Chapter 51: Neither Evil Nor Good, Owing Nothing to Each Other

Chapter 51: Neither Evil Nor Good, Owing Nothing to Each Other

The strands of spiritual energy he refined quickly returned to his Dantian.

The speed of the spiritual energy vortex suddenly accelerated.

As the two spiritual stones in the chamber grew increasingly dim, they gradually turned to powder. However, the spiritual energy vortex in his body expanded outward by a full circle.

After a hundred years of cultivation, Gu Changsheng finally reached the sixth level of Qi refining!

  [Name: Gu Changsheng]

  [Talent: Immortality]

  [Age: 270]

  [Realm: The sixth level of Qi refining]

  [Kung Fu: Hunyuan Five Elements Kung Fu (0/100 of the sixth level of Qi refining)]

  [Spells: Spirit Eye Technique (Perfect) Object Drive Technique (Perfect) Fireball Technique (Perfect) Light Body Technique (Great Success) Spirit Rain Technique (Great Success)]

  However, the spiritual energy in this mortal world is even thinner than he had imagined.

After reaching the sixth level of Qi refining, no matter how diligently he practiced, increasing the spiritual energy in his body proved exceedingly difficult.

It appears that the potential of this mundane spiritual energy has its limits.

Moreover, with time passing, there is a risk of regression

  Gu Changsheng frowned and stood up slowly.

He didn't dare to stand up too abruptly, fearing he might blow away his two 'spiritual brothers.

'Spiritual brothers, how did you end up like this?'

Gu Changsheng carefully collected all the powdered remnants of the two stones that had absorbed all their spiritual energy into a small jade bottle.

In his pursuit to break through the sixth level of Qi refining, it further strained his already impoverished family.

Accustomed to poverty, he had never used spiritual stones for practice before.

Such behavior felt excessively extravagant.

  Looking at the small bottle of powder, Gu Changsheng felt distressed at this moment.

  He seemed to have suddenly gone bankrupt...

  Although he didn't know whether the spiritual stone powder had any effect or what effect it could have, it didn't stop Gu Changsheng from collecting them.

He walked out of the stone room and gazed up at the dazzling sun in the sky.

After counting on his fingers, he realized the earliest seeds he had planted in various places were sown seventy years ago.

It appeared that the harvest season had arrived!

  Gu Changsheng was now akin to a farmer, eagerly anticipating the seeds he had painstakingly planted.

In the end, he didn't know if they could grow into delicious fruits.

What kind of fruits could they bear?


[My name is Monk Haoran. When I was forty years old, I accidentally came across a book on immortal cultivation techniques and embarked on this path of immortal cultivation...


I have wasted my life, and until my death, I am nothing more than a minor Qi training cultivator.

I wish I had sought immortality thirty years earlier!!!]

At the end of the autobiography, the owner wrote with great force.

The ink had even penetrated several layers of paper in this book.

But damn "Monk Haoran".

  Gu Changsheng looked at the name "Zhang Ergou" clearly recorded in his Immortal Seedling Record and was speechless for a moment.

  However, none of this mattered.

  Zhang Ergou, or Master Haoran, was the seventeenth Immortal Seedling.   

  It was also the first seed he had planted, now finally harvested.

This is not to say that the people in front of him have died or perished.

But those who arrived first were evidently immortal seedlings whose time had long passed.

Zhang Ergou's place was the third location he came to

  After carefully checking for half a month, he confirmed that there were no immortal cultivators in the Zhang family now, and Zhang Ergou had indeed died a long time ago.

  The Zhang family, a rural tenant who often went hungry and had no food,

  had become a wealthy family famous in the surrounding area because of Zhang Ergou who returned from cultivating immortals in his later years.

  And Zhang Ergou may have finally had the opportunity to enter the world of cultivating immortals because he had reached the old age of a mortal.

  Or maybe he had placed great hope on the descendants of the Zhang family in the future, hoping that there would be people with spiritual roots. In the autobiography he left behind, he recorded many situations in the world of cultivating immortals in great detail.

  It must be said that this was really helpful to Gu Changsheng.

  The Immortal world that Zhang Ergou went to was in the map he left behind, located in a place in the tens of thousands of miles of mountains in the southwest of Xuan Country.

There was a market for Immortal practitioners.

  Although the certainty of the other two places is not yet established, it has been confirmed that at least one of the three highly suspected places is indeed the Immortal world!


  Gu Changsheng looked at the items placed in front of him, which had been used by Zhang Ergou and then left behind by immortal practitioners.

  There were five spiritual stones with rich spiritual power and Azure Sky Technique with a total of six layers.

  There was also a hoe of unknown material.

  Under the gaze of the spiritual eye technique, there were traces of spiritual power fluctuations on the hoe. Obviously, this was not an item of mortals, but something that only Immortal practitioners could make.

Perhaps, this thing should be called a magic weapon?

  But, isn't this magic weapon too simple!

  It was bumpy and not round at all.

  To be honest, even the workmanship of blacksmiths in the mortal world is much more exquisite than this!

Even the dog shook its head upon seeing it, but Gu Changsheng still placed the hoe into his storage bag wholeheartedly, alongside the five spiritual stones and the Azure Sky Technique that he had copied again.

  Every secret gift already had a price tag marked on the back.

It was all in front of him. If he didn't take it, would he still be considered a human being?

Without him, the Zhang family would not be so wealthy now.

It's very likely he would still be the tenant who often didn't have enough food back then.

  Therefore, he took it with a clear conscience.

  If he didn't take it, he would have a real pit in his mind.

  In Zhang Ergou's autobiography, it was mentioned that killing and robbing in the world of immortal cultivation is no less than in this mortal world.

  Killing and robbing for treasure are normal occurrences in this world.

Gu Changsheng can't remain entirely clean in the mud, but he also can't be completely stained by it.

The most he can do is to be neither good nor evil, and to owe nothing to anyone.


  The seeds he had planted seemed to have gradually entered a 'maturity' stage.

Gu Changsheng spent ten years waiting to harvest a fruit that was about to ripen and fall to the ground.

Ninety-nine immortal seedlings, excluding those that were planted not long ago.

In the end, only one or two of them would return.

After harvesting so many fruits, Gu Changsheng finally figured out the specific locations on his map of the immortal world.

One was the immortal cultivator's market that Zhang Ergou and several immortal seedlings had visited.

It was called Qingyun Market.

The other two were the residences of immortal cultivation families.