Ch-11 Scorching Desert

Rex gets to his home after battling with Aria he is tired and needed rest but he knows he has to get to level 20 before frozen valley so he started to pack somethings to get to another monster field the forest of night is for beginners and he is now well over level 15 so he opened his laptop and searched and found another hunting ground named 'Scorched desert' 

'Scorched dessert huh its written here its best for warriors between level 15-25' Rex thought

Rex takes a shower and lays on bed to take rest he decided to left for the desert at night 

At night 

Rex wakes up and takes the bag and goes downstairs and tells his parents he is leaving 

'I have packed the lunch be sure to eat ok 'Mom said 

'Yes mom 'Rex said as he leaves his house and started going towards teleportation portal 

After reaching teleportation portal rex pays 200 lumina and teleports to scorching dessert the reason he is going to desert in night is because the dessert have lots of fire element monsters and at dad there power increase in desert whereas at night desert is very cold and reduces the monsters power 

Rex reached the desert in seconds as he saw many monsters and first thing he saw was a large elephant which had fire tusks and it was throwing fire from its trunk at some people who were trying to kill it 

'Damn that's massive how many people are fighting it together ' Rex thought as his mouth was left opened 

Red grinned as he takes transforms his ring to a axe and lunges at a beast that looked like komodo dragon but was completely red and can spit fire 

' Dark slash' Rex shouted while slashing down at the lizard which dies with single attack

'That was easier then i thought ' Rex thought as he looked at dead body of lizard but the next second he was hit by a fire spit from side 

System notification : user have been burned fire resistance skill has helped to take less damage

Rex looked at the direction he got hit from and saw a group of fire lizard looking at him 

Rex grinned as he lunges at the transforming his axe into a long sword he take out his hammer and hold it between it teath as he used flame control and minor dark element control together and made a dark fire surround his sword 

The lizard spits fire at him but he dodges most of them rex he blocked by transforming longsword into heavy shield as he ran near them without giving them time used dark slash at them by putting three four lizard in his motion of one swings 

Rex turns and saw many fire spits coming to his direction and transforms black weapon into shield again to block the spits but the recoil of so many fire spits pushed him back 

'Damn there are too many of them i need some AOE skills which i lack ' Rex said while trying to stop himself from getting back because of recoil 

Rex sighs as the spits stops coming Rex looks from side of the heavy shield and saw that lizards are panting

'So all i need to do is tire them and kill them huh ' Rex thoughts as he transforms heavy shield in axe and butchered all the lizard and collected the lizards tails to sell them to get some money as there tails contains fire element and can be used as energy source 

Rex sat on ground to take some breath but he soon noticed more lizards coming he slowly got up transforming his axe into heavy shield and repeating the process 

After two days of repeating the process of tiering the lizard butchering them and storing there tails rex was now level 20 

Name : Rex 

level : 20

legacy : forge emperor

legacy weapon : hammer 

Description: The Forge emperor is the highest level of forging anyone can go its is the legacy of Tharlik Ironflame 







free points :4

Skills : intermediate blade arts ,basic forging arts ,internal flame(basic),dark slash, minor control over dark element

Special legacy skill: can retrieve the legacy weapons from the person you kill 

'Damn it took very long i guess the higher my level goes the harder it will be to level up' Rex thoughts as he packed his belonging and leave to the teleportation portal

'I have not gone deep inside the desert i was only at starting killing lizards next time i come here i would go deeper ' Rex thought as he pays 200 lumina and teleports to his city Verdentia and get to his house and lays n bed as he started scrolling through phone he messaged aria if they are leaving tomorrow and she replied to meet at city's portal 

Rex put his arm on his eyes after confirming they are leaving to frozen valley tomorrow and started getting his well deserved rest