Act - 3: ''New Beginning''

As my uncle and I walked along the dusty road, a taxi rolled up beside us, its engine humming softly. I watched silently as my uncle negotiated with the driver, then gestured for me to climb into the backseat. Confusion gripped me. Why were we taking a taxi instead of our usual route home? My uncle must have sensed my bewilderment because he turned to me, offering a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, little Dio," he said gently. "Your mom asked me to pick you up and take you to the airport. You'll meet your cousin there, and she'll fly with you to your new home. Just relax; it's going to be a long journey."

Relief washed over me, mingled with excitement and nerves. Today was the day I would travel to my new home and reunite with my cousin at the airport. It felt like everything was happening so fast, despite having gone through it all before—it was like déjà vu. As the taxi began to move, I glanced out the window, watching the familiar sights of the village shrink into the distance. The market stalls, the bustling streets, the joyful laughter of children—all fading away, leaving behind nothing but memories.

Lost in thought, my uncle reached into his bag and handed me a small package. "Here, eat this if you get hungry. It's going to be a long journey." I accepted the package, my fingers tracing the familiar contours of the candy and crisps inside. It was a comforting gesture, a piece of home amidst the travel. Settling into my seat, nostalgia washed over me as I stole one last glance at the village. This was the end of one chapter and the start of another—a journey into a future both familiar and uncertain, filled with both trepidation and excitement.

As the taxi sped along winding roads, I resolved not to waste this second chance, no matter where life led me. Memories of home would always be my guiding light in this new yet familiar land I would soon call home. Staring out the window, a surge of excitement coursed through me. Despite the daunting future ahead, I felt a strange confidence stirring within.

In my previous life, I navigated the volatile world of finance with varying success. I understood every company's intricacies, the market's ebbs and flows, and knew whom to approach for advice or investments. Years of experience had taught me invaluable lessons, shaping my decisions and sharpening my skills.

Moreover, my background as a sleazy salesman had finely tuned my skills in persuasion, negotiation, and customer relations. I understood the intricacies of the trade, the delicate dance of human interaction that could determine the success or failure of a deal. This time around, I was determined to leverage my expertise to forge a path to success, seizing every opportunity that came my way.

In the car, my mind raced with excitement about the future. Glancing outside, I realized all those plans would have to wait. Right now, I was back to being a kid, with time to learn, grow, and prepare for the opportunities ahead.

My uncle turned to me with a kind smile. "We'll stop for a restroom break and grab some food here," he said as we pulled up to a 24-hour mart. It was a simple pleasure from my childhood that I had missed dearly. "What do you want?" he asked, looking down at me. I pointed eagerly at the warm hot bao buns and beef balls displayed in the food section. He chuckled, recognizing my favorites. "Ah, your favorites, huh? I know you've missed these. Today, I'll treat you." He picked up a selection, filling the car with the aroma of freshly cooked food.

The simple joy of those moments, savoring my favorite childhood snacks and feeling my uncle's warmth, made me appreciate the present even more. Amid the anticipation of my future plans, these precious moments stood out, reminding me of the little things I often took for granted as a child. I devoured the bao buns and beef balls eagerly, each bite a nostalgic burst of flavor that transported me back to simpler times.

My uncle observed me with a mixture of amusement and concern as I finished everything quickly. "Slow down, Dio," he chuckled. "There's no rush. We've got plenty of time." I wiped my mouth and grinned sheepishly. "I guess I was hungrier than I thought. It's been ages since I had these." He nodded, settling back in his seat. "I can see that. It's good to see you enjoying yourself."

As we settled into the car, the soft hum of the engine surrounding us, my uncle glanced over at me. "Moving to a new country is a big change, Dio. Are you nervous?" I paused, contemplating the fresh start ahead. "A little," I admitted. "But I'm also excited. It's a chance for something new, right?" My uncle's smile grew warm. "That's the spirit."

"Just remember, no matter where you go, family is always here for you."

His words struck a chord within me, bringing a light mist of tears to my eyes as I recalled how I had neglected my family back in the village in my previous life, consumed by my own ambitions. Guilt and regret washed over me. With determination, I looked up and declared, "Uncle, I'll return, and i'll make sure no one in our family will ever be looked down upon again. I promise."

My uncle burst into laughter, startling the taxi driver who glanced at us curiously. He kept laughing, thinking it was just childish enthusiasm, and gave me a friendly pat on the back. "That's the spirit, Dio! But for now, don't worry about those things. Just focus on giving your best."

As the car continued its journey, I settled into my seat, my mind buzzing with plans and determination. Fatigue gradually overcame me, and my eyelids grew heavy. The soothing hum of the engine and the rhythmic movement of the car lulled me into a drowsy state. Just as I was drifting off completely, a sudden blare of a horn jolted me awake. I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the grogginess, and peered out of the window.

To my amazement, the sprawling structure of Suvarnabhumi Airport loomed before us. Its modern architecture stood in stark contrast to the rustic village I had left behind just hours ago. The sheer scale and grandeur of it took my breath away. "We've arrived," my uncle announced proudly, his voice tinged with excitement. "Welcome to Thailand's finest airport, Dio."

I nodded, still absorbing the sight before me. Despite my weariness, a flicker of excitement stirred within. This was the beginning of a new chapter, a chance to start afresh.

Stepping out of the taxi, I was engulfed by the bustling atmosphere of Suvarnabhumi Airport. The air vibrated with activity, travelers bustling to and from with their luggage, their faces a mix of anticipation and exhaustion.

The cacophony of sounds surrounded me: the rattle of suitcase wheels, the beep of electronic carts transporting luggage, and the constant murmur of conversations in different languages. Overhead, announcements blared from loudspeakers, adding to the chaotic symphony of the airport.

Foreigners were everywhere, some looking slightly lost as they studied their maps and travel guides, while others moved with purpose, clearly familiar with the airport's layout. Groups of tourists in bright clothing snapped photos, capturing the beginning of their adventures. Business travelers, dressed in sharp suits, strode briskly towards their gates, eyes glued to their phones.

A line of taxis snaked around the entrance, drivers shouting destinations and fares as they competed for passengers. The smell of food from various international cuisines wafted through the air, emanating from the rows of food stalls and restaurants inside. The sheer size of the airport was overwhelming.

Huge glass windows bathed the terminal in natural light, casting a glow over its sleek, modern design. Electronic billboards flickered with advertisements and flight updates, contributing to the sensory overload of the bustling space.

Navigating through the throngs of people, I found myself captivated by the diversity surrounding me. It stood in stark contrast to the quiet, homely life I knew in the village. The energy was palpable, and though initially overwhelming, I felt a growing anticipation to carve out a new path.

"Stay close, Dio," my uncle advised, his voice cutting through the din of the crowd. He guided me with a firm hand, aware of the potential overwhelm. I nodded, clutching my bag tightly as I soaked in the sights and sounds. It struck me then how vast and exhilarating everything appeared through the eyes of a nine-year-old. A world of endless possibilities stretched before me, waiting to be explored. But first, I had to navigate the bustling airport and reunite with my cousin for our journey to our new home.

Dio Stat's Info

Lvl: 2

Strength: 20

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 5

Endurance: 7

Charm: 10