Act - 10: ''Long Awaited Reunion''

I wandered through the small apartment, memories of my past life flooding back with each step. The one-bedroom apartment, which my mom had lovingly prepared for me to live with her, showcased the many sacrifices she had made. She had opted to sleep on the bed couch in the living room, a testament to her dedication.

I paused by the bed couch, staring at the makeshift bed she had set up for herself. Memories of her tireless dedication and the many nights she must have spent working late to make this day possible tugged at my heartstrings. Suddenly, the sound of the key turning in the door lock broke my reverie.

The door creaked open, and my mom stepped in, looking exhausted but radiant with joy. "Mom!" I exclaimed, rushing out of the room and into her arms. The embrace was tight, filled with love and relief.

"Dio, my baby," she whispered, tears of happiness glistening in her eyes. "I can't believe you're finally here with me." We held each other for a moment longer, savoring the reunion we had both longed for.

Her motherly instincts kicked in almost immediately. "You must be hungry," she said, concern lacing her voice. She moved towards the kitchen, clearly ready to whip up something for me despite her fatigue.

"Mom, it's okay," I reassured her, catching her arm gently. "Aria took me to eat already. You don't need to worry." She looked at me, her eyes softening with love.

"I just want to make sure you're okay, Dio. I've been waiting for this day for so long. All my hard work, everything I've done, it was all for you." I felt tears welling up in my eyes, memories of my past life flooding back.

I had worked so much that I barely visited my mom. Instead of retiring her, I had been blind to her struggles, yelling at her when she called for help. She overworked herself and fell ill. The company she worked for took advantage of her because she wasn't fluent in Norwegian, scamming her out of her sick leave and abandoning her. She passed away a few days later... This time, it would be different.

"You will live the good life this time, Ma," I vowed silently. My mom's face softened even more as she wrapped her arms around me.

We sat together on the couch, talking about everything and nothing, sharing stories and laughter. The bond between us felt stronger than ever, fortified by the hardships we had endured and the love that had carried us through.

As the night wore on, her eyelids grew heavy. She fought to stay awake, not wanting to miss a single moment with me, but eventually, sleep claimed her. I watched her with a tender smile, grateful for this second chance to be with her.

I gently covered her with a blanket and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, Mom," I whispered. "Thank you for everything."

As I turned off the lights and headed to my room, the weight of determination settled on my shoulders like a familiar, reassuring presence. The possibilities of this new life stretched out before me, each one more tantalizing than the last, but my first priority was clear: taking care of my mom.

I lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, thoughts racing. How could I start making money as a kid in this new timeline? My mind sifted through the trends and niches that had been popular during this era. What could I leverage to get ahead?

Reaching for the remote, I turned on the TV, keeping the volume low so as not to wake my mom. I flipped through the channels absentmindedly, my thoughts still swirling. Suddenly, a commercial caught my eye—Gogimon.

I sat up, heart pounding with excitement. That's it! Gogimon cards! I remembered how, back in my previous life, these cards had become a massive craze among kids. The game involved battling by flipping the cards in the air. If the card landed face up, you won; if it landed showing the back, you lost. The trick, I recalled, was using two identical cards glued together. This secret hack ensured the card always landed face up.

With a grin, I realized I could exploit this trend to build a valuable collection. I wouldn't sell the cards now; instead, I'd win them all, amassing a collection that would be worth a fortune in a few years.

Grabbing a notebook, I quickly started sketching out my plan. First, I would need to get my hands on a bunch of Gogimon cards. Then, I could carefully glue identical cards together to create the perfect winning card. Kids were crazy for Gogimon back then, always eager for any advantage in their battles. By winning their cards in matches, I could steadily grow my collection.

Over time, this collection would become incredibly valuable. This plan was perfect. No one would be too suspicious of my activities since they'd just think it was typical kid stuff. Little did they know, this was the start of my empire. With everyone thinking it was just harmless fun, I could operate under the radar, setting the foundation for my future success.

I lay back down, my mind buzzing with excitement. This was the perfect opportunity to kickstart my journey to wealth and power. As I drifted off to sleep, a satisfied smile played on my lips. This time, I was ready to seize every opportunity and control my destiny. This was just the beginning.

As morning arrived, I was awakened by the rich, mouth-watering aroma of breakfast wafting through the apartment. My stomach rumbled in anticipation as I rushed towards the kitchen, eager to indulge.

"Not so fast," Mom scolded gently, her hand stopping me in my tracks. "Brush your teeth and wash your hands first, Dio. And hurry up; we need to get you enrolled at Bearhill School today."

I nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling within me. "Okay, Mom," I replied, dashing to the bathroom. As I scrubbed my teeth, my mind buzzed with thoughts about the day ahead. Enrolling in school was the next step in my new life, and I was determined to make the most of it. With a fresh start and the lessons learned from my previous life, I knew I could navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

After washing my hands, I returned to the kitchen, where Mom had set a delicious breakfast on the table. "Sit down and eat," she said, her voice full of warmth and care. "You'll need your energy for today."

I smiled and took a seat, savoring the familiar flavors that brought a sense of comfort and reassurance. "Thanks, Mom," I said, digging into the meal. The taste reminded me why I was doing all of this.

As we ate, Mom talked about the school and the community. "Bearhill School is one of the best in the district," she explained. "You'll have great teachers, and I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends."

I nodded, playing along. "Sounds great, Mom. I can't wait to see it." Inside, my mind was already planning. School was not just a place for education; it was a battleground where I could begin to establish my influence. With my knowledge of future trends and events, I had a unique advantage.

After breakfast, I got ready quickly, eager to start the day. As we walked towards Bearhill School, I felt a growing sense of determination mixed with conflict. I needed money to kickstart my plan, and it meant asking Mom for 50 krone. It wasn't a huge amount, but for a nine-year-old, it was still significant.

I took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage. This was important, not just for my plans, but for our future. But I also didn't want to worry her.

"Mom," I began, my voice hesitant. "Can I ask you something?"

She looked down at me with a smile, her eyes full of love and curiosity. "Of course, Dio. What is it?"

I swallowed hard, gathering my thoughts. "Well, I was wondering if I could have 50 krone... for, um, something I want to get."

I avoided her gaze, feeling a bit guilty. "It's for a toy I want," I added, trying to make it sound more legitimate.

Mom stopped walking and turned to face me, her expression thoughtful. "50 krone? That's quite a bit for a toy, Dio. What exactly do you need it for?"

I hesitated, trying to come up with a convincing explanation. "It's for some... school supplies and, uh, some materials I need. It'll help me get started with a few things I'm really excited about."

She studied my face for a moment, her eyes searching for the truth. Then, with a sigh, she reached into her purse and pulled out the money. "Alright, Dio," she said, handing me the 50 krone. "But promise me you'll use it wisely."

I nodded eagerly, pocketing the money. "I promise, Mom. Thank you."

As we continued our walk to Bearhill School, the weight of the krone in my pocket filled me with a sense of possibility. This was just the beginning of my journey, and I was ready to seize every opportunity to build a better future for both of us.

She looked at me for a long moment, her eyes searching mine. The concern and trust in her gaze were unmistakable, a silent conversation unfolding between us. Finally, she sighed and reached into her purse, pulling out a crisp 50 kroner note.

"Alright, Dio," she said, handing it to me. "Just promise me you'll use it wisely, okay?"

I took the money, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. "I promise, Mom. Thank you."

As we continued walking, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The weight of the krone in my pocket was a tangible reminder of my commitment. This was it, the first step towards my plan. With this money, I could start collecting Gogimon cards and setting my scheme into motion.

This time, I would make sure she never had to worry about anything again. And it all started with this 50 kroner note in my pocket.

Dio Stat's Info:







Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 50 krone

Associate - 0

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0