Enjoying life!

Somewhere in an empire, there is a small inn that is filled with steady waves of customers who fill that inn to eat tasty dishes.

It was already night, and the last batch of customers were eating in the inn.

"The food here is really tasty..."


"But I heard the owner of the inn won't stay here for long and they would move to the next empire."

"Eh why?"

"Who knows? Seems like they hate staying in the same Empire and like to travel a lot of different Empires."

"I see... I see..."

"Then we have to enjoy these delicious foods while they stay here, right?"

"Yeah, yeah..."


Zhang Ming gracefully moved between the tables, a soft smile on her face as she served the remaining customers. Plates of fragrant stir-fried vegetables, crispy pork belly, and steamed dumplings with delicate folds lined the tables.