Ch-14 New ways to use black weapon

'what do you even mean by that 'Aria asked 

Rex sees a white horse sleeping it had ice like crystals on his body and was 2 times bigger then the horse rex has seen 

'No way you are thinking about taming that beast i do have a spell to control a beast but it cant control something like that ' Shara said

Rex transformed his black ring into a saddle

' what the fuck a saddle cant tame a beast ' Aria said 

'it can because now i can use a new skill ' Rex said 

Skill : dark taming 

Description: can control the beast if the black weapon is placed on him the amount of control depends on the power of the user 

'Wait so you are saying you can tame a beast like that big horse with it ' Shara asked 

'May be it can work the is no harm in trying '  Rex said 

'Fine fine lets tame that beast but if we fail we are killing it asap ' Aria said with a sigh

Rex got his saddle ready as he sneak his way to the beast horse while Shara used some buff spells on Aria as Aria takes her stance to fight it if anything out of plan happens 

Rex put the saddle on the white horse as it wakes up the beast but Rex didnt give it any time as he used his skill Dark taming on it 

The white horse tries to resist for sometime but after 5 minutes he was calm and just standing there following order 

'How did the saddle became perfect size to fit this horse i swear it was small' Shara asked 

' I told you he is unpredictable ' Aria said 

'So lets ride it and win this race ' Rex said 

' Yeah lets do this we will win asap with this ' Shara cheered 

They all ride that huge horse and and horse makes a load sound and started running 3 times faster then regular cheetah as they get closer to the end of the frozen valley at night 

'Damn it's fast ' Rex thought 

After some time they reached the end of the frozen valley and they were first to reach there well at least first human to reach there as there were monster waiting there for them 

'And here i thought we can rest after reaching the end ' Aria said 

'looks like we cant rest SLOWNESS SPELL' Shara said 

Rex took saddle and transform it into a sword and used fire slash down on a wolf looking monster cutting it into two pieces 

 'Looks like we have to fight until we can find the entrance of the Eldoria Arcane University ' Rex said 

they all started to fight for there life at the end of the valley as all of them were getting tired fighting the endless waves of monster

'Looks like we are gonna level up a lot today now ' Aria said

After a hour or so the sun started to come up and surprisingly there were more students coming to the end of the valley by morning

' Where the fu*k is this entrance ' Aria shouted 

'Damn this is bad ' Rex said 

Soon the number of monster started to decline because there are many students who have reached there and there assault has started to effect them 

Right as when the last monster was killed Nova appeared from the sky 

' Hello dear students well looks like this time around students are pretty strong ' Nova exclaimed 

' Its first time that a team has been able to come to end of this valley before morning ' Nova said

'Any way' Nova said looking at the sky as a huge ship landed from sky 

'all of you get in you will be transported to the Eldoria Arcane ' Nova said as he looked at all the incoming student 

Rex ,Aria and Shara boarded the ship as it get full very quickly and even started flying towards the sky after some time of sitting they reached a huge city 

'So the university is in this city ' Shara asked

'No the whole city is part of university and people living here are students ' Aria said 

'lets enter we most probably is the winner here also i guess there are going to be more test inside ' Rex said