
"Arnes, this is a chance I am giving you to redo your life in this academy."

My name is Arnes Hyouki. I was abducted from a prison in a foreign country, and now I find myself enrolled in this prestigious academy of magic. It's not like I was willing to even join but I am getting forced.

"Um, Principal, wouldn't it be problematic if someone came to head hunt me as an escaped prisoner? I think I would prefer to return to my cell; that seemed better." I smiled wryly towards the scary looking person giving my valid reasoning.

"What do you get me for? you will be great asset with your magic power, even though it is cursed I don't see it like that anyway plus the academy security was tight and SS tier magicians are here so intruders will be taken care of easily."

The principal of this academy is a striking beauty, with purple hair, jade green eyes, and long eyelashes that complement her cool demeanor. She ordered her subordinates to break me out of jail, and now I am being forcibly admitted to this academy. I can't even refuse her at this point. On the bright side, I will receive free food, shelter, and everything else, with all expenses covered by the principal which his better than when I was rotting in cell for seven years.

I nod in agreement.

"Very well, looks like I can't even make a choice." I nod in agreement, and she called for her personal assistant who showed me towards the dorm.

The dorm was far away from the main academy where classes held, we had to walk in between the gardens to reach the male dorm. There were only few people in the academy and from tomorrow new session will begin along with new student's enrollment and I have to act as one transfer student too.

"What a pain in the ass, there is no one in the dorm."

"Arnes-sama, the academy's new session will be starting tomorrow. The students and everyone else are on vacation right now," the assistant said as she opened the door for me, treating me like a VIP, which shocked me.

"O-oi, stop with the 'sama.' I am just a commoner and a cursed guy. You don't have to treat me like I'm a noble."

"But you are a valuable relative of principal, I assume you won't mind if I keep continuing."

"Well, do whatever you want, by the way thanks for showing me around."

She nods and leaves closing the door.

Haah—this isn't going anywhere. Hiding my powers is tough work for me. Even her assistant treated me differently than anyone ever has before. I think I'm going to cry. Dammit.

Arnes lay down on his bed, even though it was still evening, seeking rest. The comfort of the bed was a stark contrast to his seven years of imprisonment. At seventeen, he was granted a jailbreak and introduced to the academy. Pointing out his hand, a snake crawled onto his right hand, emitting hisses.

"Yamata, do you think someone cursed like me should exist?"

The snake crawled from his hand toward his head and then slithered under the bed, showing no response typical of a living being.

The assistant knocked on the door, so I went to check and found bread and curry ready on the floor. I took it inside my room, ate it as my dinner, and then walked towards my respective bed. The room contained a cupboard, a study table, a single bed, a window, and a kerosene lamp.

The soft breeze felt heavenly to him after experiencing freedom for the first time since his imprisonment. He took deep breaths of the fresh air and lay down on his bed, gazing at the moon visible through his window. The moonlight fell directly on his face, and he savored the tranquility of nature. However, it didn't take long for uncertainty to shatter his peaceful moment.


"There should be no one here today in the academy, I was certain of it. But who are you, a new student? Tch, what a pain in the ass." The girl who suddenly leaped onto my window startled me with her abrupt conversation. Plus, it was the fourth floor—how did she even end up here?

"Ah, don't worry about me. I'm a student like you. I was just setting up wall mines everywhere. They're like landmines, but I place my magic circles around, and when the timer goes off, KABOOM! The place will be destroyed. The whole magic academy will get a ton of money to renovate, and we'll get a new clubroom thanks to my destruction. Hahaha."

What a weird girl, that's the only thing came to my mind, but also, I sensed blood lust from her with killing intent towards me,

"Ah, so you don't intend to let me go after seeing your face, right?" I glared at her with a sharp eye as I spoke.

She smiled, her deep crimson red eyes shining brighter than the moon. With long white hair and a beautiful figure, she wore the academy's combat outfit. However, her psycho-like personality didn't match her aura at all.

"Well, it's been seven years since I last used my powers. Let me try something... I haven't experienced combat in a long time." As I smirked the girl took her stance as she knew I was ready for battle.

"Even if a student dies, it's because of their own battle ethics. Train yourself to survive and become powerful in this academy," the principal had said earlier. This means that killing is not considered a crime within the academy. At some point, we all were soldiers for this country, as well as youth studying for its future. I set my foot on the floor from my bed and touched the ground, creating a purple glow of a magic circle around my hand. It slowly grew larger, illuminating the room.

"Oh, what kind of magic will I witness today? Keep me excited, newcomer, until you meet your death!"

The white-haired girl scoffed, taking interest in my magic circle. But suddenly, she vanished with a huge crash sound, which destroyed half of the room.

"Well, she probably got eaten. It was easier than anything... But looks like I overdid destroying my own room... I am cursed...ooh...she didn't die "


A huge snake, seven times the size of a human, was summoned by Arnes. The girl, wielding explosion magic, blasted the snake's skin, ripping it apart, and emerged safely from inside.

"Not bad, newcomer," she murmured, looking up at me with a smile, appreciating my strength.

At the fourth floor, where my room's wall no longer existed due to my own curse of destruction, my necromancy magic. The snake crawled swiftly towards me, and I stood up on its head. Slowly, it lifted me down to the garden from fourth floor safely, which was right beside the male dorm.

The beautiful moonlight illuminated her hair, revealing that it wasn't white but silver. Who wouldn't want to dance with such a beautiful woman in the middle of a garden as enchanting as this?

I smiled back at her and said, "Shall we dance?"

"Keep dancing until we get expelled from this academy, hehe~" She flipped her hair, exuding confidence as she replied. Suddenly, the ground where my undead snake and I were standing turned red with her magic circle, glowing as bright as her eyes and covering the whole garden and it blew me up with my undead partner.


To Be Continued...