The Wager

"Hmm, I thought you simply would enjoy the game - but yes, the game would be lacking flavour without an added incentive. How about your heart's desires?" Malcolm offered with a wide, toothy grin, and confusion lit up the expressions of the seven friends.

"That sounds cool - but what exactly is it? How do we get it?" Harry asked, and the others nodded.

"Usually it's the one thing a person desires most, and would do anything to obtain - even selling their soul to a demon." Malcolm continued, and silence fell over the room once more.

"Okay… I still don't get it though?" Genifer shook her head in confusion.

"It's really confusing. I mean, WHAT is this desire, specifically? Is it an item, or a person, or a skill? And how would you give it to us?" Claire asked, almost confrontationally.

"Well now, if you desire an item, I will bend the laws of space to give it to you. If it's not something that can be obtained by this means, then I will use my power to create a close replica. If it's a person, that's much easier - a simple involuntary slave contract often does the trick to grant ownership over your beloved forever. If it's an emotional bond you require, a simple love curse or potion will bind them to you wholeheartedly. As for skills, that's even easier - there are endless records of different trades and abilities within my Domain Library. Granting you what you want is as simple as lending you a book." Malcolm smirked, sure his offer was waterproof, but the faces of the seven friends visibly became strained.

"Yeah, let's figure out the specific rewards first. I don't want to make anyone become a lovesick slave by accident." Keith mumbled, eyes darting at Norm before swiftly looking away.

"All right - what are we asking for here? One reward each, or a group prize?" Lisa questioned briskly.

"I don't know about you, but I want a fully staffed, working, life sized Starship Enterprise!" Tom declared with great vigor, waving his hands violently - and losing an ear.

Hearing this, Malcolm lost his smile. "Do you know how much effort I would need to make that? It's more expensive than your freedom, a thousand times over - I refuse."

"Ah! So there are limits to what we can get - something like an equal exchange? So, if I asked to really become a wizard - would it work?" Harry quirried, and Malcolm scoffed.

"The ability to absorb and direct magic, and knowledge of how to craft spells - yes, that's acceptable."

"So, I could get a hot elf girlfriend?" Tom asked hopefully.

"So long as you're not too concerned about which species of elf, it's not an issue." Malcolm smirked, and Tom nodded swiftly.

"Right, I want huge tits - big as my head, or better! A great arse! And we need to be able to have kids together! And, like, she should know some magic, to hide she's an elf in public…" Tom started listing his demands for the 'perfect' girlfriend, and the others just shook their heads and stopped listening.

Sadly this was not the first time they had to sit through Tom's drunk tirade about elf girls. Why was this fake Spock hung up on elves, and not Vulcans or Klingons? Because, in his words - Vulcan babes are just too cold, and while B'Elanna is hot stuff, I'm not Chakotay.

"Hmm, if we are in another world, what do we do for money? Will they speak English? A- and how do we protect ourselves from bandits and stuff?" Norm asked, feeling confused.

"Excellent points. I propose we get Malcolm to grant us our character roles and skills as part of the game." Lisa began, slowly starting to sober up.

"I don't know about you, but if I get to turn into a dragon, a REAL dragon - I'm not willing to give that up." Claire commented, and the others looked thoughtful.

"Hmm, like, maybe we can find a special item, or earn an achievement that lets us keep the special powers even after we get home? Wouldn't that cover your magic wish, Harry?" Keith asked, and everyone looked pensive.

"Yeah, I really can't think of anything I'd wager for something this big to get, so keeping awesome witch powers sounds like an excellent prize." Genifer gave her two cents.

"Do you think if I become a real Treant, I'll end up taller?" Norm wondered.

As Tom rambled about the 'perfect elf girlfriend', the others made up their minds.

"Have you come to an accord?" Malcolm asked casually, and the group nodded.

"Since this is a role playing game brought off the map, we want to have the class, race and skills of the characters we've been playing. And we'll need some life skills - like being able to speak and understand the local languages. We'd also like a special object collection, or achievement award that will let us keep the these character identities after we come home. As for our prizes, we're not sure yet. Can we decide later?" Lisa summed things up, and Malcolm hummed in amusement.

"Yes, with your current skills and physiques, the game would probably not last very long. You can choose your prizes at anytime before the final challenge fight. And, a scavenger hunt for special tokens to grant you permanent access to these special abilities sounds like an extra bit of fun. However, I will decide what the trophies are. Now, let's discuss your starting skills, and character growth." Malcolm grinned, and everyone except Tom nodded firmly.