Who's Cuter

"If you become Brother Ryan's wife, I would be absolutely happy for you two." Julia continued, her eyes sparkling with excitement and enthusiasm, clearly delighted at the prospect.

"You're getting a little too mischievous, young one!" as she gently pinched Julia's cheeks.

Sarah emerged from the kitchen, carrying two steaming plates. "Mommy, my favorite!" Julia squealed, her face lighting up at the sight of macaroni and cheese.

"She told me earlier that you also like this dish too." Sarah said with a warm smile, as she handed Thea her plate of steaming macaroni and cheese.

"Madam, your sister-in-law has arrived." the servant announced.

"Taking that witch's name, she appeared." Julia said, her mouth still full of macaroni.

Alexia stormed into the dining area, her eyes fixed on Thea. "What is this girl doing here?" she shouted.

"Sister-in-law, she is our guest.I invited her here." Sarah tried to explain, but Alexia wouldn't listen.