Chapter 7

When Luna found out from her parents about their visit to the Solace house, a sense of dread filled her, but she was also excited to see her siblings again.

The news of the dinner brought mixed emotions—anticipation to reunite with Ethan and Isabella, and the usual unease whenever she had to face her parents.

Luna stood in front of the mirror in her luxurious dorm room at Aurelia Academy, her blue eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and determination. The room, reserved for only the richest students, was elegantly furnished with plush carpets, antique furniture, and an expansive view of the academy's manicured gardens.

She carefully selected her outfit for the evening. She chose a Chanel two-piece ensemble that exuded elegance and sophistication. The top was a cropped white tweed jacket adorned with delicate pearl buttons, and the matching skirt hugged her curves perfectly, falling just above her knees.

The ensemble accentuated her tan skin, and her curly hair framed her face in soft waves. Her lips, naturally red and full, added a touch of boldness to her look. To complete the outfit, she slipped on a pair of white heels from Louboutin, their signature red soles peeking out as she walked.

Her personal driver, James, arrived promptly to take her to the Laurier mansion. As Luna settled into the backseat of the sleek black car, she took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the evening ahead. The drive through the city was smooth, and soon the familiar gates of her family's estate came into view.

The Laurier mansion stood grand and imposing, a testament to the family's wealth and influence. The sprawling gardens and the elegant façade of the house always left an impression, even on Luna, who had grown up here. As the car rolled to a stop, she saw her siblings waiting on the front steps, their faces lighting up at the sight of her.

"Luna!" Julia and Julian, the twins, ran to her as soon as she stepped out of the car. They were both impeccably dressed, their curly hair perfectly styled. Julia's blue eyes sparkled with excitement, while Julian's hazel eyes reflected his happiness to see her.

"Luna, you look beautiful," Riley said, her voice tinged with both admiration and a hint of reluctance.

"Thanks, Riley," Luna replied, offering her sister a smile. "You look amazing too."

The Laurier siblings, with their curly hair and elegant attire, made a striking group. The twins, always close to Luna, chattered excitedly about their recent adventures and plans. Julia, with her blue eyes shining, shared stories about school, while Julian added his own amusing anecdotes.

Riley, though more reserved, occasionally chimed in. The dynamic between the siblings was evident—Julia and Julian were Luna's staunch allies, while Riley, despite her occasional competitiveness, still held a bond with her that only siblings would understand.