Ch 16 Aria's feeling

All the students goes to there rooms as Rex entered his room he falls on his bed right away 

'Sigh there's is no posters here' Rex thought 

A knock sounded on his door as Rex got up and opens the door 

' Hey ' Aria said with blush on his face 

'Hey what happen ' Rex said with little blush on his face 

Aria enters his room and look at him 

'You were looking happy talking to MISS sera ' Aria asked with a pouting face 

'what no why would i be happy talking to her ' Rex tries to explain 

'Oh no no you said good bye to MISS sera YOU WANNA HAVE FUN WITH HER ' Aria said with angry look 

'Go sit on the bed ' Aria said 

'What' Rex asked 

'I said go on the bed ' Aria said with serious look 

Rex goes to sit on the bed as he did Aria got over him and kisses him without saying anything Rex grabbed her by waist and got closer to her as he kisses her back 




next day 

Rex woke up inside the arms off Aria as he got up and looked at her both naked as Aria slept peacefully 

'Damn i lost virginity faster then i thought i would 'Rex thought 

Aria's eyes flicker open as she looked at Rex 

Rex covers his body as he blushed

'what you still blushing now after we did it 'Aria teased 

'Its embarrassing ok ' Rex said 

Aria looked at him in eyes and gave him a kiss 

Shara barged into Rex's room 

'Rex Aria is not in her room and i can't find.....oh my ' Shara said 

Both Rex and Aria jumped out from each other as Rex tries to cover his body 

'What the hell Shara get out ' Aria shouted

'But you said you two were not dating ....who i am kidding with i am sure you guys just lied to me ' Shara said 

'We were really not dating at that time we just kind off happened last night ' Aria explained 

Shara sighed as she left them alone and there is new found awkwardness in between them now as they both slowly got up to get ready they got the day all to them now as the ceremony is next day 


'So, Aria wanna go walk around the university to get to know this place better ' Rex asked 

'Yeah i guess we don't have anything better to do anyway ' said Aria while buttoning her shirt 

They both left the room and started visiting new places around the university and they found that the university is built in a circular area and the whole thing is divided into 4 concentric circles they outer most layer is were the weakest student live in the second layer is where the shopping place is and third layer is where the top 500 students lives in and the middle circle is where the studying building is placed and it is also the biggest part of the university 

as they visit around the college both Rex and Aria found a cafe to sit and take break 

'Sigh this university is very big it took us 6 hours just to look through it ' Rex said 

'Yeah its certainly is big they even have training grounds and battle grounds for students too no wonder this is called the best university of this era ' Said Aria as she took a sip from her coffee 

' Aria you look cute ' Rex said bluntly while staring at Aria 

Aria's coffee got stuck in her throat because of Rex's unpredictable teasing after coughing for some time when she got better she glared at Rex for teasing her when her guard was down 

'Idiot ' Aria said with a pout 

'Jokes aside Aria lets train tonight 'Rex said as Aria started blushing 

'Whhhat kind of training are you talking about ' Aria said while blushing 

'Look my back still hurts from last night ok i cant do that again ' Aria said while becoming tomato red 

'I am talking about real training tomorrow is ceremony and i have a feeling we will need to fight there ' Said rex 

'Oh i guess that makes sense wanna ask shara to join in too we can even call your MISS sera too ' Aria said 

'You still angry on that can we drop it now i wont call her Miss sera happy and yes you can call them in our training the more the merrier i guess ' Rex said while taking a sip of the coffee 

Rex looked at the screen floating in front of him and he could see he had unlocked new skills and has gotten level 35 from the journey in frozen valley 

Name : Rex

Level : 35

legacy : Forge Hammer

Description: The Forge emperor is the highest level of forging anyone can go its is the legacy of Tharlik Ironflame 







free points :19

Skills : intermediate blade arts ,basic forging arts ,internal flame(basic),dark slash, minor control over dark element, fire slash, fire armour , beast taming 

Special legacy skill: can retrieve the legacy weapons from the person you kill 

'Damn i got lot stronger thats a huge boost in stat and i even got 19 free points left well i will use them when i will need them and i even got some new skills this is gonna be fun ' thought Rex as he stared at how cute Aria looked while drinking coffee