Chapter 57: Gu Changsheng sense of crisis

Chapter 57: Gu Changsheng sense of crisis

  Gu Changsheng inspected his underground base with satisfaction.

  He casually cast a few fossilization spells on the stone wall.

  The underground floor can serve for fermenting wine and storing food and supplies.

  The safe house is temporarily empty, and can also be used to practice some spells.

  Passing through the long tunnel, he returned to the ground hut.

  The entrance is under the bed, and only one person can enter at a time.

  Perhaps it's not very discreet, and people might not easily find this entrance.

But once used, it will certainly prove to be very convenient.

  Gu Changsheng put a pot of porridge mixed with some spiritual rice on the fire to cook.

  He pushed open the door and walked out.

  He didn't like staying in this small wooden house all the time.

He always liked to be alone, often sitting at the door of his house, looking at the lush and prosperous spiritual fields at the door, the sky, and this world of cultivation.

  Because staying in this small wooden house with a total area of ​​less than ten square meters, he would feel a little depressed, which might not be conducive to his state of mind for cultivation.

  The wooden house can naturally be expanded, but generally no one would do so.

  Because the wooden house is built bigger, naturally your spiritual field will be relatively smaller.

  These wooden houses are all built in their own spiritual fields.

  No matter how big your house is in Qingyun Market, the standard of one mu of spiritual field and one thousand kilograms of spiritual rice per year will not change.

  In comparison, the size of the wooden house is not unacceptable.

  The growth of spiritual rice this year is still very good, and it is estimated that it will be another bumper year.

  With five mu of spiritual fields, your share will amount to at least 600 kilograms of spiritual rice, roughly equivalent to six spiritual stones.

  Farming for another fifty years, a talisman master's inheritance can be obtained.

  You hunt, I farm, and we will both have a bright future.

  In short, the future is promising!


  The neighbors on both sides are now keeping their doors closed.

  This is also normal.

  The female cultivator on the right is a night owl.

  During the day, she is either practicing or catching up on sleep at night.

  And Liu Daoyou on the left, it is estimated that he teamed up with others to hunt monsters outside the market, and he has not returned yet.

  But, is it that easy to hunt monsters?

  Gu Changsheng thought to himself, but he frowned secretly.

  Liu Changqing has been teaming up with others to hunt monsters recently.

  Moreover, he has almost never returned empty-handed.

  His few acres of spiritual fields are almost abandoned by him.

  If hunting monsters is really that easy,

  then no one will work hard to farm.

  Gu Changsheng felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, after all, he didn't have much information at the moment.

There can't be a beast tide outside Qingyun Market, right?


  Gu Changsheng was shocked by his own guess.

  But it's not impossible!

  In the history of Qingyun Market in the past few hundred years, there have been as many as three beast tides.

  Generally, they were organized by the third-level monsters who were not happy with them.

  The third-level monsters are equivalent to the human Golden Core cultivators.

  If there is indeed a beast tide brewing, then outside the market is already very dangerous, with potential danger lurking everywhere.

But, could it really be just a coincidence?

He had only been in Qingyun Market for a little over a year, and he had already encountered it?

  Of course, all of this is just his guess.

  Whether there is a beast tide or not is still uncertain.

  But fortunately, he has dug a secret passage, which brings a little sense of security.

  Gu Changsheng frowned and sat at the door, lost in deep thought for a long time.

Until a burnt smell reached him.

"Oh no, the porridge is almost burnt!"

Gu Changsheng sadly finished a large pot of burnt rice porridge.


  A few days later, Liu Changqing finally came back with a happy face.

  Gu Changsheng learned that his harvest from this trip to the market was really not small.

  A team of five people hunted three first-level monsters.

  It is estimated that he has more than 20 spirit stones in his hands.

  Although Gu Changsheng congratulated him with a smile on the surface, his heart suddenly sank.

  If his previous guess had only less than one level of possibility.

  Now, there is a possibility of up to five levels!

  Rounding it off, this means that the beast tide is bound to come!

  Gu Changsheng hurried back to his home and began to count his current things.

  He had no magic weapon, and his only means of attack were the perfect fireball technique and a stack of offensive talismans in his storage bag.

  It was indeed too simple.

  He had been thinking about saving money and learning the way of talisman in the Four Arts as soon as possible, but now it seemed that he might have to postpone it for a while.

  The spiritual stones in his storage bag could no longer be saved.

  Gu Changsheng was going to spend them all to prepare for the coming beast tide.

  Perhaps there was no beast tide at all, and he was just worrying about nothing.

  But Gu Changsheng would never bet on this possibility.

  Besides, it wasn't like all the spiritual stones disappeared after they were spent.

  They just stayed with him in a different way.

  I was born to be resourceful, and I'll regain it all, even if it means spending every last coin!

  In fact, he had another choice, which was to run away.

  Qingyun Market might be hit by a beast tide.

  Then he could just run away from Qingyun Market and live somewhere else?

  Gu Changsheng was not stupid, so he naturally thought of this option.

  However, if he were outside Qingyun Market now...

If there is indeed a beast tide brewing,

If he flees at this moment, he may encounter not just a first-stage late-stage monster beast, but possibly even a second-stage monster beast.

In fact, this possibility is not very small.

  Even if Qingyun Market, backed by the Origin Sword Sect, faces the onslaught of the beast tide, its destruction is unlikely.

  Relatively speaking, it may be safer.

  This may be the version of the world of cultivation, the most dangerous place is precisely the safest place.


  The market is still sunny and the years are quiet.

  Just like the past, there is almost no difference.

  Gu Changsheng almost began to doubt whether his sense of crisis was too strong and there was no beast tide brewing at all.

  However, he shook his head and still confirmed his guess.

  He was not moved by other people or any external senses.

His Dao heart was as firm as a rock.

  Such a person is a good seedling for being a villain!

  If he still had money now, Gu Changsheng would even consider hoarding a batch of scarce resources, but unfortunately he didn't.

  One for attack and one for defense, two first-grade inferior magic weapons, had already left his storage bag empty. He could only look at these resources and sigh.

  Perhaps, he missed a chance to make a fortune.

  Because of the lack of capital!