Chapter 54: I want to become an immortal, with boundless magical power

Chapter 54: I want to become an immortal, with boundless magical powers

   Immortal cultivators do not necessarily live a more carefree life than mortals.

Flying on swords and riding the wind, vanquishing demons between heaven and earth—

This is not something that low-level casual cultivators like them can even imagine.

  Without entering the world of immortal cultivation, it is difficult to improve your cultivation.

Entering the world of immortal cultivation, you find yourself at the bottom once again.

But fortunately, Gu Changsheng has always maintained a positive mindset.

If a person has no dreams, what is the difference between him and a salted fish?

Qi refining, foundation building, golden core, Nascent Soul...

He will achieve it all one day!

In the past..

He was eighteen years old that year, with only twenty taels of silver in his pocket.

Yet, didn't he also rise to the top of the mortal world?

Born like an ant, one should have lofty ambitions.

Life is as thin as paper, so one should have an unyielding heart!

  On the first day of entering the world of immortal cultivation, Gu Changsheng made a great wish for himself in his heart.

However, the most urgent task was to plant all the spiritual rice seeds first, otherwise he would definitely be hungry next year.

It's easy to feel confident and proud when imagining your ambitions.

But the reality of hunger is a humbling reminder of practical necessities!

  That night.

  Gu Changsheng finally felt the feeling of the power in his body growing stronger again after a long time.

  Although the speed is very slow, it is very stable.

  As a person who has been practicing Qi for hundreds of years, there should not be many people who have a more solid foundation than him, right?


  Time flies, one year later.

  "One year!"

  Gu Changsheng put a big mouthful of spiritual rice into his mouth and almost cried.

Do you know how he got through this year?

  Those who are covered in silk and silk are not silkworm breeders.

  He finally ate the first spiritual rice in his life.

  It was also the spiritual rice he planted himself!

  Because he only showed the spiritual rain technique at the mastery level.

  Therefore, the average yield per acre of his three acres of spiritual fields after one year is only about 1,120 to 1,130 kilograms.

Each acre of spiritual field yields a fixed amount of 1,000 jin to Qingyun Market.

After deduction, less than 400 jin remains.

This amount is worth less than four spiritual stones.

  Just at that moment, the neighbor to his right opened the door.

A figure covered her mouth and yawned as she stepped out.

Seeing Gu Changsheng sitting by the door, gazing at the spiritual field and eating spiritual rice,

Her eyes brightened, and her voice was tender:

  "Hey, fellow Daoist Li, care to come in and play?"

"Hey, don't go! I'll give you half price, just ten broken spirits!"

Gu Changsheng ignored her, bowl in hand, turned around, closed the door in one swift motion.

Witch, don't think about disturbing my Dao heart.

  It's one thing to disrupt my Dao heart, but to covet my spiritual rice?

  That's simply intolerable!

  Gu Changsheng devoured a whole pot of spiritual rice all by himself.

  After eating, he quickly sat cross-legged.

  Digesting the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual rice in his body.

  After a long time, he finally opened his eyes, feeling a bit dissatisfied.

  As good as spiritual rice is, it's not something you can eat every day. You need to have a mine at home to afford this!

  Normally, regular rice should be the staple, with just a bit of spiritual rice added at most.

  Of course, some people blend the bran and husks from rice stalks with the spiritual rice during processing, consuming them together.

Gu Changsheng couldn't tolerate this mixture.

Primarily, it was too coarse for his taste.


  After finishing his meal, Gu Changsheng prepared to visit the market's management office once more.

Drawing from his experience, he intended to cultivate two additional acres of spiritual fields this year.

His aim was to ensure a richer harvest next year compared to the current one.

  He carefully passed through the planting area of ​​the spiritual fields in the east and entered the market.   

  Just as Gu Changsheng was about to go in, he saw a figure flying on a sword in the sky.

  However, it disappeared quickly before his eyes. The figure had already landed on the mountaintop in the market that resembled a sharp sword.

  "Foundation-building master!"

  Flying on a sword, this is what a foundation-building master can do.

  Gu Changsheng respectfully watched the figure leave, but suddenly a feeling arose in his heart that a real man should be like this.

  Human desires are endless. When he was just an ordinary person, he wanted to become a warrior. After becoming a warrior, he wanted to become a third-rate warrior, a second-rate warrior, a first-rate warrior...

  Later, he saw a cultivator with his own eyes.

  He wanted to become a cultivator again, and after achieving that, he aspired to ascend to higher levels of cultivation and realms.

In essence, he simply aimed to reach the highest point step by step... step by step!

  Be a complete "tyrant", and no one can bully him.

  Of course, this was just what Gu Changsheng thought to himself.

His demeanor remained ordinary, devoid of any expression.

"I wonder when I'll be able to establish my foundation," he mused.


  It is rumored that Qingyun Market, situated on the second-level peak spiritual vein, possesses such a formation. When coupled with the oversight of late-stage foundation cultivators, it is said to be capable of repelling ordinary Golden Core cultivators.

Whether this rumor holds true remains to be verified.

  Anyway, Gu Changsheng didn't know much about it, so he let Manager Han boast.

The request to "lease" two more acres of spiritual fields was quickly approved by Manager Han.

He even suggested that Gu Changsheng consider planting a few additional acres of spiritual fields.

  But he was rejected by Gu Changsheng.

  Five acres of spiritual fields have already consumed a significant amount of his time.

  I wonder if those who plant ten or more acres of spiritual fields are also driven to the point of exhaustion!

  They seem to be willing to sacrifice everything for farming! Who wouldn't admire such dedication?

  Yes, this familiar feeling reminded Gu Changsheng of his days in the mortal world. Perhaps he picked up this mindset from the world of immortal cultivation.

  He pondered why it all felt so familiar.

  Am I just another diligent leek?


  In the market, besides those regular shops with stores, there are also many areas where casual cultivators set up stalls.

  But things in this area are a mixed bag. There are genuine and counterfeit items, and discerning between them relies on your keen eyesight.

Gu Changsheng has visited here a few times but has never made a purchase. He doesn't consider his eyesight better than that of others.

Buyers are often not as astute as sellers. Remember, not everything that seems like a windfall is truly a blessing. It could be a trap!

His primary aim is to broaden his knowledge.

  There are indeed many talented individuals here, which has broadened his horizons.

For the knowledge in the world of immortal cultivation, even the most basic information hasn't been formally taught to him. He can only absorb and understand it gradually.

At least, after visiting a few times, he has become familiar with numerous items in the world of immortal cultivation.

There's also a lot of strange knowledge that he has gained, increasing his understanding significantly. The joy of acquiring this kind of knowledge freely is irresistible!

  "Magic weapon for sale! A first-class medium-grade masterpiece crafted by Master Ouyang Zhi. Brand new and unblemished, its hardness rivals that of a first-class high-grade magic weapon!"

  "Pills for sale! Rejuvenation pills, the ultimate choice for cultivators, healing wounds, and restoring mana!"

  "Talismans for sale! First-class and lower-middle-grade talismans available. Throw the talisman when you encounter an enemy, let the enemy consume mana first, then attack, wouldn't it be easy to capture the enemy?"