Preparing for the Finals!

*clak* *clak* In a private arena, four women are fighting against each other, the noises of battles echoing in the air.

Long Yue quickly ducked under Chen Zin's slash, the wooden blade grazing the tips of her hair. "Oh, that was close," she said with a teasing chuckle, her golden eyes twinkling with amusement. 

Chen Zin smirked, resetting her stance. "Don't get too confident, Yue. I'm just warming up."

With a quick step forward, she brought her sword down in a sharp, controlled arc.

Long Yue sidestepped smoothly, her movements as fluid as water and the air hummed with the sound of the wooden blade slicing through it.

"Warming up? Is that what you call almost missing entirely?" she teased, spinning gracefully on her heel and countering with a quick thrust toward Chen Zin's midsection. 

Chen Zin twisted her body just in time, deflecting the strike with her own wooden sword.