The Twist

Robert stood resolute, facing the inner turmoil within him. The decision to absorb the evil known as Evil Robert was fraught with peril. Jarvis, his loyal companion, was vehemently against this plan. A single mistake could lead to Robert's soul being consumed, leaving Evil Robert to take over his body. Such an event would not only jeopardize their world but countless universes, given Robert's profound knowledge of the Crimsons.

"Trust me, Jarvis," Robert said, his voice steady yet filled with a hint of uncertainty. Jarvis, with a heavy heart, closed his eyes and nodded. He knelt, bowing his head in a gesture of submission. "Good luck, master," he whispered.

Robert raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Master? What the—"

Jarvis looked up, his expression serious. "I, the wish maker, possess the power to perform as a vessel, and I am your servant."

"Forget those formalities," Robert replied, waving a dismissive hand. "Just call me Robert. That's enough." He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. "I will come back successful," he declared with unwavering determination.

As Robert stepped into his mind realm, the landscape was already half-consumed by darkness. Trees withered, and rivers of blood replaced once-clear streams. The air was thick with the stench of decay. The deeper he ventured, the more oppressive the atmosphere became. Finally, he came upon a ghastly throne, constructed from dead bodies and skulls, illuminated by dark red flames. Each step forward lit the way ominously. On the throne sat Evil Robert, a sinister smirk playing on his lips.

"Welcome, my dear me," Evil Robert sneered. "What brings you here? Did you miss your visions, or did you miss me?"

"Hello, Evil Robert. I have a question," Robert said, his voice steady despite the tension.

Evil Robert's eyes narrowed, suspicion evident in his gaze. "What is it?" he asked, his aura radiating malevolence.

"Whoa, calm down," Robert replied, holding up his hands. "I just have a question. Why so serious?"

"Cut the act and get to the point," Evil Robert snapped, his patience wearing thin.

"Can Jarvis enter this place?" Robert asked, his expression serious.

"No," Evil Robert replied, smirking. "I've blocked the path so he can't interfere."

"Hmm, that's... interesting," Robert mused.

"Bad because he can't save you?" Evil Robert taunted, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"No, no," Robert said, shaking his head. "I just didn't want him interrupting us. Now, enough talk. Let's get to the point."

In an instant, Evil Robert vanished from Robert's sight and reappeared, lunging with a hand sharp enough to pierce flesh. Robert, sensing the attack just in time, dodged, narrowly avoiding a fatal blow. Evil Robert laughed maniacally. "Well, well, well, you can move like that too, huh? But it won't save you. You'll be dead soon."

Robert flipped him off, grinning defiantly. "Fuck off."

Infuriated, Evil Robert moved with blinding speed. Robert could barely keep up, evading attacks but sustaining numerous cuts. Each dodge and parry brought more pain, more blood. The dark realm's power made Evil Robert nearly invincible. Despite the odds, Robert fought on, dodging and countering as best he could.

The natural realm where Jarvis stood trembled with the intensity of their battle. Every punch, every clash reverberated through their minds, shaking the very foundations of their existence. Robert pushed himself to the limit, landing a powerful punch that shattered Evil Robert's throne, sending him flying.

Evil Robert stood, shaking his head. "What a punch. But do you know, if you die here, your soul will be gone, and I'll take over your body. That wish maker can't do anything about it."

"Try me," Robert growled.

Evil Robert, now deadly serious, vanished again. Robert scanned the area, trying to sense his opponent. Suddenly, a hand gripped his head, slamming it into the ground and dragging him across the terrain before spinning and throwing him into a wall. Blood spilled from Robert's mouth as he lay there, gasping.

Evil Robert loomed over him. "This is the difference in our power, Robert. I thought you'd put up more of a fight. I guess this is the end."

As Evil Robert prepared to deliver the final blow, Robert pointed a finger, releasing a sudden beam of energy. Evil Robert barely dodged, teleporting to Robert and grabbing his head. "You sneaky little bitch. This is the end, Robert. Don't worry, I won't harm our family and friends."

With a vicious thrust, Evil Robert's hand pierced Robert's chest, gripping his core. Robert, despite the searing pain, placed his hands on Evil Robert's head. "This is not my end, bitch. This is your end." He began to absorb Evil Robert's power.

Evil Robert's eyes widened in shock. "What have you done to me?" He struggled, but his grip weakened as dark energy flowed from him into Robert.

Robert focused, channeling the dark energy toward his core. Evil Robert tried desperately to crush Robert's core, but his movements were sluggish. Both of them screamed in agony as the dark energy transfer continued. Visions of past, future, and countless timelines flashed through Robert's mind.

The dark realm began to lose its sinister edge, slowly returning to its natural state. Robert's screams intensified as memories merged and his eyes bled. His chest wound began to heal. Suddenly, he stopped, flinging Evil Robert away.

Evil Robert, now powerless, lay on the ground, staring in disbelief. Robert, holding his head, was overwhelmed by the influx of visions and memories. Blood streamed from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. His body trembled as he fought to contain the chaos within.

Then, in a moment of clarity, he stopped shouting and began to laugh. "Ha... ha... ha... I... am... BACK!"

Evil Robert stood frozen, his eyes locked onto Robert. Something was different about him, something suspicious. As Robert rose to his feet, a strange clarity washed over his face.

"I remember who I am, who I was, and what is about to happen. I remember everything," he declared, his voice filled with a newfound confidence.

Evil Robert's expression shifted from curiosity to sheer terror. This Robert was not the same person he had encountered before. An eerie, malevolent laugh escaped Robert's lips as he turned his head slowly towards Evil Robert, his gaze piercing through the fearsome being.

Evil Robert, known far and wide as the embodiment of fear and malevolence, found himself shivering with dread. Robert advanced slowly, each step measured and deliberate. With a swift motion, Robert's hand shot out, gripping Evil Robert by the neck. Lifting him effortlessly, Robert sneered, "Thank you, my dear me. Because of you, I have regained everything. I know who I was, and I know now what to do."

Evil Robert gasped, struggling to break free. "You are not the Robert I know," he choked out.

"Oh, you think you know everything?" Robert mocked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Ha ha, well, tsk tsk tsk, no no no, no spoilers. Ha ha ha ha!" His evil laughter echoed through the dark realm.

With a sinister grin, Robert tightened his grip. "When a person dies with suspense, he never feels that he has died. And now, you will die with suspense." His hand crushed Evil Robert's neck, absorbing the remaining evil energy through his core. The darkness around them began to fade, and with a snap, the broken throne reassembled.

As the room filled with light, Robert walked towards the throne. He sat down, his eyes glowing with evil intent. "The plan is successful. Now, I will move according to my plan," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with a newfound power.

The dark realm began to dissolve, replaced by the serene beauty of nature. The throne disappeared, and Jarvis appeared, his concern evident. "Robert, are you okay?" Jarvis asked, his voice filled with worry.

Robert, hiding his malevolence behind a smile, replied, "I am safe, and I am back, Jarvis."

Relieved, Jarvis beamed with happiness. Robert left the mind realm and woke from his sleep. He walked towards the mirror, a sinister smile creeping across his face. "There is a lot to do," he mused to himself. "Well, I have time. I will proceed slowly, without Jarvis noticing that I have changed. Tsk tsk tsk, no no, the Wish Maker must not know."