Chapter 9

Luca sent a silent smile, which was received with a nonchalant glance from Luna. Leonardo saw their interaction and couldn't help feeling tight. The tension at the table was palpable, despite the polite conversation and the clinking of silverware against fine China.

Dinner progressed smoothly on the surface, with discussions about business ventures, social events, and the latest happenings within their social circles. However, the underlying currents of unease and unspoken words created an atmosphere that was anything but relaxed.

"So, regarding the wedding," Mrs. Solace paused, her eyes briefly meeting those of Mrs. Laurier before continuing. "Do you have a date in mind?"

Luna's mother replied, her tone measured and precise. "I was thinking, the sooner we have it, the better. There are many preparations to consider, and it's best not to delay."

Mr. Solace nodded in agreement, glancing at his wife. "Indeed. We were thinking perhaps June 10th, which is three weeks from now. That should give us enough time to ensure everything is perfect."

Luna kept her expression neutral, her mind racing. Three weeks felt like no time at all, but she knew better than to voice her concerns in this setting.

Mrs. Laurier responded, her voice as composed as ever. "June 10th sounds suitable. We can begin arrangements immediately. Luna, do you have any objections?"

Luna looked up, meeting her mother's gaze. "No, Mother. June 10th is fine," she said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

Leonardo, sensing Luna's discomfort, interjected politely. "It will be a beautiful ceremony. I believe we can make all necessary preparations within that timeframe. Luna, if there are any specific requests you have, we should discuss them soon."

"Of course," Luna replied, appreciating his attempt to include her in the decision-making process.

The conversation shifted back to lighter topics, but the weight of the upcoming wedding lingered in the air. As dessert was served, Mr. Laurier turned to Mr. Solace. "We should finalize the guest list soon. It's important that we manage the event efficiently."

"Agreed," Mr. Solace said. "Our families have a reputation to uphold, and this wedding will be a significant social event."