Chapter 38: Sister Mu, save me!

Chapter 38: Sister Mu, save me!

  "I feel like something is going to happen."

After a few days of traveling, they passed by a place where a senior from the martial arts world was retiring.

  Gu Changsheng stood behind the crowd and said to Mu Wan, who was wearing a veil beside him.

  "Why do you think so?"

  Most of Mu Wan's face was covered by a veil. Her eyes, like stars, looked at him strangely and asked in a cold voice.

  "Because, in my experience, once you enter the martial arts world, your life becomes fleeting and you lose control over it..."

  Gu Changsheng's tone was faint, and he hadn't finished his words.

  Suddenly, in Mu Wan's astonished eyes, he reached out and held her little hand.

  "Here it come."


  A wild laugh echoed across the empty sky and earth.

  This laugh was very villainous.

  "Feng Xingzi, such a grand ceremony, why didn't you invite your old friend? You won't blame me for coming uninvited, right?"




  Everyone turned and looked around.

Soon, a figure appeared, becoming clearer as it approached from afar.

Behind the figure were many black-clothed men holding knives.

  "Kuang Dao!"

  When he got closer, someone recognized who he was. He was also famous in the Qingzhou martial arts world.

  But he has not appeared in the martial arts world for many years.

  "Kuang Dao, you are not dead?!"

  As the protagonist of today's retirement, Feng Xingzi looked at the ill-intentioned figure with a serious expression and asked directly, shocked.

  "Thanks to you, I was the only one who survived the catastrophe when my sect was wiped out in the past. I joined the Tiandihui, and that's how I managed to break through to become a first-rate warrior today!"

  Kuang Dao's voice was filled with hatred and joy.

  Misfortune is accompanied by blessing, and blessing is accompanied by misfortune.

  Fate is so mysterious!

It's hard to comprehend!


  Everyone present was shocked when they heard the words.

  There was no first-rate warrior present, and the highest was only a second-rate warrior.

  Of course, this was because they didn't know that there was a first-rate warrior like Gu Changsheng.

  But as long as he was not affected, Gu Changsheng would never take action.

  Amidst all the grudges and moral complexities of the martial arts world, filled with fighting and killing, who can truly determine right from wrong?

  "The Tiandihui, an evil cult. You've actually joined this faction and dare to appear so openly. Aren't you afraid that everyone will kill you?"

Feng Xingzi shouted urgently, trying to rally everyone against the common enemy.

  But he was totally overthinking.

  The Tiandihui is similar to the White Lotus Sect in Gu Changsheng's previous life.

  It is a professional rebellious organization.

It could be described as a professional rebel!

Throughout various dynasties and generations, figures associated with the Tiandihui have rebelled.

  Although it has never succeeded, it has faced repeated suppression across various dynasties.

It's also quite mysterious!

No one knows the whereabouts of the Tiandihui's headquarters.

  Although it was labeled as a cult, this is only for the court. For the martial arts world and many warriors in the martial arts world, the Tiandihui is actually no different from those big and powerful sects on the surface.

  "Hahahahahaha... I am evil, a heretic, and anyone can try to kill me! But now, no one can touch me, and as for you, you won't survive today!"

Kuang Dao's voice rang out with triumphant madness as he prepared to exact his long-awaited revenge.

  With all his babbling, he's a perfect candidate for a villain!

If it were Gu Changsheng, he would have acted long ago.

How can someone be so stubborn and incessantly nagging?

Of course, there might be some advantage to him blathering on like this now...

  Gu Changsheng watched the development of the situation in the field with a calm look.

  In his hand, he was still holding a very warm and gentle hand.

  "Everyone who isn't involved, leave quickly! Of course, if anyone wants to step forward, they can stay and meet their end with him!"

After talking for a while longer, he finally began clearing the area.

  But the latter part of this statement seemed nonsensical.

It appeared that blood would soon be spilled here.

All the uninvolved individuals present quickly dispersed.

Gu Changsheng did the same.

  But before he had walked far, he could faintly hear the sound of swords clashing behind him, accompanied by occasional shrill screams.

"The world's ups and downs are shaped by our generation. Once we step into the world, time propels us forward."

  Gu Changsheng recited a poem.

As soon as he looked up, he found Mu Wan's eyes fixed on him.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" Gu Changsheng was perplexed, unable to discern the reason behind her gaze.


  Mu Wan glanced at their hands, still tightly clasped together.

  Although she didn't say anything, the meaning of her eyes was particularly obvious.

  "Sorry, I was worried about you at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to this," Mu Wan said.

Gu Changsheng promptly released her hand, his gesture smooth and natural.

  Mu Wan stared at him for a while, but in the end she didn't say anything.

  "Let's go."

  She still said softly with a little coldness in her voice.

  Gu Changsheng hurried to catch up.


  After encountereing such an incident on their journey.

They continued onward.

Three or four days later, they were nearing Gu Changsheng's destination.

  However, Mu Wan was still on the same road with him. What kind of fate is this?

  It can't be such a coincidence,

  right ?

  As they approached the destination, Gu Changsheng grew increasingly uncertain. Could it be that both of them were heading towards the same place?!

  "Where are you going?"

  Gu Changsheng finally chose to ask her directly and decisively.

  "Tianshui City." Mu Wan said calmly.


  Gu Changsheng took a breath of cold air at that time.

  Sure enough, he said how could it be such a coincidence.

  Their destinations were indeed the same!

  "Are you going to Tianshui City too?"

  Looking at Gu Changsheng's shocked look, Mu Wan tilted her head and asked him curiously.

  "Yes, I have something to do in Tianshui City. Why are you going to Tianshui City?"

  Gu Changsheng nodded, tilted his head to talk to Mu Wan, and asked for information.

  "That's my home, so I'm going home naturally." Mu Wan said calmly.


  Gu Changsheng took another breath of cold air.

  He felt that the cold air he had breathed in the past few decades might not be as much as today.

  He suddenly entertained a possibility. Could it be?

The innate method he sought might actually be with Mu Wan?

There was a warrior who once sought to become blood brothers with him and said:

" I once accidentally witnessed a casual martial artist near Tianshui City."

  That was definitely not a Innate level from the big sects of Xuan Country.

  Because the portraits of these people are circulated everywhere in the martial arts world.

  But the one in Tianshui City is not any of them.

  It is very likely that he is a casual martial artist without any influence or backing.

  Being able to reach the Innate level in martial arts with a casual martial artist's body is a peerless genius!

  I just don't know why he has no reputation in the martial arts world.

  And to reach the Innate level, there must be a Innate method.

  Gu Changsheng originally planned to find this casual martial artist.

   Then wait patiently for the martial artist to pass away from old age, then obtain the Innate method. However, now Mu Wan's home is also in Tianshui City.

  At her age, she can reach the second-rate martial artist.

  It is difficult to have no background and power behind her.

  Gu Changsheng initially thought Mu Wan might be a disciple from a major sect training outside, but now he suspects otherwise. She is very likely...

Gu Changsheng has never felt so insecure in his life.

He even vaguely sensed that there might be a Xiantian martial artist hiding somewhere, silently observing the two of them.

  "Sister Mu, save me!"