Having some money saved up for a good Lawyer for the divorce.


"It was already 6 o'clock in the morning, I woke up I walked down to the sitting room I passed Dr Cartel room but it's locked and he was fast asleep, we were to go to California where I schooled to secure an apartment for me and also I wanted to appreciate him by preparing a nice meal for him."

"I went to his kitchen, I wanted to make breakfast so I decided to prepare jollof spaghetti and meatballs." It's not my favorite but I'm very good at preparing it.

"I quickly made his appetizer first before cooking the main dish."

"I was done so I went to arrange the dining table and set the dishes, it was already 7 o'clock and Dr Cartel was up." He was surprised to see me arranging the dining table.

"Good morning Vivienne Parker And What are you doing there?" He asked..

"I prepared our breakfast." I replied

"Good morning Dr Cartel." I added.

"Thank you, that's so thoughtful of you." We both ate in silence. 

"Your meal is so delicious Vivienne." Dr cartel said.

"Thank you." I replied smiling.

"Is it okay if we have a talk?" Dr Cartel asked me.

"Sure. What is it all about?" I asked him. Because this is actually the first time I am seeing him this serious.

"Why don't we move to the living room so we can talk better." Dr Cartel said to me.

"Alright Dr." "But I will have to clear the table first." I said to him,

"Then let me help you. He said to me, "There is no need for that Dr, I will do it alone." I insisted on the fact that he shouldn't help me. 

"You made the food, so allow me to clear the table and do the dishes." Dr Cartel said to me. 

"There is no way I will allow you to do that," Dr. I said to him, still insisting."

"And there is no way I will allow you to do all the work with your condition." Dr Cartel said 

"Seeing that Dr Cartel wasn't ready to give in to me clearing the table and doing the dishes and I wasn't ready to let him do so much work in his own house I had to make a decision."

"Fine." "You can help me take the dishes to the kitchen. While I will clean the table." And come wash the dishes. I said to him, 

"Now you are talking." Dr. Cartel said as he carried the dirty dishes to the kitchen. While I arrange the dining table. 

"Within a space of two minutes I was done cleaning the table so I walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes but Dr. Cartel was already washing the dishes. 

"I thought I said I will do the dishes?" I asked him the moment I stepped inside the kitchen.

"Well, I never wanted to distress your pretty hands so I had to do it. Dr. Cartel said jokingly."

"Ohh! Really now?" I asked him while smiling. 

"Yes dear." And by the way you are too pretty to be washing dishes. Dr. Cartel said to him.

"And that somehow made me blush."

"Will you stop pulling my legs? We know that isn't true." I said to him, 

"Well, who ever told you that is not true is a liar because you are a real goddess Vivienne." Dr. Cartel said while staring at me. We both stared at each other for a while and that somehow made me feel nervous.

"Dr. Cartel, you told me you want us to discuss." I said to him, bringing him back to his senses.

"Yes. I did. Let's go to the living room. By the way, I am done with the dishes." Dr. Cartel said to me and we both walked to the living room. 

"So Doc, what do you want us to talk about?" I asked him. 

"Now that you have moved out of Richmond's Family mansion, what do you want to do with your life?" Dr. Cartel asked.

Dr. Cartel question somehow made me start thinking about my life. "Since I have a baby to take care of right now." 

"Actually, doc. "I don't really know what to do." I haven't taken my time to sit and think about that. I said to him honestly. 

"That is fine." I just wanted to ask since you now have a baby to think of. But for now I will be here for you and your baby. Dr Cartel said and I could really feel his honesty in his words. 

"Thanks so much Dr. Cartel." I said to him,

"You don't have to thank Vivienne, you are a good girl and you deserve to be treated right." Dr. Cartel said to me.

"What about Aaron Richmond?" Dr. Cartel asked again. 

"What happened to him?" I asked while looking at him. Dr. Cartel somehow worried. 

"You are his wife." And it won't be good if you stay here with me. It will spoil your image. Dr. Cartel said to me.

"And somehow I saw the point he was trying to make." I am so grateful I have him in my life because he does everything within his power to make me comfortable and he also makes me feel love. 

"You are right Dr Cartel." That is why I have decided to look for a Lawyer who will help facilitate the divorce between Aaron and I. I said to Dr Cartel truthfully. 

"So do you have any lawyer in mind?" Dr. Cartel asked.

"Not really." "But I have some money saved up." I am going to use the money to get a good lawyer for that. I said Dr. Cartel. 

"You don't need to bother yourself about a lawyer." I will call a friend of mine who is a lawyer to help you out with the divorce procedures. Dr. Cartel said 

"Like seriously doc?" I asked him, still shocked, about what he just said to me. He is really a God sent to him. 

"I am serious Vivienne and you should know I will never joke with you." Dr. Cartel said as he held my hands and kissed it.

"Thanks so much for the massive support you have given me." I said to him,

"You are welcome." Won't you tell your dad about your plans of divorce with Aaron Richmond? Dr. Cartel asked again.

"I will but not right now." Because if I tell him now he will blame himself for my divorce. I said .

"Alright then but just know that wherever you are ready to inform your dad about it I will be here to support you." Dr. Cartel said to me. 

"Thanks so much." I said to him and he just smiled at me and got up from the couch he was sitting on.

"I need to go to the hospital right now." I have some patients who are waiting for me in the hospital. Dr. Cartel said to me.

"Alright doc." I replied to him. 

"There is some money inside the drawer in my room. Use it to get anything you want to eat and prepare food." I will be coming back by 8 in the evening. Dr. Cartel said to me. 

"I nodded my head positively and I waved him goodbye and he walked out of the apartment."