Chapter 27: Young People Have No Martial Ethics

Chapter 27: Young People Have No Martial Ethics

As Gu Changsheng was finishing his meal, the people below finally arrived in twos and threes.


Cao Annan, the most ambitious among them, was the fastest to arrive when the meal started.

Seeing Gu Changsheng eating in the dining hall, he immediately stopped running and bowed.

"Sit down and eat,"

Gu Changsheng casually offered, picking up the gourd in front of him.

Then, tying it around his waist, he shook his head and left in a chic manner.

The old man was a bit wild in his youth.

Like him, he never mingled with others.

Practicing martial arts is not something that can be achieved in a day or two.

Instead, it requires a lifetime of hard work and perseverance.

What's the point of fighting for a moment of courage?

There is nothing in the world about which mediocre people worry.

Brother Gourd!

Gu Changsheng touched the gourd on his waist.

Like him, Brother gourd would become more and more interesting as he aged. I'm afraid that only Brother gourd can accompany him all the time.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a sword on him now.

The martial arts he learned and the various sinister thing on him did not make him look like a drunken swordsman, but more like a skilled and deceptive martial artis.



Gu Changsheng spurted out a mouthful of old wine.

He stared at Wu Song in front of him in amazement.

"You made a breakthrough?"

Eight days, In just eight days.

Gu Changsheng didn't know what to say.

Are all geniuses so worthless now?

Or are they all wholesale geniuses from the greenhouse?

He once had a senior brother, Xiao, who was a genius, even more talented than Wu Song.

It was just that he met the wrong person and was truly pitted to death by the master of that generation...

It was really a master and apprentice who both died.

So, in life, it is very important to choose the right leader!

At least, Gu Changsheng would not be like the previous generation's master.

He would never take risks as long as he could.

Remember, safety first!

Following such a master, you would go hungry for nine meals in three days...

Although you might not become rich, it would be absolutely safe. It would be difficult for you to even want to die.

From today on, the martial arts shool had one more official disciple.

Wu Song!

And after Gu Changsheng's "hundred years".

The competition for the next master of the Chuyun Martial Arts School.

Now there was another strong contestant.

It was confusing, and no one knew who would win in the end?

Gu Changsheng faced the sunset, drank a mouthful of sunset and dusk from the gourd, and lay on a bluestone with interest in his heart.

People always had to find something fun to watch when they were alive.

This was also a great interest for those who liked fun.

But be careful not to become the fun.

This was a shame for those who liked fun!

People who liked fun, Gu Changsheng.


"Master, you're looking for me?"

Shao Yue was hurriedly called over after finishing his tasks.

"Take a look," Gu Changsheng handed him a post.

This was an invitation letter from the Zhang family, the wealthiest family in Yuzhou City.

The Zhang family was preparing for a grand auction.

Almost all the famous warriors in Yuzhou City were invited.

The invitation also came with a list of items for the auction.

Gu Changsheng was very excited.

There were many things in it that would be very useful to him.

"But, our martial arts school has no money now, Master."

Shao Yue carefully examined the list on the invitation, frowned, and then looked at Gu Changsheng again.

That look seemed to say, "Master, do you really not know if the martial arts school has any money now, Master?"

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about," Gu Changsheng understood the meaning of his eyes, rolled his eyes, and took out a small box from his arms with great distress. When he opened it, he saw a ginseng that was a hundred years old.

This was one of the most precious medicinal herbs he had obtained in the mountains for so many years.

If it weren't for this auction, he would never be willing to take it out.

Gu Changsheng tilted his head slightly in Shao Yue's eyes. He was afraid that if he looked at it a few more times, he would really be reluctant to give it up.

At this moment, he was so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

Shao Yue took the box containing the hundred-year-old ginseng.

The master of the martial arts school was really going to bleed a lot this time.

He thought to himself.

"You will represent our martial arts school at the auction held by the Zhang family. Put this ginseng up for auction. Also, take all the money in the martial arts hall with you."

Gu Changsheng pretended to be calm and carefree as he instructed.

Born to be useful, I will come back even if I spend all my money!

It's just a few thousand taels of "dung".

Willing to give it up, willing to give it up.

Only by giving up can you gain.

Gu Changsheng finally convinced himself in this way.

"Then what should we buy in auction?" Shao Yue nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked again.

Gu Changsheng stretched out his hand and pointed to a name on the list.

Treading on the Waves.

There was a simple description below this name.


The renowned skill of the Seven Killing Swordsmen from the past, known as "Treading on the Waves," enables one to walk a hundred steps on the waves at its pinnacle, hence its name.

  Gu Changsheng now has the Cliud Palm and the Finger Flicking Divine Arts.

  The Cloud Palm is a first-rate martial art, enough for him to become a first-rate warrior.

  The Finger Flicking Divine Arts is said to have the ability to kill people with falling leaves and flying flowers.

  Obviously, he has a great background.

  One of these two methods can be used for close combat, and the other is for long-range attack.

  But he still lacks a means of escape, and Qinggong can make up for it.

  Normal people, no matter how talented they are, will not learn various martial arts like him.

  Because a person's golden age for martial arts is only a few decades.

  They are all striving to reach a higher level in martial arts as soon as possible.

  There's no time to waste.

Even if they desire to learn, it's usually after the blood and qi in the body begin to decline, making it difficult to maintain the realm of a warrior.

  But a very realistic problem is that if a person's blood and qi in the body have begun to decline, it often means that they are old. How many years will they have?

  So, this is a vicious circle.

  With the exception of Gu Changsheng, anyone who arrives here will face an unsolvable problem.

  He is now increasingly developing into a hexagonal warrior.

  Do you think I am a close combat?

  In fact, I am a long-range shooter.

Do you think I am a long-range shooter?

  In fact, I can also be an assassin.

  Young people don't have martial ethics!

  If the disguise technique that Gu Changsheng had always wanted was available at this auction, he might still be torn between the disguise technique and Qinggong.

  Unfortunately, the disguise technique did not appear at this auction.

  Then he had nothing to worry about.

  If you miss this time, no one knows when the next time will be.

  "Shao Yue, please make sure to take a picture of the 'Treading on the Waves' It will be the foundation of our martial arts school in the future."

  Gu Changsheng did not forget to harbor grand aspirations until the end. However, the vision he painted was not entirely fantastical.

  It can be seen and touched, and can be pursued with confidence.

  The conscience of another world, Gu Changsheng!