28: Underground Society (3)

Li Fei almost forgot that in this world, low born mortals, especially the young ladies, couldn't freely choose the directions of their life, let alone chasing their dreams.

Being enrolled in a formal school was also out of the question. It's requires a lot of fortunes and only reserved to the noble borns. If they were lucky as in being born in a noble family of an expert, they could at least open their meridians and walked in the path of cultivation by the guidance of their parents or a master and joining a bonafide martial sect.

All they can do was waiting for a man to marry them or work in the house of a Lord as maidservants in order to prepare themselves to become a well-educated lady until they were ready to marry a man.

If they were already passed the age of marriage and couldn't find a spouse, working on the fields or any other decent and honest jobs to fill their belly and support their family might be the least they could do in their menial life as a mortal.

However, there's one last occupation that they could rely on if they want to live in a slightly better standings. Courtesans.

And as for these colorful young ladies who had live in the slum since the very first time they could remember a thing was their last resort in order to get out from the slum.

Li Fei couldn't help but to shake his head. "Alright, let us come inside first and talk about your future over a cup of tea."

As if it was cued, the red wooden gates which were braced by steels were pulled from the inside by Yulan.

"We are home." Li Fei smiles at her and was welcomed warmly by a sincere hug from the latter.

Blissful sighs escaped from Yulan's slightly parted lips, relieved to see him brought Ye Rui's sisters safe and sound.

"And these three are…" Yulan scanned the trio who only wore a ragged clothes that was sewn together using whatever they could use.

"These are my little sisters, Eldest Sister Yulan! From left to right; Zhihe, Linlin and Ruowei." Ye Rui reached out her hand, introduced them one after another.

"We greets Eldest Sister Yulan." The trio joined their forearms and bowed courtesily toward the calm and collected lady. Although the three never had any formal education, they were knowledgeable enough to do a proper greetings to someone who has higher standings.

"Heavens!" Yulan's eyes widened upon seeing their less-presentable state. "Ye Rui, my dear, would you be so kind as to guide them to the bath? I'll catch up with all of you later."

Ye Rui's felt the chill running down on her spine when Yulan smiles ominously like a demon who's ready to reap her sweet soul away.

"Right away, Eldest Sister!"

As they were scurried away and entered the mansion, Yulan's frowned her eyebrows, concerned of what was happening in the slum district.

"Took you sooner than expected. Is everything alright?" Yulan inquired.

"Yes, and no." Li Fei walked a tad inside and close the gates since the road was already a tad crowded. "I was so lucky to find them just in time before a bunch of thugs were about to… Ekhem, you know what. But not with the other hundreds of maidens who had fell victim to the vilest Demonic Dual Cultivation Art ever and the number is still counting as we speak."

"Oh dear…" Yulan's feet almost turn into jello upon hearing the sheer number of women who had already been slaughtered.

"I have heard about the rumours of the mysterious disappearance of young women that occured around the slum district for the past decade. I thought it was just the usual case of the young butterflies who wants to breath a fresh air outside. Tsk! We have to stop it before there's more victim! I will come with you, period!"

"Calm down." Li Fei tapped her shoulder gently. "First, we need a plan and some helping hands if possible."

"I think I know just the person! Wait here!" 

Yulan ran hastily towards the gates, she didn't even bother to open them and jumps over the wall in a single leap. Her loud, high-pitched voice was still audible when she knocked at the neighbour's front door. Curious, Li Fei followed suit and found her knocking on a carpenter's workshop.

"Miss Tang Yu! Miss Tang Yu! It's me, Yulan! I will need your help, open the door!"

Before long, the door was wide open by a quite a strength. A middle-aged lady, stepped out on to the porch.

Well, not really a middle-aged one, she's still somewhere around her late thirties. But, her facial features and demeanor was a definitive portrayal of a sexy MILF! And she was a tomboy one at that.

Tang Yu's medium long hair was tied into a high bun on the back of her head and her long and slender neck was free to the world to bare witness of her alluring charm. The loose blue short clothes was holding for its dear life as to not spilling her voluptuous mountains of dreams everywhere.

Her long pants was a rather tight one, especially around her hips and delectable-looking rumps which creating a gravitational force that is even stronger than a super-masive black hole and makes any man turn their heads to her back piece.

She might be far from the description of a jade beauty, however, in Li Fei's eyes, she was one hell of a beautiful and sexy lady, especially with her tanned light brown skin which added to her overall sexiness. Not that Li Fei wants to objectivied her as a jerking material, it's just Li Fei's way to appreciate a woman's charm. He's a man of culture through and through.

"Dear heavens! What happened to you?" Tang Yu caressed Yulan's reddened cheeks due to the sudden burst of adrenaline.

"I need your help! No, that's not it. We need your help! I believe you already familiar with the missing cases of multiple young women for the past decade. Master Peng Lao have found the culprit!"

Tang Yu, turn her gaze onto Li Fei who stands a bit further from the porch.

"Is it true?!"

"There's only one way to find out. If you come with us, I'll compensate you with a blueprint of an artefact. As a member of Tang Clan, I am sure you want to miss this."

Li Fei waved the Penga Massager 3 Modes in the air while pressing the button on and off. It didn't a long time for Tang Yu to understand how to use the artefact from just a glance. After one big inhale, she shouted to the top of her lungs.

"Get your asses down here ya dimwits! Master Peng Lao have a job for you all!"