Ch 40: Problem

In the cave, yang feng continued to circulate his techniques and decompose the insect queen's that had entered his body. When the insect queen realize that it was locked in place, it started to resist fiercely but yang feng used all that he had to keep it there.

He was also on a lookout of the other insects. As he didn't know if the queen could call them here, but it looked like it was not able to do that, so he was somewhat relived.

It took him an hour before the resistance from the insect queen disappeared. "*Feue*... Finally dead." yang feng said, exhaling the breath he was subconsciously holding.

He then continued to use his techniques and absorb all the Qi and vitality of the queen remaining inside his body, which took him another few hours. But he had gained a lot with just this.

The Qi and energy from the insect queen was enough for him to breakthrough to the Peak of the 9th stage True Element Realm and reach peak of the early stage tier 4 in his body Cultivation.

He then slowly concentrated and wings that were different from his Qi wings started to form from his back. 'I have to say these are some really good wing. If I use these with my highest speed while flying, none below Transendant realm will be able to catch me.'

'Not only that...' yang feng thought to all the things that flashed through his mind while he was devouring the insect queen. 'I thought it was called the Heaven-Devouring Insect because it could absorb other's Qi and blood. But I overlooked the fact that not everything is as simple as it looks.'

While he was absorbing it, he saw some types of visions and was able to comprehend a few things from those visions. The Heaven-devouring insect was called as such not because of it's ability to absorb Qi and Blood, but because it could absorb anything under the heavens if it's body could handle it.

When he thought of it, he broke out in cold sweat. If the insect queen was at the 3rd or even 2nd order Transendant realm, he could have been devoured by it instead. 'A note to myself, never take things too lightly. Just because I know about what would generally happen doesn't make me invincible.'

Now that he had done with that, it was time for the next and the most important opportunity left in this small world. He concentrated and called the insects under the insect queen inside the cave.

He waited for just a few seconds as countless insects started coming inside the cave. Yang feng saw insects of cultivation varying from Initial Element to True element realm, numbering over a hundred.

Like in the original, when they arrived they treated yang feng as their queen. After some thought, yang feng then gathered them all and started moving towards the cave where the lotus was located.

When he left the nest it was already night and it took him an hour to reach the cave, while avoiding any disturbance. When he reached the near the cave, his footsteps stopped followed by the insects. In front of the cave he saw a giant bird-like creature. The reason he stopped was because the bird seems to be resting and looked to be slightly injured.

The bird was the same eagle type monster beast that was shown in the original, a Tier 6 monster beast, so he didn't wanted to alert it of his presence. Not to mention that it seems to be injured and was trying to recover, so he wanted to take advantage of this and kill the bird swiftly.

He looked behind himself and picked all ten true element realm insects and sent them towards the bird monster. He himself pulled out his spear and started gathering his strength to attack the monster at the right time.

The insects slowly approached the bird and when they reached it, they released a mist from their mouths that yang feng concluded was poisonous. He watched as the bird inhaled the mist and suddenly opened it's eyes.

When it tried to move and fly, the insects used their hand/claws? to attack it's wings, which looked to be a little damaged. They were able to injure the bird's wings even more, rendering it unable to fly, and drew a cry from it,"*Srrreeee*..".

The bird was enraged when it saw the bugs and the condition of it's wings. It gathered Qi in it's mouth and let out a screech, that was able to produce violent winds. The winds pushed the insects back but they still continued on, to fulfill their queen's order.

Yang feng was watching all this unfold from a distance and saw how, after the screech the two sides started fighting. As time went by, the insects were on the losing side and but yang feng still waited.

When he saw that the bird was distracted and somewhat exhausted, he disappeared from his place of hiding and swiftly appeared behind the bird with his spear held high. He used his 'Chaotic Septem Tornado Strike' and made an attack at the spot the bird seems to be protecting from getting hit.

Just as the attack hit the bird and it felt the severe injuries it reseved from the human's sneak attack. It slowly started to lose consciousness, but was unwilling. It suddenly turned and let out the same attack as before towards yang feng who didn't expect the attack, at point blank range.

Yang feng didn't think that the bird would still have the power to even move much, but didn't think the resolve of the bird to be so high that it wanted to take him down with it.

Unfortunately for the bird, yang feng was fine and only had a few bruises on himself. After withstanding the attack yang feng coughed out some blood," damn bird!, it's fortunate that it couldn't use much of it's power because of the injuries. Not that it would be able to kill me anyways."

After storing the corpse he looked at the stone wall in front of the cave and ordered the insects, "break it down." He then sat down cross legged and put a healing pill in his mouth. It took him an hour to heal completely and as he opened his eyes he saw that the insects had already broken the wall.

He then slowly stood up and entered the cave, ordering the bugs to guard the place. As he entered inside he saw many shelves, each holding something. He even saw the two heaven grade artifacts that yang Kai used, the Asura Sword and the Thousand Blossoming Blood Begonia.

Yang feng glanced at them once before ignoring them. His goal was the soul warming lotus. As for the other things, he didn't care about them, the techniques here were not of any use to him, the pills and weapons stored here were something he himself could make with ease, so he simply put them inside his inventory and went further inside the cave.

As he went further, he saw a five colored light coming from room built inside the cave. Upon seeing the lights, yang feng grew excited and rushed towards it.

As he reached the room, in front of his appeared the thing of his desire. One of the two most powerful heaven and earth treasure, which has many advantages that saved yang kai on multiple occasions, the treasure of the soul, Soul Warming Lotus.

Yang feng saw that there was somekind of barrier surrounding the lotus and remembered that this was pure spiritual energy gathered by the soul warming lotus and was really beneficial to soul.

But only for those who had stronger souls themselves, otherwise if someone whose soul was not strong enough absorbed all the spiritual energy in front of him, that person would simply burst. According to the volume, yang feng could tell that unless he was a Peak Trancendent he would not be able to absorb it all.

In the original, yang kai wasn't able to absorb the energy because of his lower level of cultivation. The same applied to yang feng as he was just one step away from the immortal ascension realm. But the energy inside was likely that of a high level saint. Yang feng, even with his much stronger soul and preception because of his reincarnation was not confident he could absorb it all.

But yang feng wasn't much bothered by this and simply took out a jade bottles from his inventory, this was a special jade bottle he had made after using his understand from all the knowledge about alchemy and arrays.

The bottle was made from spiritore, that he found in the inheritance cave, thought he only found a little. He was really surprised as this kind of ore was a bit special and could be used to make soul weapons, weapon that could stored into the knowledge sea.

He then made a few arrays on the bottle that would strengthen it and allow the spiritual energy to be stored into it for a long time.

He then activated another array he had made on the bottle that would absorb the spiritual energy into it and threw it inside the barrier. He saw as the bottle simply started to devoured the spiritual energy, but he could tell that it would take at least a few days for the process to finish.

After observaing the process for a few minutes he entered his mind palace, to make his soul cultivation technique. He then started to think of what he wanted in his soul cultivation technique and after an hour of thinking, a jade token appeared in front of him.

Seeing the token yang feng was a bit surprised, this was the first time a technique appeared in the form of a jade token. Yang feng then grabbed the token and put it against his forehead.

Just as he did that, the information about the technique entered his mind and took root. As he opened his eyes, that were reflecting excitement. He open his mouth and uttered,"Eternal Soul Primordial Lotus Art".