Mrs Aaron is at the hospital


What happened mom? This is actually the first time I have seen you talk to Vivianne the way you just did in these three weeks she has been living with us.

How were you expecting me to speak to her? Aaron's mother asked him.

And you why didn't you tell me, she was just a contract bride? Aaron's mother asked again. 

What were you expecting me to tell you mom? Should I have told you that the woman living in this mansion with us is not the woman I love but someone who signed a five year marriage contract inorder to save her sick father? 

Or should have told you that she is the lady who willingly accepted to give you her kidney inorder to save her father? I asked my mother.

My mother was quiet for a while before she finally spoke up. It doesn't matter, you should have told me.

I have no problem with her approving to give her kidney to me for her father's health. Instead I even love her more because that shows that she is someone who can do anything for her loved ones and that is how you are a son. My mother said to me, 

What do you mean by that mom? I asked since I didn't understand what my mother was trying to say to me. 

Aaron, you are my son. I carried you in my womb for good nine months and I gave birth to you and I even raised you up and I am still here seeing how you grow great everyday even though you act to be strong and heartless.

But your mother knows one thing. And that is despite you acting like someone who doesn't care or have a heart, I know deep down you have a heart. If not you won't have married a stranger for five good years just to save my life son. My mother said to me, 

And that got me so emotional but I couldn't say anything since it was very touching to hear my mother say something like that to me. Because she has never told me anything like that before.

 But I couldn't let her see that her words are having a positive effect on me. 

So mom, what are you trying to say, mom? I asked her 

Since she is also sacrificing five years of her life, why don't you love her? My mother asked me. And it was so shocking to me because I never imagined her saying something like that to me. 

Mom, I am sorry but I love someone else and she too has a boyfriend who is waiting for her after these. I said to my mother.

What do you mean by she has a boyfriend? My mother asked me and from her tone I am sure she wasn't happy with what I just said to her. 

Yes mom, the person who found her for me. Is her friend and she told me she has a boyfriend and she was the person who even agreed to the five years marriage. I said to my mother.

B..u…t.. she doesn't look like a girl who will leave her boyfriend for anyone. My mother said to me,

But mom, that is the truth. My girlfriend told me. Aaron said 

Have you ever wondered if that girlfriend of yours is lying to you? My mother asked me. But I refuse to let it get to me. I have been dating Mary for almost 6 years now. She will never do that. I said to myself and I immediately send the thought of that behind me.

You know what mum, you should rest. You know you are not feeling well. You don't need to stress yourself so much.

I hope you will consider my point. And find out if I am correct or not. But I won't force you. I will let you decide but please son don't do something that you will regret in the future.

If I am angry with Vivienne it is not because she is your substitute bride but rather because she didn't trust me enough to tell me the truth.

 I thought we were really close but she kept the truth from me. My mother said and I helped her as she struggled to sleep on the bed.

Well, my mother is right. Vivienne is a very good girl. 

And she is very obedient but the fact that she always lets me sleep with her when she knows she has a boyfriend to go to after this is one of the reasons I will never love her. 

I know that giving my mother her kidney is a big deal. That is why I accepted her idea of a five year contract marriage. 

Because within that time she must have recovered fully and ready to leave and that is why I don't want to get too attached to her. 

And I also love Mary Parker and she is the woman I will love to spend the rest of my life with and no one else. I said to myself and walked out of my mother's room.


My mother- in-law law kept acting harsh towards me, with the way she was acting I wouldn't have followed her to hospital but it's something I signed up for and I already said within me I'm going to go with her, she is like a mother to me she used to be nice to me back then maybe something is just wrong somewhere but what could that be? I kept asking myself.

Arrangements were made and we left for the hospital. It was the hospital my dad was admitted to. I recognized Dr Cartel and he recognized me too.

Good day Dr Cartel. I greeted him

Good day Vivienne. He replied. Nice meeting you again Vivienne Parker. He added and patted my back.

Thank you Dr Cartel, it's really good to see you again. I replied, my face beaming with smiles.

Do you know each other? Aaron asked not to refer to any one in particular.

Yes, I got to know her when her dad came for treatment here. She was always here with her dad. Dr Cartel replied.

Ah, Aaron Richmond is that you, I didn't even know it's you. Dr Cartel said to Aaron my husband 

There I realized they both knew each other from college.

Dr Cartel, longest time, how have you been? Aaron said to Dr Cartel, they both shake hands. Everybody in the college just disappeared. No good times together again and you Dr Cartel the handsome dude in the eye of every girl back then in college. Aaron said to Dr Cartel and they both started laughing.

So Aaron, how do you know Vivienne or is she your wife? Dr Cartel asked Aaron.

Oh she's my substitute wife we both signed a contract marriage. Aaron replied, looking at me.

We are keeping mom waiting, please Dr Cartel help us to quickly sign in mom. I said to Dr Cartel.

Oh that her space and everything is in order Vivienne. He replied.

Ok Dr cartel but we need to go inside, we keep mom outside here. I added.

At this point I was looking at my mother in law MRS Daisy Richmond to see her reaction, of course she wasn't happy.

Let us all go inside. Aaron said beckoning me to go take the luggage from the car. I left the car to pick up the luggage while Dr Cartel led the way inside the hospital, he took us to my mother in law hospital bay and I put down the luggage.

Feel free to call my attention anytime Vivienne Parker. Dr Cartel said to me. Mom don't worry everything will be fine, I will be coming to check on you always. He added

 Thank you very much Dr Cartel, you have really done enough for us. Aaron replied.

You welcome Aaron, you use to be a very nice person in college though very toxic. Dr Cartel said to Aaron and they both laughed.

I hope you are not that toxic with Vivienne Parker anyways I know Vivienne to be a very nice person. Dr Cartel said, turning to look at me. I smiled and looked away. 

He is a very caring man, Vivienne Parker. I know Aaron to be a very toxic handsome guy but he was very caring in college and used to be around him because he was handsome and rich, he was very popular. Dr Cartel added.

Dr Cartel you used to be every girl, the handsome Dr Cartel, I just used to live my simple life. Aaron replied.

Vivienne Parker has been married to Aaron Richmond for a long time. Dr Cartel asked me.

It's been three years now, Dr. I replied.

You signed a contract for marriage. You aren't married to my son. My mother cut in.

Come on mom can you stop, why are you acting this way, Vivienne is the one to stay here and take care of you why treat her this way mom. Aaron said to his mom.

Are you choosing a stranger over me? She asked Aaron.

No mom, besides Vivienne isn't a stranger and I'm not choosing her over you, mom. Aaron replied.

I will be in my office Aaron Richmond. Dr Cartel said to us while shaking hands with Aaron. Vivienne Parker calls my attention anytime you need something okay! He added and left.

Mom if I have offended you in any way I'm sorry mom. I said to my mother in law

Vivienne it's okay, mom will come around . Aaron to me and patted my back.

Why is Aaron acting so nice? He was the first to tell Dr Cartel that I'm his substitute wife while acting so nice now, I asked myself.

I will be on my way now mom. He said and pecked her on her left cheek. Mom please try and be nice to Vivienne, she is here to take care of you , I'm still trying to find out while you now have so much hatred for her, if she has wronged you mom please forgive for my sake mom. Aaron said to his mom. And you Vivienne please take care of mom I will be back tomorrow, make sure you call Dr Cartel attention incase mom needs anything. Aaron said to me.

Don't worry, I will do just that and mom will be well taken care of as usual, let me walk you to the car. I said to him, 

I know right, please try to cope with mom's new attitude. He replied. Mom I will come see you tomorrow, he added and we both walked to the car.

Vivienne, please take good care of mom. He said to me while pecking me on my forehead.

I got back to the room my mother in law was in. I packed some food in the flask. Would you mind, it's dinner time already. I said to my mother in law but she didn't utter a word. Mom, we can't continue this way. I said and served her the meal.