The Return

As the plane touched down at Milan's Malpensa Airport, Alessia felt a mix of emotions. She was finally back in Italy, the land of her childhood and the place she once called home. But the memories that lingered here were bittersweet, especially those of her ex, Marco.

Alessia settled into her seat and pulled out her phone, her fingers hovering over the screen as she debated who to call first. Her two best friends, Sofia and Giada, were her top priorities. She dialed Sofia's number, her heart racing with excitement.

"Sofia, it's me! I'm back!" Alessia exclaimed, trying to contain her enthusiasm.

Sofia's squeal of delight echoed through the phone. "Alessia! Oh my god, it's been ages! When can we see you?"

Alessia smiled, feeling a sense of belonging wash over her. "How about tonight? I'll meet you at our old spot, Bella Vita?"

Next, she called Giada, who was equally thrilled to hear from her.

As Alessia made her way through customs and collected her luggage, her mind wandered back to Marco. Their tumultuous relationship still haunted her, especially since her son, Leonardo, was a constant reminder of his father. She couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between the two, from the piercing blue eyes to the chiseled jawline.

Shaking off the memories, Alessia focused on the present. She was back in Italy, ready to start anew and reconnect with her friends. Little did she know, her return would stir up more than just old memories.


Alessia arrived at Bella Vita, her favorite childhood haunt, and spotted Sofia and Giada already seated at a cozy table by the window. The three friends embraced warmly, laughing and tears of joy mingling as they reunited.

Over glasses of Pinot Grigio and plates of bruschetta, they caught up on each other's lives. Alessia shared stories of her growing business ventures, and her friends listened with enthusiasm.

"You're amazing, Alessia! We're so proud of you," Sofia said, raising her glass in a toast.

Giada added, "We're happy to help in any way we can. You know we're always here for you."

Alessia smiled gratefully but waved her hand dismissively. "Thanks, girls, but I've got this. I want to do it on my own."

Sofia and Giada exchanged knowing glances but respected her wishes.

As the conversation flowed, they asked about her son, Leonardo. Alessia's eyes softened, and she glanced around the bustling café before responding.

"He's asleep at the hotel. I didn't want to disturb him. He's been through a lot lately."

Sofia's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "We can't wait to meet him! He must be adorable."

Alessia's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Yes, he is. He's the light of my life."

The friends chatted long into the night, their reunion filled with laughter, love, and promises of future get together.

They raised their glasses to cheers and while the night in bliss.


Marco, aka "The Don," sprinted out of the abandoned warehouse, his gang close behind. Bullets whizzed past them as they fled the double-crossed mission. Marco's mind raced with anger and betrayal.

Back at their hideout, Marco turned to his trusted friend and right-hand man, Luca. "What went wrong, Luca? Who was behind this setup?"

Luca's expression was grim. "Looks like it was Victor's crew. They must have been working with the rival family all along."

Marco's eyes narrowed. "Tighten security, Luca. No one gets in or out without my clearance. We can't afford another betrayal."

Later, Marco stepped into the shower, the warm water washing away the adrenaline and grime of the night's close call. His chiseled physique glistened under the dim lighting, his muscles flexing as he lathered up. The sound of water droplets hitting the tile floor was almost hypnotic, calming his mind.

As he emerged from the shower, a figure awaited him on his bed, her eyes fixed on him with a mix of longing and desperation. It was Isabella, a former flame who couldn't accept their relationship was over.

"Marco, please... just one more chance," she begged, her voice husky.

Marco's expression remained stoic, his eyes cold. "Isabella, we've been over this. It's finished. You need to leave."

Her eyes welled up, but Marco remained unmoved. He knew he had to maintain his tough exterior, especially as The Don. No weakness could be shown, not even to a beautiful, pleading woman.

"Don't force my hands Bella, get out this instance. "

She walked out bitting on her lips.

He dropped on the bed and sighed
