Chapter 76: Sun and Moon as Seals, Mountains and Rivers as Answers

Chapter 76: Sun and Moon as Seal, Mountains and Rivers as Answers

  On the way back, Gu Changsheng also went to hunt wild beasts.

  It wasn't a special kind, but he just happened to encounter one.

  A low-level first-level monster, a roasted pig.

  And it was a whole family of roasted pigs, two big and one small.

  It was the kind of monster meat he often ate in the market.

  It took up half of the empty storage bag to put it all in.

  Now he has three storage bags, and he is almost a three-bag elder.

  Just these three monsters are enough for him to set up a stall and sell talismans for two or three months.

  There are always various things to tempt him, but it is impossible for him to hunt monsters. Only by setting up a stall and selling talismans can he barely make a living.

  "The king asked me to patrol the mountains, I will go around the world."

  "Beat my drum, beat my gong..." "


  The Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers Seal, this name is quite domineering.

  The left is the sun, the right is the moon, and the top is carved with mountains and rivers.

  The sun and the moon are the seal, and the mountains and rivers are the answers.

  The vast spiritual energy poured out from Gu Changsheng's hands, stained with his spiritual energy, and constantly refined this seal that seemed to be only the size of a fist.

After buying such a first-class offensive and defensive magic weapon, he now only has more than 2,000 spiritual stones left.

  This is all the wealth he has accumulated in all these years of cultivation.

  The underground, the safe house.

  As his spiritual energy kept washing and refining,

  the aura stained on this magic weapon became more and more.

  The spiritual light flickered, and the pressure became stronger.

  Gu Changsheng pinched the seal with both hands, and his eyes were fixed on the seal in his hand.

  The light was colorful and not like an ordinary thing.

  He suddenly put away the hand that was pinching the seal.

  The seal of the sun, moon, mountains and rivers stayed on the half finger of his right hand.

  "Go." Gu Changsheng said lightly.

  The seal quickly grew larger and floated in the center of this safe house.

  The power contained in it seemed very terrifying.

  Gu Changsheng himself could feel it.

  With a full-strength blow, it is no problem to smash half of the hill.

  His sleeves fluttered, moving without wind.

  Gu Changsheng waved his hand, and the Sun, Moon, Mountains and Rivers Seal quickly shrank again, into a fist shape, and was held in his palm and put into the storage bag.

  He pushed open the door, and his figure in a moon-white Taoist robe stood at the door of his house.

Outside the door, Mount Lingshan, under the setting sun.

   One figure after another was busy casting spells in the spiritual field to make rain.

   It was full of the worldly atmosphere of the world of immortal cultivation.

   It seemed to be no different from the past. 

  However, one person's figure was missing without knowing it. 

  "Little brother Ye Fan, I want to eat meat, braised pork..." 


   The white-haired fisherman and woodcutter on the river bank are used to seeing the autumn moon and spring breeze.

   Many people's stories may be very exciting. For him, this is like a gourd of precious old wine, which is also worth savoring occasionally. 

  But the past should be left in the past.   The figure in the moon-white Taoist robe shook his wide sleeves. 

  He walked into his own cabin again. 

  It's a rare opportunity to hunt a monster, so let's have a good meal tonight. Let's   make braised pork. 


   Qingyun Market Talisman Master Guild. 

  After so many years, Gu Changsheng has become an old man in the guild. 

  It's another annual exchange meeting.

He sits downstairs and talks with people. 

  From time to time, he enjoys a sip of spiritual tea.

   And the person who is communicating with him is Bu Denglou.   

  Bu Denglou is now a first-class talisman master.

  There are not many such people in the talisman master guild.

  Not everyone has the talent to become a first-class talisman master. If you don't have enough talent, you can barely become a talisman master by Spending spirit stones.

  But if you want to continue to climb in the way of talismans, you still have to continue spending.

  This behavior is no longer worth it!

  Maybe, you can't even make money from the spirit stones you spend in your life.

  If you don't have a mine at home and have too many spirit stones to spend, no one would play like this.

  And Gu Changsheng seems to be quite talented in the way of talismans.

  There are much stronger spiritual roots than him.

  After many years, Gu Changsheng is no longer the newbie he was when he first came.

He talks and laughs with people, and his knowledge of talismans is quite professional.

  It's sad to talk about it.

  All this knowledge was carefully and seriously sorted out by him bit by bit.

  This is how casual cultivators are.

There are rarely people to teach them, and they rely on themselves to explore.

  The Talisman Master Guild in Qingyun Market has indeed provided him with a lot of conveniences in acquiring knowledge.

  Whether in the mortal world, the world of immortal cultivation, or other worlds, knowledge is always a valuable asset.

  As usual, after the exchange meeting, the talisman masters present started an exchange meeting.

  The rules of the exchange meeting are different from those of the auction.

  One by one, you have to go up and exchange what you need.

  If you don't have anything you want to exchange, you can sit down and watch.

  The first few items are nothing too surprising.

  They are nothing more than some spiritual medicines, ores, pills, and talismans.

  But after an old and frail first-level high-quality talisman master went up,

  Gu Changsheng's eyes suddenly paused.

  "Second-level talisman, Skyfire Talisman!"

  Some cultivators present looked at the talisman and suddenly exclaimed.

  "That's right, fellow Daoist, you have good eyesight."

  The old man pinched the talisman between his fingers, showed it to all the cultivators present, and then sighed softly and said:

  "This second-level talisman, the Sky Fire Talisman, is a prized possession of my Zhong family. I am looking to trade it for second-level spiritual water, like the Spiritual Water, or other spiritual items that assist cultivators in their foundation-building."

  "..." The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became quiet for some reason.

  No one spoke for a long time. Finally, a cultivator couldn't help but curl his lips and said, "How can a mere second-level talisman be exchanged for these things?"

  For cultivators, spiritual objects that can assist in breaking through the foundation

are already very rare, and any one of them will not be less than a thousand spiritual stones.

  Although second-level talismans are also rare in this Qingyun Market, no matter how rare they are, they are also valuable. A second-level talisman is still of low quality, and at most it is only about four or five hundred spiritual stones.

  The old man above didn't feel embarrassed when he heard this.

  Obviously, this face must have been tempered by thousands of hammers.

  In this world of immortal cultivation, there are some people who are thin-skinned, but they are indeed rare.

  In the end, this second-level low-grade talisman, the Sky Fire Talisman, was bought by Gu Changsheng at the price of 600 spirit stones.

  The reason why he paid so much spirit stones was because several talisman masters competed with him for the auction.

  The second-level talisman can serve as a reference for the first-level talisman masters.

  As for whether it is useful or not, it all depends on one's own understanding.

  And Gu Changsheng is naturally not just to simply understand something from this second-level talisman, but also to accumulate some trump cards for himself.

The more trump cards, the better.

  This Sky Fire Talisman is equivalent to a blow from a foundation-building cultivator.

  For him, this opportunity is naturally not to be missed.

  Brother Gu is naturally cautious and resourceful.