Ch 30: Negotiation

Since then whenever Xia Ning Chang looked him in the eye, she would hurriedly avert her eyes and start blushing. Yang feng also didn't make a move on her for now as he focused on his next plans. But he did flirt with her everytime he could.

He also maintained contact with Su Yan and spared even with her occasionally. When she reached the peak of Separation and Reunion Realm and was about to breakthrough to the True Element Realm, yang feng gave her a few drops of the 'Foundation Building Dew of Nine Yin' as well.

He had previously used half the Dew during his Body Cultivation but kept the other half to give them to both Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang once they reached the peak of Separation and Reunion Realm.

The few drops he gave Xia Ning Chang also helped her reach the True Element Realm.

Thanks to Dew, Su Yan was able to directly advance to the 2nd stage True Element Realm with a more solid foundation. His act of giving her the Dew elevated their friendship, but yang feng was far from his goal for now.

Lastly, He also had a few run-in with the core disciples of the two sects, which included Hu Jiao'er. He also had fights with them in which he brutally defeated them. This had made him quite infamous among the two sects as well.

Today he was going to forward some of his plans, for which he needs to visit someone, whose help he will be needing.


Yang feng could be seen strolling the sect grounds and going towards the contribution hall. Along the way he meet some deciples and also went to find Yang Kai but didn't find him.

Just as he reached the contribution hall, he stopped at the door and calmed himself. When he last came here he had a confrontation with Meng Wu Ya and was worried that the old man would be holding a grudge.

Meng Wu Ya didn't do anything till now as yang feng has been helping Xia Ning Chang and hasn't displayed any impure thought towards her, well that is what Meng Wu Ya knew at least.

Yang feng slowly entered the hall and saw Meng Wu Ya sitting in his usual place and reading a questionable book while giggling that sounded creepy to yang feng.

"Old man, have some decency will you?" Yang feng said, moving closer towards him. Meng Wu Ya was surprised at first and quickly looked at him.

"Well well well, I have quite a famous person coming to visit me today." Meng Wu Ya said mockingly as he saw that it was Yang feng who came. Just from his tone yang feng knew that the upcoming talk is going to be difficult.

"*Sigh* I'm not here to fight old man", Meng Wu Ya snorted hearing that but also didn't act out much. "Look, I came here because I wanted to make a deal with you."

Hearing that Yang feng wanted to make a deal with him Meng Wu Ya laughed out," HAHAHA....what type of deal could a kid like you offer me, you already know who I am do you think that the things you can offer will be something I would be interested in.. hahahaha."

Yang feng didn't look angry that Meng Wu Ya was laughing at him and simply stated," I can help you remove the 1st layer of your seal.", just as he finished saying that Meng Wu Ya stopped laughing and looked at him seriously.

"Kid, don't joke around with things like these or you won't like the consequences", he said with a dangerous undertone, conveying to Yang feng that he was serious.

"I'm not joking, nor do I need to joke with you. I came here for a deal. I will help you remove the 1st layer of the seal placed on you and you will help me in return." Yang feng was unfazed by the threat Meng Wu Ya made to him.

Meng Wu Ya silently looked into his eyes for a few minutes with yang feng returning his gaze with equal seriousness. "Haah, what do you want." Meng Wu Ya sighed understanding that he was indeed serious.

"Nothing to meager, I just want you to blow open a certain place near the enflamed yang stone mine of the blood battle gang." Meng Wu Ya raised an eyebrow at the unusual request. "Why do that?."

He asked curiously as the kid was willing to open one of his seals just to blast open a place. Not asking why he wanted him to do that, as he knew the boy didn't want attention towards himself.

"You'll know when you do." Yang feng smiled mysteriously to which Meng Wu Ya just snorted. "Alright, tell me the exact location and open the 1st seal first and I will do that." Meng Wu Ya agreed as he was also curious about what was the thing that would make this mysterious and dangerous kid to go through all this trouble.

"Give me your arm", yang feng took Meng Wu Ya's arm and injected his Qi into him to properly investigate the seal. When Yang feng's Qi entered his body, meng wu ya was shocked by the it's quality. It was too pure and also had a chaotic aura to it that should not happen to a normal cultivator.

At this moment, in his heart he rose yang feng's level of threat and mystery by a few more levels. 'Just who is this kid, first his talent in cultivation, alchemy and now arrays, that feeling I felt the first time I saw him of something being suppressed inside him, his knowledge of what he told me, that dreadful aura which came from him that day and now this pure Qi.' Meng Wu Ya was going crazy just thinking about the mysteries surrounding this youth.

Yang feng on the other hand only took a minute to analyze the array. He moved to the center of the hall and started drawing something on the floor," don't let anyone in.", after saying that he continued his work.

Meng Wu Ya simply sealed the hall enterance and watched yang feng do his work. It took yang feng only a few minutes to complete what he was doing, he stood up and looked at the array circle he had drawn on the floor with his Qi.

After inspecting the array and not finding any errors. He turned towards Meng Wu Ya and said," sit cross legged in the center of the array.", Meng Wu Ya who had been watching him work was looking at him with a surprised expression, at how quickly he was able to lay down the array.

He knew from his observation just now that the boy was indeed an array master and one of a high rank. He was able to tell because he himself has spent a lot of time studying the seal placed on himself, allowing him to learn a few things about arrays.

He stoodup from his seat and did as he was told. Once he was sitted yang feng took out nearly hundred spirit stones from his inventory and threw them to different points at the array.

When Meng Wu Ya saw the stones, his eyes widened from surprise and this small world doesn't have any spirit stones. "Kid, Wh..!!!!", just as he was about to question yang feng about where he got the stones, yang feng activated the array.

As the array activated, the Qi contained in the spirit stones rushed towards the center of the array and entered Meng Wu Ya's body. This forced mang wu ya to focus on the Qi entering his body. Yang feng placed his hands on Meng Wu Ya's back and took control of the Qi entering his body through the array.

He then controlled the Qi and circulated it in a complex sequence, with time the Qi from the stone was accumulating in Meng Wu Ya's body and yang feng was controlling the Qi.

When the concentration of the Qi inside his body reached a certain threshold, yang feng then used all of that Qi to take down attack the weak point of the 1st part of the seal.

Meng Wu Ya was again shocked as the Qi concentration had reached the leavel of peak immortal ascension realm, but yang feng was able to control all that Qi without much of a struggle which showcased his immense Qi control.

It took less than a minute of struggle for the seal to break. As the seal broke, Meng Wu Ya felt the weight and constraints wearing him down all the time lessen by a lot.

As he open his eyes, he heard yang feng saying," I completed my end of the deal, now it's your turn."