Hatred towards the society

The morning sun cast a pale light on the room, but it couldn't dispel the darkness that shrouded Robert's eyes. Jarvis sat across from him, his concern etched on his face.

"Robert, why do you hate this society so much?" Jarvis asked, his voice gentle.

Robert's gaze drifted away, his eyes clouding over like a stormy sky. "I had a sister, Anna," he began, his voice cracking. "She was kind, gentle, and the closest person to me. We weren't rich, just a middle-class family living from paycheck to paycheck, but we were happy. Life was simple, and the days passed smoothly..."

Jarvis leaned forward, sensing the pain that lurked beneath Robert's words.

"...until the day of tragedy, the day I became disillusioned with this society." Robert's voice faltered, and he paused, collecting his thoughts.

Jarvis waited, his heart pounding in anticipation.

"It was a night like any other," Robert continued, his voice laced with anguish. "Anna and I were walking home from the market. A group of drunk men started following us, their laughter and catcalls echoing through the streets. We were running, trying to escape, but they kept following. We even ran into a crowded place, but they rounded us, trapping us. They were trying to rape Anna, and I knew it. I shouted, screamed for help, but everyone just watched. They did nothing."

Jarvis's eyes widened in horror as Robert's words painted a vivid picture of that fateful night. He could almost hear the sound of Robert's desperate cries for help, the laughter of the drunken men, and the silence of the bystanders.

"I was desperate, so I took matters into my own hands. I found a knife nearby and started stabbing those men. I stabbed them in the eye, neck, chest... everywhere. I was enjoying it, and my sister stopped me. The police arrived, and they asked who the killer was. No one said a word about the men trying to rape my sister. In that moment, I was the villain, and no one cared about what had almost happened to Anna."

Jarvis felt a lump form in his throat as Robert's words dripped with anguish. He could sense the helplessness, the desperation, and the anger that had driven Robert to take matters into his own hands.

"I got arrested, and Steve's father was the only one who helped me. That's when I realized that in this world, no one will help you in your time of need. They'll just stand by and watch. I decided then and there that I wouldn't care about anyone except my family and Steve."

Robert's eyes seemed to bore into Jarvis's soul, as if daring him to disagree.

"But, Robert, that's not true," Jarvis protested, his voice soft. "There are good people out there, people who care."

Robert's laughter was bitter, a cold, mirthless sound. "You think so, do you? Well, let me tell you, Jarvis, everyone only needs a small incident to become famous. They'll film it, post it online, and no one will care about the people involved. They'll just want entertainment. I saw the faces of those men that night, laughing, talking, enjoying the show. They were happy, evil, and I wanted to kill them all."

Jarvis felt a shiver run down his spine as Robert's words conjured up images of that horrific night. He could almost see the faces of the men, their eyes gleaming with malice, their smiles twisted with cruelty.

"I was about to kill everyone there, but I realized it was a waste. Nothing would change because of it. So, I carried on with my day-to-day life, but the anger, the hatred, it never went away. It just simmered beneath the surface, waiting to boil over."

The room fell silent once more, the only sound the heavy breathing of two men, one lost in his past, the other trying to understand the depths of his pain. Jarvis's eyes met Robert's, and for a moment, they shared a connection, a sense of empathy that transcended words.

In that moment, Jarvis knew that Robert's story was one of tragedy, of loss, and of disillusionment. It was a story that would haunt him for the rest of his life, a reminder of the darkness that lurked in the shadows of society.

Jarvis's words still lingered in the air, "But, Robert, there are good people in this society." Robert's response was a cold, mirthless laugh.

"Really, Jarvis? Let me show you the truth," Robert said, his eyes gleaming with a malevolent intensity.

He led Jarvis to a crowded market, where two beggars stood out among the throng. Robert's eyes locked onto them, and with a subtle nod, he exercised his mind control. The beggars, now under his thrall, set out to commit a heinous act.

One of them snatched a purse from an elderly lady, while the other stole from a young, beautiful woman. The market erupted into chaos, with people rushing to help the victims. Robert turned to Jarvis, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Now, Jarvis, who do you think will get help first? The old lady or the young woman? Or perhaps they'll help both?"

Jarvis's eyes widened in horror as he realized the true nature of Robert's experiment. "I...I think they'll help both," he stammered.

Robert's laughter was like a crack of thunder, shaking the very foundations of Jarvis's soul. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Oh, Jarvis, you're so naive. Watch and learn."

The crowd, drawn to the commotion, began to gather around the young woman. They fawned over her, offering words of comfort and assistance. The old lady, meanwhile, was left to cry out in desperation, her pleas for help falling on deaf ears.

Jarvis's face contorted in disgust as he realized the truth. "I don't understand," he whispered, his voice trembling with rage.

Robert's eyes gleamed with a malevolent light. "It's simple, Jarvis. They're not helping her out of kindness. They're helping her because she's young, beautiful, and they want to get close to her. They want to fuck her, to date her, to possess her. And she, in turn, is willing to cheat on her husband, to abandon her child, all for the sake of attention and wealth."

Look Jarvis she is enjoying as some stranger who just helped her from the robber and just because he is rich she is letting him fuck her she is even enjoying the sex look how much she is moaning and abandoning her children and husband

Jarvis's eyes felt like they were burning with anger as he watched the scene unfold. The young woman, still shaken, was now laughing and flirting with one of her rescuers. They exchanged numbers, and soon, they were walking hand in hand, leaving the old lady to her tears.

Robert's voice was like a rusty gate, scraping against Jarvis's eardrums. "This, Jarvis, is the true face of society. They don't care about the old, the weak, or the vulnerable. They only care about themselves, their desires, and their selfish needs."

The scene shifted, like a nightmare unfolding before Jarvis's eyes. Robert used his time travel abilities to transport them to India, to a grave that seemed to hold a dark secret.

"Look, Jarvis," Robert said, his voice dripping with venom. "This is the grave of a young woman who dared to speak out against the prime minister's religious wars. She was raped, killed, and her parents were murdered in front of her. And what happened? Nothing. No one cared. No one gave a damn."

The rage burning within Jarvis threatened to consume him whole. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of hatred, with no lifeline in sight.

The scene shifted again, to a sports car crashing into a bike, killing two people on the spot. The driver, a rich kid, was let off with a slap on the wrist, forced to write a 300-word essay as an apology.

Jarvis's mind reeled with the injustice of it all. "This is how cursed this society is," Robert spat, his eyes blazing with fury. "Rapes happen every day, and what's the punishment? A few years in jail, maybe. But if you're rich, you can get away with anything. You can kill, rape, and plunder, and no one will dare to stop you."

The final scene was like a punch to the gut, leaving Jarvis gasping for air. A group of children, no more than ten years old, were being led away by a group of men, their faces twisted with cruelty.

"This, Jarvis, is the true face of humanity," Robert said, his voice dripping with hatred. "They don't care about the innocent, the weak, or the vulnerable. They only care about their own desires, their own pleasures. And we, the ones who are supposed to protect them, are too busy fighting over petty differences to care."

The darkness closed in around Jarvis, suffocating him with its crushing weight. He felt like he was trapped in a never-ending nightmare, with no escape in sight. The rage burning within him threatened to consume him whole, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

See Jarvis how much they have destroyed by creating different gender just because some higher government manipulating them as people blinded and just followed it and now they have like 100 of genders which is known as lgbtq as now they even cursing the gods.

"As saying gods also having different genders and now the generation is so cursed Jarvis this is why"

"The world is a twisted place, Jarvis," Robert said, his voice laced with disgust. "You can't trust anyone anymore. That's why I've decided to stop helping people. There are too many incidents, too many examples of humanity's depravity."

Jarvis looked at Robert, his eyes filled with a deep understanding. "I see, Robert. I've been blind to it all these years, coming from a different universe and all. But now I understand your hatred towards society, your reasons for abandoning it."

Robert nodded, his expression grim. He flew back to his home, had dinner with his family, and then retired to his bed. But Jarvis's mind was still reeling from the revelations.

As he walked through Robert's mind, the scenery around him began to change. The lush green forests turned a deep, bloody red. The lakes, once crystal clear, flowed with blood. And in the distance, a figure emerged, covered in blood, walking towards Jarvis with an ominous purpose.

"I will destroy everything," the figure growled, its voice echoing in Jarvis's mind.

Jarvis trembled with fear, unsure of what he was seeing. But he knew that it was a glimpse of something catastrophic, something that would bring about the end of creation.

The scene transitioned from the mortal realm to the ethereal expanse of the Gods' Palace, a sanctum beyond the reaches of time and space. Here, the deities of countless universes convened, their presence a symphony of radiant light and cosmic energy. The palace itself, forged from the essence of stars and the breath of the void, shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

Today, the palace was filled with an unusual tension. The gods had gathered for an urgent meeting, their usually serene faces marked with worry. At the head of the grand hall, the High God, a figure of boundless authority and power, stood with a grave expression.

"Guardians of the cosmos," the High God's voice echoed, silencing the murmurs that had filled the hall. "We face a crisis unprecedented in our eternal watch. Our brother, the Wishmaker, has disappeared."

A collective gasp swept through the assembly. The Wishmaker, revered for his ability to grant the deepest desires and heal the most profound wounds across the multiverse, was a beacon of hope. His sudden vanishing was a cataclysmic event.

"Has anyone uncovered any sign of him?" the High God continued, his voice a blend of command and desperation. "Any clue, no matter how small?"

The hall fell into a hushed silence. The gods exchanged anxious glances, each reflecting the same troubling thought—how could a deity so powerful simply vanish? Then, from the shadows of the hall, the Oracle stepped forward. Her eyes, milky and distant, seemed to pierce through the fabric of reality itself.

"I have seen echoes," the Oracle intoned, her voice a spectral whisper that sent chills through the assembly. "Fleeting glimpses of his essence, scattered like stardust. He is concealed in a veil beyond our sight."

"Impossible," murmured a god of the stars. "What force could hide him from us?"

The Oracle's gaze turned steely. "There are forces at work here that we have yet to comprehend. Dark and ancient powers that seek to unravel the order we have maintained for eons."

A wave of unease rippled through the gathered deities. The High God, his expression darkening, clenched his fists. "We must find him. If these powers can hide the Wishmaker, they pose a threat to all existence. We cannot allow this darkness to spread."

Determination replaced fear in the eyes of the gods. Each, a paragon of their respective realms, now united with a common purpose. The hall buzzed with urgent discussions and the forging of alliances. Strategies were debated, their voices rising in a crescendo of divine resolve.

Yet, beneath the surface of their unity, the undercurrent of dread persisted. What kind of force could elude even their omniscient gaze? And what sinister purpose did it have for the Wishmaker? These questions loomed, casting a shadow over the assembly.

The High God raised his hand, calling for silence once more. "We will search every corner of creation, leave no dimension unexplored. The Wishmaker must be found. For the sake of all that exists, we cannot fail."

The Gods' Palace, typically a realm of serene light and eternal tranquility, now felt heavy with foreboding. The stakes were unimaginably high, and the gods knew that their next moves would determine the fate of the multiverse. As they prepared to embark on their quest, a sense of impending battle against an unknown darkness gripped their hearts.

The hunt for the Wishmaker had begun, setting the stage for a confrontation with forces that even the gods themselves feared.

As the gods debated the fate of the Wishmaker, the scene shifted to the infinite void of deep space, where a sinister spaceship drifted among the stars. This was the Black Fortress, the domain of the Lord of Darkness. The vessel, an ominous construct of dark metal and malevolent energy, pulsed with an aura of dread.

Inside the heart of this dreadnought, the Lord of Darkness sat upon his throne, a monument of shadow and malice. His eyes, pits of infinite blackness, gleamed with a hunger for power. His very presence exuded an oppressive force that made the bravest of souls tremble.

The gathered minions, a legion of dark soldiers, knelt before him, their fear palpable. "Listen well," the Lord of Darkness intoned, his voice a cold, echoing hiss that seemed to seep into their bones. "I want the Wishmaker. Capture that wretched being and bring him to me. Fail, and you will die by my hand. Succeed, and I shall grant you a wish—a desire you have harbored in the deepest recesses of your dark hearts."

The soldiers, driven by a mix of terror and the lure of promised power, nodded fervently. The stakes were clear, and the price of failure unbearable. They rose, preparing to embark on their perilous mission.

The grandmaster of the dark forces, a figure shrouded in dark robes and ancient sigils, approached the throne. "My lord, do you believe these five pillars of darkness can capture him?"

The Lord of Darkness leaned forward, his gaze piercing through the grandmaster. "I could have sent my disciples, those who wield true power. But I wish to test the strength of the Wishmaker myself, to see how he has grown over the eons."

A slow, sinister laugh rumbled from his throat, sending shivers down the spines of all who heard it. "Let the hunt begin," he declared, his voice dripping with malevolence. "And let the universe tremble."

As the dark soldiers moved out, the grandmaster lingered, watching the Lord of Darkness with a mix of awe and fear. The Lord's plan was cunning, and the anticipation of the impending confrontation filled the air with a suspense that was almost tangible.

The scene faded to black, leaving the chilling echo of the Lord's laughter reverberating through the void. The hunt for the Wishmaker had commenced, setting the stage for a clash of titanic forces. The darkness was on the move, and the universe held its breath in anticipation of the chaos that would follow.

As the scene cut back to Earth, Jarvis saw Robert sitting on a couch, reading an Avengers comic book. But Jarvis knew that Robert's mind was far from the world of superheroes. He was consumed by his own darkness, his own hatred towards the society that had failed him.

And Jarvis knew that he was just a step away from unleashing that darkness upon the world.