Last days in college


"It's almost the last days in college and the thought of going back to my father's house to see my step mother and my step sister Mary Parker grieved me."

 "I was thinking of going back to live with my mother but I didn't want to bother her, she has done enough for me and it's time for me to care and provide for her not to bother her anymore."

"I will return to my father's house, go in search of a job . Having a job will keep me busy and away from my step mother and my step sister Mary Parker." I made up my mind to return to my father's house.

" Still preparing for my project and everything, it was barely two weeks left to defend our project. Mostly I spent my time in school. "

"I got back to the room I saw Linda sleeping with the cloth she wore when we leaving to school, I wanted waking her up to undress but I let her be because this few days in school were hectic. "

"I pulled off my dress, without freshing up I changed into my house wear and went straight to the kitchen but there was no food. It then down on me that Linda and I left the house very early in morning without cooking anything and we had nothing in our stomach that morning."

"This could be reason Linda is so weak and couldn't even take off her clothe before sleeping…" I thought to myself.

"She's actually sleeping because she's hungry, Linda got back to the room an hour before me, unlike her she would have cooked for us." I soliloquies .

"She must be really hungry and tired." I said to myself.

"Without much thinking and with the little strength in me which results to the sauce pie I ate while in school."

"I started cooking for us because I didn't like Linda's condition."

"Within a few minutes I was done because I was cooking jellof spaghetti and it's very simple and fast to prepare."

"Without wasting time, I dished out the food called out to Linda to come eat that food is ready."

"Say no to hunger.". I'm home.. I said while trying to pull her up because she was damn weak.

"Thank you Vivienne.." she said without even seeing the food..

"You haven't even seen the food and you are thanking me anyways you are welcome… I replied with a smile."

"Linda was too tired to walk down to the dinning so I set the table in our bedroom."

"Thank you.". Linda thanked me again, I'm sorry I couldn't help in cooking something when I was the first to return home, I was damn hungry and weak. She apologized .

"No need to worry Linda, we are sisters no need to apologies besides if I were in your condition I know you will do same.. I said to her , please let's eat".. I added.

"You just saved a soul.. Linda said beeming smiles." I could see the joy all over her face, Linda must be really hungry thanks heaven I came back in time.. aIthought to myself . I really saved a soul.. I said to her, we both started laughing.

"I'm gonna miss you.." Linda muttered to me.

"I will miss you more…" I replied her.

"Please let's eat before the food gets cool .. I said to Linda."

"Sure let's eat.". she added.

"Wow, your food is so delicious , you are such a good cook.." Linda complimented me.

"Thank you Linda…"I'm glad you like it .. I said to her.

"I love it.. Linda said, your people must have really missed your cooking this few years, I know they will be so glad to see you again in few weeks time.." Linda added.

"Linda's words sent some colds spine running down my stomach I almost lost my appetite, the thought of going back home in few weeks grief me. "But I managed to eat and kept a smiling face to avoid Linda questioning me.

"That's true.." I said faking a smile.

"You must be really good.." Linda added.

"Getting up to dish for the third time, I realized the food is almost finishing, we were really hungry".. I said to Linda when I got back to the bedroom.

"I was really hungry Vivienne, do you know I'm just realizing we have been eating for a long time now this most be the last spaghetti in the pot.." Linda said.

"No, it's still remaining tho very little..I said to her. We gonna finish everything right here." Linda said.

"That's for you Linda because I'm filled, I said to her standing up ."

"Ok then, I will surely finish everything because the food is delicious and I was very hungry I'm not yet satisfied.." she replied.

"Good luck.". I said smiling.

" I got back to continue writing my project, alot running in mind still in a deep thought, I was interrupted by Linda. "Can I join you Vivienne? Linda asked me.. yes sure you can .. I said to her.

Linda and I tho doing the same course but we weren't writing the same project so weren't really studying together because we were in different groups. 

" Linda sat at the edge of the bed ."

"Vivienne Parker.. Linda called me. "First time Linda calling me by my full name.

"Yes Linda Weston.." I replied calling her full name too, all of a sudden Linda started laughing and I joined her. 

"I'm really going to miss you".. Linda said

"I will miss you too.". I replied, holding her hands. Linda, thank you for everything, for the sisterly love and care which I never experienced, you made me understand that anyone can love and care about you even more than your family members, which you really did for me. I said to Linda

"You are welcome but you have done the same to me even more than what I have done, you are such an angel and your people are lucky to have you.." she replied.