River of Fate 2

Desperately, Xiao looked around, trying to stabilize himself and avoid drowning. The river flowed between two lush valleys, with green pastures stretching along its banks and towering mountains looming on both sides, their peaks hidden in the encroaching dusk.

Upstream, Xiao glimpsed a small village, its lights flickering like distant stars. Though the settlement appeared tiny, it represented his only hope of survival.

Squinting through the gloom, he tried to gauge the distance to the village. A splash of water hit his face, blinding him momentarily. Panic gripped him as he wondered if he would survive.

With each passing moment, he felt drowsier, the cold numbing his senses and making him want to surrender to the river's flow.

For a brief second, he considered giving up, letting the current carry him away and release him from his struggles. But then, he heard a distant crashing sound growing louder. Straining to turn his head, he looked behind him.

To his horror, he saw the river flowing into a dark abyss, suggesting a waterfall or a cliff. The crashing sounds suddenly made sense. The thought of being thrown over the edge filled him with terror.

Not wanting to be swallowed by the unknown, he resolved to swim upstream, towards the village.

"Why am I here? How did this happen?" he wondered as he fought the current. Each stroke was a struggle, his muscles cramping from the cold and exertion.

The frigid water sapped his strength, but Xiao forced himself to keep swimming. Memories of his mother, whom he missed dearly, and his father, whom he longed to reconnect with, flashed through his mind.

Regret washed over him, mingling with his fear. "I should have called him. Why did I not call him? If only I knew this would happen, I would have made that call, if only to say goodbye."

His father's face appeared vividly in his mind, filled with both disappointment and hope. Xiao remembered the promise he had made to himself to reach out after his mother's death anniversary, hoping to mend their strained relationship.

But he never did. The days slipped away, and so did the opportunity. Now, faced with his death, the regret was almost too much to bear.

Driven by the desire to survive and see his family again, Xiao pushed himself harder. The river was a formidable adversary, its flow unyielding. The sky above darkened, adding to his sense of urgency.

He focused on the village ahead, channeling his pain and exhaustion into determination. His mother's comforting hugs, his father's hopeful eyes, and the life he still yearned to live fueled his will to persevere.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Xiao reached the riverbank near the village. He crawled out of the water, every muscle in his body screaming in agony. Lying on the solid ground, he felt a profound rush of relief.

The ordeal had left him exhausted but alive. He thanked whatever force had guided him to safety and felt an overwhelming gratitude for this second chance.

As he lay there, spent and breathless, Xiao groaned, "Ugh... how long has it been?" His voice was hoarse, thick with fatigue. The dampness of his clothes clung to his skin, a stark reminder of his struggle with the river.

Sitting up, he rubbed his throbbing temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Great, first I get thrown into this river, and now I'm gonna catch a cold on top of that."

Rubbing his eyes and wiping away the lingering droplets of water, he looked around. The forest stretched out before him, dark and dense. The ancient trees loomed high, their gnarled branches intertwined like the arms of giants in eternal embrace.

The air was cool and fragrant with the scent of pine and earth, carrying a sense of timelessness and mystery. A narrow, winding pathway cut through the undergrowth, illuminated by the last light of dusk.

It seemed to lead deeper into the forest, perhaps toward the village he had seen earlier.

"Ugh, I should go and look for a place to rest," he muttered, forcing himself to his feet. His muscles ached from the relentless struggle against the river. "The night is about to set, and I don't know if it's safe outside after dark."

Before moving, he slumped back down, his body still too weak to carry on. He let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes, trying to gather his strength. Memories of Mei-Ling filled his mind. He thought about the sports festival last year when they had both cheered for their school's team.

They had spent the entire day together, laughing and talking about their dreams and plans. Xiao had planned to confess his feelings to her after the festival, hoping to start the new year with a fresh chapter in their relationship.

But he had chickened out, fearing rejection and the possible awkwardness that might follow.

He could still see her smile, hear her laugh, and feel the warmth of her presence. Her voice echoed in his mind, a comforting melody that eased some of his fear.

If he ever got out of this alive, he promised himself he would tell her how he felt. No more waiting, no more fear.