Act - 23: ''Triangle drama''

As I slowly emerged from the depths of sleep, the sound of familiar voices filled my ears. "Dio, wake up!" Lars's voice called out, pulling me from the realm of dreams.

Blinking groggily, I opened my eyes to find Mia, Nora, and Lars standing around my hospital bed, their faces filled with concern and anticipation. In Mia's hand was a bouquet of bright flowers, while Nora held a stack of books, and Lars clutched a bag filled with what looked like snacks.

My mom stood beside them, her expression a mix of worry and relief. "Oh, thank goodness you're awake," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

I tried to sit up, wincing at the soreness that still lingered in my body. "Hey, guys," I greeted them, my voice hoarse from sleep. "What's going on?"

Mia stepped forward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We brought you some gifts," she said, holding out the bouquet of flowers. "To brighten up your room."

Nora nodded, adding, "And some books to keep you entertained while you recover."

Lars grinned, holding up the bag of snacks. "And of course, no hospital visit is complete without some snacks."

I couldn't help but smile at their thoughtfulness, despite the pain that still lingered in my body. "Thanks, guys," I said, feeling a surge of gratitude wash over me. "You didn't have to do all this."

Mia shrugged, her smile warm and genuine. "Of course we did. You're our friend, Dio. We're just glad to see you awake and recovering."

I glanced at my mom, who reached out to squeeze my hand. "We've been so worried about you," she admitted, her voice thick with emotion. "But you're strong, Dio. You'll get through this."

Feeling overwhelmed by their kindness and support, I nodded, blinking back tears. "Thanks, Mom. And thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

As I looked around at my friends and family gathered by my hospital bed, a warm feeling of gratitude washed over me. Despite the pain and uncertainty of my situation, their presence brought a sense of comfort and reassurance.

Nora stood nearby, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Mia and Lars teased her playfully. I couldn't help but chuckle at their antics, grateful for their lightheartedness in the midst of everything.

With a shy smile, Nora stepped forward, her hands clasped nervously in front of her. "I, uh, baked some cookies for you," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "As a get better soon gift."

Mia and Lars exchanged mischievous grins, clearly enjoying Nora's discomfort. "Come on, Nora," Mia teased, her voice filled with playful encouragement. "When you heard Dio was in the hospital, you cried and..."

Before Mia could finish her sentence, Nora hurriedly placed her hand over Mia's mouth, her face turning even redder. I couldn't help but laugh at their antics, the sound echoing softly in the room.

As Nora presented me with the cookies, I couldn't help but feel touched by her gesture. Despite her shyness, she had gone out of her way to do something kind for me, and it meant more than words could express.

My mom stood beside me, her smile reassuring as she observed the scene unfolding before her. In that moment, surrounded by the people who cared about me, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

Suddenly the door slide open revealing Emilia, she stepped into the room, her smile radiant, she greeted with a cheerful "Good morning, Dio!" Then, noticing the others, she added with equal warmth, "Hello there, everyone."

In response to Mia's less-than-friendly tone, Lars, ever the charmer, swept over to Emilia, a playful grin on his face as he kissed her hand. But before he could utter a word, Mia intervened with a swift kick, catching him off guard.

Undeterred, Emilia introduced herself in a calm and composed manner, her voice steady despite the tension in the room. "I'm Emilia," she said, her tone polite yet confident. "It's nice to meet you all."

But even as she spoke, I couldn't shake the feeling of underlying tension, especially as Nora and Emilia exchanged a glance that seemed to speak volumes. Nora, usually shy and timid, stood her ground in the faceoff, her demeanor unyielding and determined. It was clear that there was more to their interaction than met the eye, and I couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath the surface.

As Emilia's gaze fell upon Nora, she arched an eyebrow inquisitively and asked, "And who might you be, little lady?"

But before anyone could respond, Nora, usually reserved and gentle, surprised us all with her bold retort. With a steely resolve in her voice, she shot back, "I'm Nora, Dio's close friend. And who are you, big-chested bimbo?"

The room fell into stunned silence as Emilia's eyes widened in disbelief, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. It was a moment of unexpected defiance from Nora, a glimpse of a side we hadn't seen before, and it left us all speechless.

As the tension in the room reached its peak, Dio decided to diffuse the situation in a rather dramatic manner. With a sharp intake of breath, he contorted his face into a pained expression, feigning a seizure. Lars, playing his part in the charade, added to the theatrics with his exaggerated reaction.

"Oh no, Dio! Not my good friend!" Lars exclaimed, his acting skills leaving much to be desired. But Dio appreciated the effort nonetheless.

As the emergency button was pressed, signaling for medical assistance, doctors and nurses rushed into the room, their urgent footsteps filling the air. Amidst the chaos, Lars leaned in close to Dio, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You owe me for this," he whispered, a hint of amusement in his tone. Dio could only muster a weak glare in response before the medical staff ushered everyone out of the room.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 10

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money - 1.5million krone

Associate - 2

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 0

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Company - 0