Abort the pregnancy.



 "I got up by the sound of something falling." And when I opened my eyes I saw Dr. Cartel bending down to pick whatever that fell from the floor. 

"You are up?" Dr Cartel asked me the moment he lifted his head after picking the stuff that fell on the floor.

"Yes doc." I said to him while I tried to get up from the bed but I couldn't as I experienced a sharp pain below my rib cage.

"You don't need to move on your own."

"Let me help you." Dr Cartel said to me as he helped me sit on the bed with my head lying on the head bed.

"Thanks so much doc." I said to him..

"You are welcome Vivienne. And by the way you don't need to thank me." I am just doing my work. Dr Cartel said

"And I just nodded my head in understanding of what he just said to me." 

"How about my mother- in-law?" I asked Dr Cartel. 

"She is fine. But she hasn't woken up." Dr Cartel said to me. 

"I really admire you. Do you know that? Dr Cartel asked me."

"I don't understand what you are saying, doc." I said to the doctor. 

"Well, I admire you because even after you mother- in-law called you a lier and you husband told you he doesn't want the baby you still did the kidney transplant which was successful and now here you are asking about someone who didn't even care that you are carrying her grandchild." Dr. Cartel said to me.

"Doctor, even if I stop caring about my mother- in-law it won't change the fact that it is my kidney that is inside her body right now."

"And also, just as you said I won't blame them because they are not the people who hurt me." I said to the doctor who was totally quiet still progressing what I just said to him.

"You are right. And that is why I admire you so much." 

 "I pray you are able to overcome your challenges." Dr Cartel said to me.

"Please where is Aaron?" I asked Dr. Cartel.

"Since you fell asleep he left to go check up on his mother." So he should be at his mother's hospital room. Dr. Cartel and just then the door was pushed open revealing Aaron who walked inside while Carrying a bag.

"Why are you here?" I asked again. Because the last time he was here, which was a few minutes ago, all he could mention was his mother. 

"When I came in the last time you fell asleep so I left to go get you something to eat." It's delicious.

 I asked the maids to prepare your favorite meal and they prepared these. Aaron said and placed the food on the small table in the hospital room..

*It's fine. You shouldn't have bothered yourself to bring me food".. Clara said to Aaron.

"He smiled for a while and said to me, you don't need to get yourself work up or think I am trying to take advantage of the situation but rather it is my little way of thanking you for honoring the contract even though you tried to make my mother and I look like a fool in front of doctor Cartel." Aaron said while looking serious.

"Thank you". Was the only word I could say to him. since no matter what I say he won't believe me because of his love for Mary.

"What are you going to do with the baby"? Aaron asked me but there were no emotions on his face so I couldn't find out what was on his mind. But right now I don't care. If it was in the past I would have cared but right now I don't. 

"I want to keep the baby". I said to him and looked at him to find out his reaction but still nothing. 

"You are just a substitute bride, I don't love you but rather I love your friend Mary Parker so there is no way I am going to allow you keep that pregnancy because if you do you are going to use it against me in the future". Aaron said to me. 

"Looking at him right now I was so disappointed in myself to think that someone like him will ever change and love me but right now I know better." And I won't let him think I am just a weak girl. 

"You don't need to bother yourself because I am not going to disturb you with my pregnancy". I promise I won't asks neither will I even tell the child you are his or her father. I am going to raise the child alone. I said to him,

"No, you can't stay in my house with the pregnancy". Aaron said 

"Then let's divorce. I said to him seriously". 

"What? He asked".

"Yes Aaron, if you don't want the child anywhere near you then let's divorce and I promise I will raise the child alone". And I promise we won't disturb you. I said to him,

"So, you want us to divorce before the 5 years comes to an end all because of a child we are not sure he or she is going to survive and a child I don't want"? Aaron asked angrily.

"My child is going to survive that I assure and yes I want a divorce." I have filled everything in the contract right? You gave me money for my dad's treatment and you even gave me money so I can give my kidney to your mother which I have done. So there is no need for us to remain married. I said to him,

"You…. Just when he was about to say something his phone started ringing."

"He immediately took the phone from his pocket and checked on the caller's ID before walking towards the window to answer it". Just from the smile on his face throughout the call I knew, it was definitely Mary who was on the other side of the phone.

"When he was done with the call he walked back and said to me." I have somewhere important to go to. I will check up on you later. Don't forget to eat your food. He then kissed my forehead before walking out of the room.

"When he closes the door, tears flow down my eyes without me even knowing."

 He could only talk to me lovingly when ever he wants us to have S*x. Apart from that, I have never seen him talk to me so lovely like the way he just spoke to the person on the phone. 

But, today I could see him smile while talking to someone who couldn't even see it.

"And I am very sure he is going to meet up with Mary."