Chapter 69: Return to Qingyun

Chapter 69: Return to Qingyun

  This time when I return to the world of immortal cultivation, I should seriously prepare for the foundation building.

  He is now at the eighth level of Qi refining, which is not too far from the foundation building, at least not the distance that is still out of reach as imagined.

  Between the eighth level of Qi refining and the foundation building, there is only the ninth level of Qi refining and perfection.

  And perfection cannot be said to be a separate level.

  Seriously speaking, Qi refining perfection also belongs to the ninth level of Qi refining.

  However, in the Qi refining period, there is no more progress to make, which is usually called the perfection state.

  "In this life, I will be called... Ye Fan."

  Muttering, the figure was like a bird, as light as a falling feather.

  Without looking back, he jumped over the treetops.

  Behind him, the lush mountains were getting farther and farther away.


  "Fellow daoist, please stay!"

  Are the newcomers in the world of immortal cultivation so fierce now?

  Gu Changsheng squeezed his hand in his sleeve calmly.

  He changed his position several times but still couldn't shake off these three people.

It's evident that the fellow daoist deserved this disaster.

Looking at the figure approaching in front, with two others flanking him on the left and right.

  This situation couldn't be more obvious.

  Someone is looking for a way out. Damn it!

  He has encountered a robbery cultivator. It's really rare to see this in one's lifetime!

  But these three people don't seem to have good luck. They are just three mid-stage cultivators, yet they are attempting to rob him, a late-stage great cultivator.

  Gu Changsheng calmly pasted a few more light body talismans on himself, and he was still holding a few fireball talismans in his sleeves.

  The defensive spell "Spiritual Armor" was ready to go at this time.

  It can be used instantly for defense at any time.

  As he got closer and closer to the figure in front of him.

  Gu Changsheng didn't intend to give him a chance to talk nonsense.

  In this situation, he wouldn't believe it if he said it was a misunderstanding!

  He pulled his hand out of his sleeve.

  He injected a trace of spiritual energy into a few talismans.

  Towards him, the figure was coming towards him.

  Several talismans were thrown into the air, and in an instant, several hot fireballs the size of a human head emerged and smashed towards the figure of the monk.

  At the same time, a translucent light curtain instantly protected Gu Changsheng.

  This is the defensive spell, the spiritual armor spell!

  And his true cultivation was also exposed at this time.

  It turned out that he was a great cultivator of the eighth level of Qi refining who had reached the late stage of Qi refining!


The monk who was facing him saw several activated fireball talismans and Gu Changsheng's current cultivation, and his face suddenly changed drastically.

  "Fellow daoist, you misunderstood!"

  The monk dodged in a panic and shouted loudly.

  Unfortunately, Gu Changsheng ignored him.


  The scene of the fireball exploding was extremely visually impactful.

  Earth and rocks flew, and flames shot out.

  There was even a sign that the soil was slightly melting after the explosion.

  It can be seen that the temperature of the fireball was very high at the moment of the explosion.

  The fireworks had not yet dissipated, and he was not even prepared to confirm it again.

  Two cold sword lights flew towards the center of the fireball explosion.

  The two deadly sword shadows flew, one green and one gold.

  The green one was a first-level low-grade magic weapon, a legacy of Qingyang monk.

  And the golden one was a magic spell, the Golden Sword Technique.

  "Eighth level of Qi refining!"

  "Late stage of Qi refining!"

  The cultivator at the sixth level of Qi refining who was waiting in front was killed by Gu Changsheng's concentrated fire first, and the two cultivators behind him finally arrived now.

  Looking at the situation in the field, the two were horrified.

  Then, in tacit understanding, they turned around and ran without looking back.

  They didn't even plan to say a harsh word!

  "Can you run away?"

  Gu Changsheng looked back at the two cultivators who were at the fifth level of Qi refining.

  Six more talismans suddenly appeared in his hand.


  "Huh... This time it's really dangerous, there's really no trump card left!"   

  Gu Changsheng sorted out the spoils he had obtained.

  Three first-class inferior magic weapons.

In fact, he didn't even know how many owners these magic weapons had changed hands among.

It seemed even more extravagant than his floating shadow sword back then.

  Less than fifty spirit stones, and some materials from monsters.

  It can be seen that these three people are probably not the monster hunting team in the market.

  They just do part-time work to rob cultivators in secret.

  This is normal. Outside the market is a lawless place.

  There is no order, the weak are the prey of the strong, and it is very chaotic.

  Although the market may not be much better.

  But as long as there is order, it will always be better than no order. In total, only more than a hundred spirit stones were looted from the three people.

  And this is almost the normal fortune of a casual cultivator.

  There was a fire behind him.

  Gu Changsheng left quickly with an expressionless face and calm eyes.

  The murderer is Ye Fan.

  If he doesn't leave now, someone may come to check.

  Gu Changsheng casually opened up a cave, replenished his mana, and then continued to rush towards Qingyun Market.

  These three people are really clever.

  There are only a few hundred miles to the east of the market, where can there be any monsters?

  I'm afraid that in addition to hunting monsters, they will also specifically hunt new cultivators.

  This is a behavior that is despised by everyone in the world of immortal cultivation.

  It's like a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouts and beats it.

  Of course, the same applies to robber cultivators. In fact, they become accustomed to forsaking moral integrity.

The world is cold, and people's hearts are not as good as they used to be.


  After a lapse of ten years, Gu Changsheng returned to Qingyun Market again.

  His current cultivation and realm are only the fourth level of Qi refining.

He also used the alias Ye Fan, but he was in his twenties and his appearance could only be said to be average.

  The purpose of this identity is just to earn more spirit stones.

  The foundation-building pill is worth 20,000 to 30,000 spirit stones.

  For a talisman master, I'm afraid it will take a hundred years, or even hundreds of years, to earn this.

  Apart from him, no other Qi-refining cultivator could earn this amount.

  So, among the casual cultivators, apart from those lucky ones who got lucky,

  few people broke through by taking the foundation-building pill.

  Most people broke through by desperately trying.

  Gu Changsheng now has a guaranteed chance of three levels of foundation-building success.

  If, add the three levels brought by the foundation-building pill,

  There's a 60% chance of success.

Moreover, it ensures that failure won't be fatal, making the odds quite favorable.

  He will be one foundation-building pill away from building a foundation.

  As for the perfection of the Qi-refining period, it is only a matter of time.

  Even if he patiently endures the passage of time, he will eventually achieve perfection in Qi-refining in a few decades!

  There is nothing else to say,

One word: profit.

Two words: earn spirit stones!

  The former manager Han has long been dead, and Gu Changsheng re-certified his new identity at the management office of the market.

  On the front of the sign is the spirit plant husband, and on the back is the talisman master.

  That's right, he "contracted" another three acres of spiritual fields.

  Of course, it is only three acres, and he does not plan to have more.

  Because the spiritual plant cultivator can be exempted from the annual spiritual stone input into the market.

  Moreover, the spiritual field can be self-sufficient, and there is also a small house to live in.

  As for the talisman master, it is just a certification of this identity.

  There is no preferential treatment.

  This can save him dozens of spiritual stones every year.

  Dozens a year, hundreds of ten years, thousands of a hundred years.

  Besides, he has almost become accustomed to farming.

  If he comes to the market and does not farm, he always feels that something is missing.