts schools in Yuzhou City, Cloud Palm is the least harmful to the body among all martial arts schools. Of course, it is also the most difficult to master.

  Perhaps it is for this reason that the fee is relatively low.

  What Gu Changsheng lacks the most is time, and he knows his body very well. Maybe this "relatively" is not so obvious, but this is already his best choice...

The closed red lacquer door looks very tall, and the two majestic stone lions at the door add a bit of solemnity to the martial arts school.

  Gu Changsheng stood in front of the door of the martial arts school, looking at the plaque above his head.

  He exhaled lightly and calmed his emotions.

  He walked forward, stretched out his hand and knocked on the door of the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall.

  "What are you doing?" Soon, the side door was opened with a gap as big as half a body, and a young warrior showed his head and looked at him with scrutiny.

  "I am Gu Changsheng. I heard that the Chuyun Martial Arts Hall has superb martial arts, so I came here to learn martial arts from you!" Gu Changsheng bowed and said politely.

  "Tsk..." The young warrior smacked his lips and muttered to himself: "Why are you so literary..."

He looked at Gu Changsheng up and down again, and made way for him: "Come in."

  Gu Changsheng remained calm, pretending not to hear, and followed him in.

  As soon as he entered the martial arts hall, he saw many shirtless men who were hammering hard at sandbags, wooden stakes, air, and pools.

  The sound of palms breaking through the air! The dull sound of flesh and wood colliding! The sound of hands hitting water!

  For a while, it was endless.

  Following the young warrior through the training ground, they stopped in front of a house.

  "Senior brother, another person wants to learn martial arts from you!"

  The young man knocked on the door and shouted loudly.

  "Come in."

  A sonorous and deep voice came from the house.

  Inside was a small training room, and a figure was facing away from Gu Changsheng and the young warrior who brought him in.

  "Pa pa pa!"

  The hands of the owner of the figure were almost disappearing as he kept slapping a piece of bluestone the size of a human head.

  I don't know if it was an illusion, but Gu Changsheng actually saw beauty in the hands of the big man who was constantly waving!

  It was a kind of beauty that was a bit ethereal and strange...

  After a few breaths, the movements of the owner of the hands finally stopped.

  Without even looking at the bluestone, he took a handkerchief from the side to wipe his hands and turned around.

  "Sinior brother..."


  Just as the young warrior was about to speak, the bluestone the size of a human head suddenly split into four pieces.

  "Hiss..." The young warrior took a deep breath in a very cooperative manner, his face full of admiration, and he stepped forward in a flash, introducing to Gu Changsheng in a very servile manner:

  "See, this is our martial arts school's second senior brother - Qi Xiao, Senior Brother Qi!

  Although Senior Brother Qi is young, he has already entered the ranks of third-rate warriors. He is a master of the Cloud Palm, and is also very famous in the martial arts world of Yuzhou!

  People call him, Qi Xiao, the Tricky Cloud Hand!!"