Seo Gwangjin (1)

Later that day, Gojin walked to the school entrance and saw a crowd gathered there.

It has to be her.

Gojin sighed.

There were a handful of people with such a cult-like following, and unfortunately, Gojin was on his way to meet one of them. As he neared the gates, he saw Seo Ahri waiting for him, her bodyguard/chauffeur, standing stoically by her side.

Gojin observed Seo Ahri from a distance. It was strange how she behaved differently than how she acted when she was alone with him.

Right now, she seemed diligent and modest, listening attentively to others and offering kind words, unlike her brazen self. It would be easier to deal with her if she were always her kind self.

Despite Gojin being hidden behind a crowd of Seo's fans, she noticed him looking at her. The next moment, her face lit up with a bright smile. She dropped her fans like flies and immediately waved at him.

"Gojin!" she called out, linking her arm with his before he could react.

Her sudden show of affection made everyone around them look their way. The boys grumbled with jealousy when they realized who got the kiss yesterday. They were even more envious because the school's idol now seemed to be dating someone like Gojin, and it made them wonder why.

"Look at that," one of them whispered. "She's really with him."

"I can't believe it," another muttered. "What does she see in him?"

"First Jiyeon and now Seo Ahri? What does that joker have that we don't?"

I can hear all of you, you bastards...

A vein popped out of his head, but his attention was immediately diverted when Seo Ahri tightened her grip around his arm.

"Just ignore them," Seo Ahri said, looking at the guys with disgust. "They're just jealous because they know they can never be as good as you. That's why they talk behind your back."

Everyone was surprised to see the sweet and beautiful Ahri say those words. While she wanted to defend Gojin, her words only made the situation worse for him.

"That guy is corrupting our idol!"

"No way she would say those things to us!"

"Yeah! He's the one feeding her such thoughts!"

Gojin ignored the murmurs, focusing on maintaining his composure. As much as he wanted to smack them, it wasn't the place or time to do it.

"Come on, let's leave," Seo Ahri mumbled, dragging him to the car.

As they approached the car, Seo Ahri's bodyguard opened the door. She slid in gracefully, patting the seat beside her, wanting him to sit there.

"Come on, Gojin," she urged, smiling warmly.

Gojin didn't want to be so close to her and moved to sit in the front seat, but the bodyguard gave him a stern look, making it clear that he was expected to sit in the back with Seo Ahri. Reluctantly, Gojin complied and slid into the seat next to her.

For fuck's sake... this is harassment! Male lives matter too, you know!

Once he was settled, Seo Ahri leaned her head on his shoulder. "How was your day, Gojin?"

"It was... fine, I guess," Gojin mumbled a response, trying to mask his irritation and confusion.

The car ride was smooth, and soon they arrived at the entertainment district. The car stopped in front of a lavish building, and Seo Ahri got out, gesturing for Gojin to follow.

The moment they stepped out of the car, Gojin noticed the place was teeming with gangsters. They were everywhere, looking tough and menacing. But as soon as they saw Seo Ahri, their expressions softened, and they bowed in acknowledgment of her status.

"Welcome back, Princess!" the gangsters roared.

Seo Ahri's face flushed with embarrassment. Without hesitation, she punched the nearest guy in the stomach. He crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain, while the rest of the gang quickly averted their eyes or pretended to be busy with random things.

"Anyone else want some love from the princess?" she asked, raising her fist.

The gangsters immediately shook their heads, avoiding her gaze. She sighed and pushed open the door, leading Gojin inside.

"Come on, let's go," she said.

Once inside, Seo Ahri told the gangsters to keep a lookout while she and Gojin discussed something. She pulled him into a cozy, well-furnished room and gestured for him to sit.

"Make yourself home. I'm going to change into something more comfortable."

Gojin sat down, trying to act nonchalant. Seo Ahri winked at him.

"Oh, and don't even think about peeping at me," she teased, "but if you want, I can arrange something for you."

Gojin blushed and immediately shook his head. "I'm not interested."

"Alright, alright. I'll be quick." She laughed, enjoying his discomfort.

As she went behind a screen to change, Gojin looked around the room. It was lavishly decorated with plush furniture and expensive decor. He couldn't help but feel a bit out of place.

After a few minutes, Seo Ahri emerged, now dressed in casual clothing. She looked at him with a playful grin, noticing his eyes wander all over her.

"So, Gojin, let's talk business," Seo Ahri said, snapping her fingers to get his attention. "You probably know who my father is, so you can guess where this is heading, right?"

"I'm not doing anything illegal, if that's what you're asking."

Seo Ahri smiled and shook her head. "Not everything we do is illegal, Gojin. At least, not the things I'm involved with. My dad is pretty strict about that."

She continued, "I work to provide security for those in need, and I want you to be a part of that."

"You mean a bodyguard?" Gojin raised an eyebrow, as it was not what he was expecting. "I don't think I'm cut out for such a job-"

"I agree, you're not," Seo Ahri cut him off. "But you have the potential to become excellent in the field and I'm willing to bet on it."

"...I'm not sure."

"One month," she said. "Try it, and I'll settle your parents' debt. That's all I ask."

However, before Gojin could reply, the doors to the room were burst open and three men entered the chamber.

"So, you're the punk aiming to snatch my daughter away?" The mob boss growled. "Let's see if you got what it takes to have my daughter, brat!"