Ch 15: Three Years

Yang feng let out a light sigh and stoodup from the place he was sitting at. He took a stance and punched out against the wall, using his Overlord Fist Technique. As the fist connected with the wall, the shockwave release with the burst of his Qi was larger than he expected and made a crater in the wall.

He was surprised as he did not intend to use this much power.' looks like I will need to adjust to my current power.' he thought while looking at his hand.

After an hour yang feng could be seen exiting the cave and going towards the depth of the forest. What was the fastest way to learn except fighting?, so yang feng went to find a monster to fight.

After looking around for some time he finally found a tier 2 monster beast equivalent to Qi Transformation 4th stage which was a tiger type beast and it was about 4 and a half feet tall.

Yang feng approached the tiger and did not even try to hide because he wanted to learn how to control his body and skills more effectively and that can only be done in a head-on battle.

So as he came near the resting form of the tiger, the tiger sensing moment around it looked towards yang feng. Seeing the human approaching, it took that as an act of provocative. It swiftly stood up and let out a roar to scare the human approaching it.

Yang feng upon hearing the monster's roar used his movement technique and gracefully but with fast speed dashed towards it. The tiger already on alert also rushed towards him. Both parties meet in the middle and attacked each other.

Yang feng didn't use any technique to attack the beast, he did use some Qi to strengthen his body and he felt the tiger do the same. He attacked the beast with a punch to it head while the beast used it's head to tackle him.

When the attacks connected, both remained where they were standing and exerting more and more strength to push the other back. In the end, the tiger shifted his head slightly and sweeped it's claw towards him. Yang feng quickly jumped out and evaded the attack.

At a distance, both the human and the beast looked at each other and tried to find any type of movement from the other party. Yang feng again used his Qi and rushed towards the tiger, it did not relent either and again rushed toward yang feng.

What followed was a primal, most brutal sort of fighting. Yang feng used punches, kicks and tackles with his body to attack the tiger, while it used it's claws, jaws and also used it's body to tackle him.

The fight went on for some time and both had injuries on their bodies. Once they separated again after fighting for more than 10 minutes, both suddenly increased the flow of their Qis, the tiger gathered it's Qi in it's mouth and yang feng sprinted towards it while also gathering his Qi in his arms.

The tiger released a roar so loud that with the Qi used with it turned the voice into sound waves, that yang feng's ears started to bleed from the loud sound. But yang feng did not stop moving forward. What he experienced during his body refining was a lot more painful than this.

The tiger seeing that yang feng didn't stop started panicking slightly, but it's pride didn't allow it to back down and it increased the Qi input. While Yang Feng took advantage of that brief panick of the beast and quickly used his movement technique to evade the sound waves and arrived to the side of the beast.

He then used his Overlord Fist Technique and attacked near the beast's neck. The force behind the fist was so great that it blew off it's neck.

The tiger saw it's body without a neck, slowly falling to the ground and realized that it has been killed by the human with his head separated from it's body, before it's consciousness was consumed by darkness.

Yang feng looked at the corpse of the beast in front of him emotionlessly. He then placed it into his inventory and walked away from the place.

"So if am to fight seriously, I will be able to fight a high 2nd tier monster beast and maybe one at the peak of 2nd tier." He laminated as he was walking towards his next destination, the inner area of the forest.

Time skip

In the inner layer of the demon forest filled with strong and violent beasts was a huge tree, inside the tree we can see a roughly made bed, chair, table, and a mat and a few other things.

On the mat, sat a youth with long black hair freely falling to his back. His eyes were closed and he was sitting cross legged. The youth looked to be about 12 years old with a body filled with compact muscles, the boy was not really bulky but had what you would call a perfectly balanced muscular body. The skin of the boy was pure white and looked as smooth as it can look. The aura and Qi surrounding the boy was crunching towards him, giving him a wild and untamed vibe.

When he opened his eyes, one could see in his eyes many star like red and golden dots in a expense of black space. The boy then slowly stood up from the mat and looked towards a certain direction before saying," It's been more than 3 years, looks like it's time to go home."

The youth or Yang feng said and looked around him, at the place he has been living for sometime. He took whatever he thought useful was in the cave and left. He sprinted towards the exit of the forest with such speed that few within Qi Transformation Realm would be able to see him.

Once he arrived outside the forest, he moved towards a certain direction, heading towards the Capital City of the Great Han Dynasty.