Act - 18: ''Money Talk ''

As the final school bell rang, I walked out of the building with Mia, Lars, and Nora by my side. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the school grounds, and we all felt a sense of relief and excitement now that classes were over for the day.

Lars turned to us, his usual grin plastered on his face. "So, where should we go?" he asked, his voice brimming with enthusiasm.

I shrugged, feeling the weight of the day's events slowly lifting off my shoulders. "I'm up for anything. How about we grab some snacks and head to the park?" I suggested, looking at the others for their input.

"Let's head to Oslo and go to the movies," I proposed, a smile creeping onto my face as I revealed the first part of my plan for the day.

"Sounds like a great idea," Mia agreed, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

With our plans set, we made our way to the bus stop to catch bus 81, which would take us through nine stops until we reached the city. Little did they all know, I had the whole day planned out.

The bus arrived, and we climbed aboard, settling into our seats. As we started our journey, I noticed Nora's behavior becoming increasingly suspicious. She kept glancing at the door every time the bus stopped at a new station, her body tense with worry.

At the Mortensrud stop, two men in security outfits boarded the bus. They were ticket control security, and I noticed Nora's face turn pale with fear.

For those unfamiliar with Norway's ticket system, you can easily cheat the bus chauffeur since they don't usually check tickets. However, the transportation company hires private companies to conduct random inspections. If you're caught without a valid ticket, you have to pay a hefty fine of 900 krone, while a regular ticket costs only 40 krone.

As the security officers moved down the aisle, inspecting each passenger, I could see Nora's anguish growing. Her anxiety was palpable, and I knew we had to act fast.

I leaned over to her and whispered, "Don't worry, I've got this." I discreetly handed her my ticket and winked to reassure her.

The officers approached us, and Nora handed them the ticket with a nervous smile. They checked it and moved on to me.

"Ticket, please," one of the officers said, looking at me expectantly.

I pretended to search my pockets, then looked up with a feigned expression of worry. "I must have lost it," I said.

The two guys exchanged knowing smiles and began writing up a ticket. People on the bus started to murmur, their eyes on me, judging and mocking me.

"What's your name?" one of the officers asked, his tone condescending.

"Dio," I replied calmly, watching them scribble on their notepad.

They tore off the ticket and handed it to me. "Now, card or cash?" they said loudly, making sure everyone could hear the altercation.

I smirked and said, "Cash." I pulled out my wallet and flipped it open, revealing a bunch of fresh 1000 krone notes. The sight of the money made people on the bus do a double-take, and their opinions of me shifted quickly.

The officers' smug expressions faltered slightly as I handed them the money. They counted it and handed me the change, looking a bit more respectful now.

As they moved on, I turned my attention to Nora. I had always been interested in her, not just because of her beauty or her kindness, but because of the strength she showed every day. Nora wasn't well off; her father was an alcoholic, her mother was sick and couldn't work, and as an only child, she bore the weight of her family's struggles. She used to get straight A's, but her grades had dropped significantly since she had to take on two part-time jobs to help her parents. And never once did she mention any of it to us.

How did I know all this? Johan, a man of many connections and a true ally I could fully trust, had done some digging for me. He told me everything about her upon my interest in her.

We finally reached the city, and the bustling streets of Oslo greeted us with their lively energy. I led the way, guiding my friends towards our first destination. Little did they know, this was just the beginning of an unforgettable day.

We then took the metro to a place called Nationaltheatret, a district in the city center known for its fancy restaurants and celebrity residences. The area was vibrant, with the sounds of the city mingling with the gentle lapping of water from the nearby pier.

As we walked past various high-end establishments, I stopped in front of an expensive seafood restaurant, its elegant facade gleaming under the afternoon sun.

Mia, Nora, and Lars hesitated, their eyes wide with uncertainty. "We can't afford to eat here," Mia said, her voice tinged with worry.

I smiled, trying to put them at ease. "Don't worry. I was the one who dragged you guys here, so it's my treat today."

Lars, always the first to jump at an opportunity, grinned shamelessly. "Well, I'm not saying no!" He accepted the offer without a second thought, clearly thrilled by the prospect.

Mia and Nora exchanged glances before nodding, their hesitation fading. "Are you sure, Dio?" Nora asked, still a bit uncertain.

"Absolutely," I reassured them. "Just enjoy yourselves and don't worry about the price."

We walked inside, greeted by the cool air and the rich aroma of freshly prepared seafood. The restaurant was bustling, filled with well-dressed patrons and the soft clinking of silverware against fine china.

As we were shown to our table, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. This was more than just a meal; it was a chance to give my friends a taste of something special, a break from the everyday struggles they all faced.

Lars wasted no time in scanning the menu, his eyes lighting up at the options. "I've never even heard of half of these dishes," he said, excitement evident in his voice.

Mia and Nora looked equally amazed, their initial apprehension replaced by genuine curiosity and delight.

"Order whatever you like," I encouraged them. "Today's about enjoying ourselves."

I paid extra attention to Nora as she scanned the menu, her eyes widening at the selection. Mia, noticing my gaze, poked Nora playfully, making her look up in confusion.

"Is there something on my face?" Nora asked, her cheeks flushing slightly.

I smiled warmly. "No, I just like looking at beautiful things."

Nora's blush deepened, and she looked down, clearly flustered. Mia rolled her eyes and laughed. "Stop it, Dio. You're going to make her unable to eat."

I chuckled, raising my hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. I guess no more looking at beautiful things."

Everyone laughed, the atmosphere lightening even more. Nora shot me a shy smile, her discomfort fading into genuine enjoyment.

As the food arrived, everyone was amazed by the visual feast before us. We had decided to order a variety of dishes to share, and the whole table was filled with an array of delicious-looking seafood.

I looked around at my friends, a smile on my face. "So, what does everyone want to be after their studies?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Nora spoke up first, her eyes shining with determination. "I want to become a teacher, it was thanks to Miss Elvira's influence. She made such a difference in her life, and I want to do the same for others."

Mia nodded thoughtfully. "I want to be a lawyer. I've always been passionate about justice and helping those who can't help themselves."

Lars grinned, leaning back in his chair. "I think I'd like to be a streamer or a ShowTuber. I've always loved gaming and entertaining people, so why not make a career out of it?"

I nodded, appreciating their ambitions and dreams. "Those all sound like great paths. I'm sure you'll all excel in whatever you choose."

Then Nora, looking a bit timid, asked, "What about you, Dio?"

I took a deep breath and decided to reveal a part of my plan. "I'm planning to drop out in the second semester after I turn 17."

The table went silent, and I could see the stress and concern on their faces. Lars was the first to speak up. "Why would you do that, Dio?"

I leaned back in my chair, trying to ease their worries. "Do schools teach you how to take over the world?" I asked with a smirk.

Everyone went silent again, the weight of my words hanging in the air. They knew if anyone could come close to such an ambitious goal, it would be me.

I then laughed, breaking the tension. "I'm joking, guys. Come on, let's eat."

Their expressions relaxed, and they joined in my laughter, though the thought lingered in the back of their minds.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 5

Skill Count: 1 (Key selling point analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 95000 krone

Associate - 1

Asset - 10 (Gogimon pack)

Digital Asset - 0

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0