Chapter 21: Leaving the Mountain

Chapter 21: Leaving the Mountain

  A few years later, it was not only him who made great progress.

  Ye Lan had also grown, and they were both now warriors. His talent even surpassed Gu Changsheng's.

  "Master Han!"

  Just as the meeting ended and Gu Changsheng was about to leave, Ye Lan and Ye Nan, brother and sister, suddenly bowed to him, their heads touching the ground as they respectfully addressed him.

  "I've said I'm not your master."

  Gu Changsheng took off the wine pot tied around his waist, put it to his mouth and drank a sip of wine.

  He was really helpless. Who would be so strong to recognize a master.

  "Master Han has always been my master in my heart."

  Ye Lan bowed again with a sincere look in his eyes:

  "If it weren't for the master's rescue, Ye Lan wouldn't be alive today."

  There was a heartfelt gratitude in his eyes, but it turned into a firmness.

  "Please forgive the disciple for being unfilial. I want to leave the mountain to avenge the extermination of my Ye family in the past!"

  Ye Nan's little head also bowed to him.

  Gu Changsheng sighed and shook his head. He had seen how seriously Ye Lan and Ye Nan had practiced martial arts over the years, especially Ye Lan, who seemed to harbor a deep hatred.

  To be honest, he was not surprised that they wanted to go out of the mountains to take revenge.

  It was just that this time was earlier than he thought.

  Gu Changsheng raised his head and "gulped", drank several big mouthfuls of wine, and sighed.

  He did not persuade them anymore, but just looked at the two and said:

  "Be careful in the martial world, and don't rush into revenge. Think twice before doing anything and always have an escape route. Also, don't mention my name in the martial world."

  He said.

  Though Ye Lan and Ye Nan didn't know his real name, believing him to be "Han Li,"

Gu Changsheng still cherished this alias and didn't want to abandon it quickly.


  Watching Ye Lan and Ye Nan leave the mountains, Gu Changsheng had a feeling that after this separation, they might never meet again in this life.

  At this moment, in his hands, there were still two ancient books.

  Ye Family Fist, Finger-flicking Magic.

  This is what Ye Lan gave him before leaving.

  Ye Family Fist is the boxing method passed down by the Ye Family. The name is unremarkable, and the content is not too profound. It is just a third-rate martial art, at the same level as the Cloud Palm he has now. Although it can be used as a reference, its practical value is limited.

  The other book, the Finger Flicking Divine Art, is a hidden weapon technique.

  It is said that in the blink of an eye, falling leaves and flowers can be used to kill people.

  Looking at the exaggerated description on the first page of the Finger Flicking Divine Art,

  Gu Changsheng seemed to suddenly know why the Ye family was wiped out.

  A man is innocent, but he is guilty of possessing a treasure.

  This is all too common in the martial arts world.

  Therefore, he is determined not to mix in these circles.

  If you're in the martial arts world, how can you avoid getting stabbed?

  If you don't want to get stabbed, don't be in the martial arts world!

  Gu Changsheng currently only knows the Cloud Palm, which makes him a close combat fighter.

  If he learns the Finger Flicking Divine Art, he'll become adept at using hidden weapons.

  At least his ability to save his life will be greatly improved.

  Having this "cheap apprentice" hasn't been in vain after all.

  Gu Changsheng smiled. As for why Ye Lan gave him these two martial arts books before leaving, he could understand it in his heart.

  After all, you can't judge a person's heart by their appearance.

  The Ye family might have been wiped out because of this book of finger-snapping magic.

  No matter how cautious you are, it's never too much.

  If it were him, he wouldn't give away the finger-snapping magic so easily.

  After returning to his home in the deep mountains, Gu Changsheng removed all the disguises on his face, revealing his true face.

  In the reflection on the water, there is a handsome face of a young man.

  Time has not left any traces on his face.

  Youth, in the prime of life!

  Looking at this face, Gu Changsheng is a little uncomfortable.

  Too handsome!


  Silly White raised his head and called out to him.

  Gu Changsheng hugged its head and rubbed it.

  Silly White is also old, and Gu changsheng doesn't know how many more years he can accompany him.

  Silly White was already an adult when he was abducted home by him.

  Now, compared with a few years ago, it is visibly old.

  Time, or the power of time, no one in this world can resist it.

  Except himself!


  Two years later, Silly White passed away.

  Gu Changsheng dug a pit next to his home and buried it.

  From then on, he was the only one left in this deep mountain forest.

  While practicing the Cloud Palm, he practiced the Finger Flicking Divine Art. He also studied medical skills and sometimes read by lamplight at night.

  Half a month after Silly White passed away, he had mastered the Finger Flicking Divine Art.

  In the following years, on his panel, the experience value of the Finger Flicking Divine Art increased with a trend of becoming more and more proficient.

  Time passed quickly in such days.

  Although it was quiet, Gu Changsheng did not feel bored.

  He could feel that he was becoming more and more powerful little by little.

  It was truly captivating! He lost track of how many years he had spent secluded in the mountains.

  When Gu Changsheng had mastered the Finger Flicking Divine Art, he had also practiced the content of the Cloud Palm he had obtained to the end, and his flesh and blood had reached a small success.

  Gu Changsheng counted with his fingers and found that he had been hiding in the mountains for twenty years.

  It took him twenty years to break through from a innferior warrior to a third-rate warrior with a small success in flesh and blood.

  With this talent for martial arts, even dogs would shake their heads.

  Without subsequent skills, it would be useless for him to continue to practice hard.

  As for creating his own skills?

  Gu Changsheng had never thought about it.

  Which martial arts book was not perfected through the efforts of generations.

  If you are not a true genius and want to create your own skills, you should be prepared to die suddenly due to the reflux of Qi and blood.

  Obviously, Gu Changsheng is very self-aware. He does not think he is a genius.

  Even if he really created the skills.

  He dare not practice it even if it is placed in front of him.

  "The chaos outside should be over now, right?"

  Gu Changsheng muttered to himself uncertainly, asking himself.

  He has not known the news of the outside world for so many years. He has no idea what is going on outside.

  Even if the chaos hasn't completely subsided, it's likely nearing its end. After all, enduring such turmoil for many years is unsustainable for people.

  I just hope that the Chuyun Martial Arts School can still be there. As for the master of a second-rate martial artist, please don't die!

  Otherwise, without the follow-up skills of Cloud Palm, he might have to change his practice.

  Gu Changsheng prayed in his heart, wishing the owner a long life.

  But the more he thought about it, the worse it felt. When he was learning martial arts at Chuyun Martial Arts School, the master was already an old man.

  Now that so many years have passed, even if he didn't die in the chaotic world, he must have died of old age, right?

  It's okay, there are still other people in the martial arts hall. It's impossible that all the unlucky people were killed at the same time, right?

  Gu Changsheng changed his clothes and looked outside the deep mountains.

  After twenty years of seclusion, today...

  he came out of the mountains!