Act - 37: "Bold Strategy"


Date: 10 June, 2015, Time: 19.00 Pm.

After going over the idea with the team, we made a bulk order on phones and laptops, costing up to 1 million kroner. It was a big investment, but due to my past life experience, I knew this was the right call.

Later on the same day i arrived in front of the Sentech office building, looking determined to have a good meeting. This was our chance to show them that Nova Enterprise could rise to any challenge. With a deep breath, I walked inside, ready to present our new strategy.

Chris and Thalia were already in the conference room when I arrived. Chris greeted me with his usual charm, while Thalia's serious demeanor reminded me of the stakes.

"Good to see you, Dio," Chris said, shaking my hand. "I've heard you've got something big to share with us."

"Yes," I replied, my voice steady. "We've developed a new approach to counter TitanTech's recent move. We're integrating the latest models of laptops and smartphones into our deals, making our offerings more attractive and cutting-edge."

Thalia raised an eyebrow. "That's quite an investment. How do you plan to manage the costs?"

"We've calculated the risks and believe that the increased value of our package will not only cover the costs but also bring in higher revenues. Our clients will get the best technology and unmatched service, making it an easy choice for them."

Chris nodded thoughtfully. "It's a bold move, but it might just work. Have you already started the process?"

"Yes, the orders have been placed," I confirmed. "We're ready to roll this out immediately. With Sentech's support, we can push this strategy even further."

Thalia leaned back in her chair, considering my words. "This could be the edge we need to stay ahead. We'll support you, but we need to see results quickly."

"You'll have them," I promised. "Our team is committed, and we're prepared to work around the clock to ensure this succeeds."

Chris smiled, his confidence in us clear. "Alright, let's make this happen. We're counting on you, Dio."

I left the meeting with a renewed sense of purpose. We had a solid plan and the backing of Sentech. Now, it was time to execute and prove that Nova Enterprise was a force to be reckoned with.

Chris then smiled and asked, "How about joining us for a night out, Dio? It would be great to get to know each other better."

I glanced at Thalia to gauge her reaction, but she remained unreadable, her expression as composed as ever. Despite her stoicism, I decided to go along with it.

With a bright smile, I replied, "I would love to, Chris."

"Great, it's settled then," Chris said enthusiastically. He turned to Thalia, "Thalia, can you make the arrangements for ten people?"

Thalia nodded, her face still impassive. "I'll take care of it. Expect the details shortly."

Chris clapped his hands together. "Perfect. We'll make it a night to remember. Looking forward to it, Dio."

"Same here," I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. This would be a good opportunity to strengthen our partnership and build some camaraderie outside the office. As I left the building, I felt a sense of determination solidify within me. We had a challenging road ahead, but with the right moves and the right people, success was within our reach.

As we walked out of the office, Chris effortlessly slipped into a charismatic mode. He greeted everyone we passed with a friendly smile, making jokes that had people laughing and instantly at ease.

"Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere!" Chris quipped, and the group around him erupted in laughter.

He continued, seamlessly mingling with everyone, making each person feel seen and valued. His ability to engage so naturally showed a side of him that could be easily mistaken for laid-back and carefree. But beneath that easygoing exterior was a sharp, competent leader who had driven his company to significant success.

Thalia, despite her usual stern demeanor, even cracked a small smile at one of Chris's jokes, which was a rare sight.

As we approached the exit, Chris turned to me. "You know, Dio, leading a company is a lot like being a stand-up comedian. You have to be able to read the room, know when to push and when to pull back, and most importantly, you have to connect with your audience."

I nodded, impressed by his insight. "You make it look easy, Chris."

He shrugged with a grin. "It's all about the people. You get to know them, you trust them, and they trust you. That's how we build something great."

Watching him in action, it was clear why Sentech had thrived under his leadership. He wasn't just a CEO; he was a master at bringing people together and inspiring them to do their best. His charisma wasn't just for show; it was a key part of his leadership toolkit, making him both a likable and formidable leader.

Feeling curious, I decided to use Analyze on Chris to peek into his information.

Chris Martinsen

Age: 34


CEO of Sentech Solutions


Charismatic Leader

Excellent Negotiator

Skilled in Crisis Management


Business International School (BI)


Chris grew up in a modest family, always driven to achieve greatness. He earned a scholarship to attend BI, where he graduated top of his class. His career has been marked by rapid rises and successful turnarounds. He has a knack for rallying teams even in the direst situation and driving his company forward with innovation.


Despite his confident exterior and the company's outward success, Sentech's revenue is in deep trouble. Chris's fate, and that of his company, rests heavily on the success of the partnership with Nova Enterprise.

As I processed this information, a new layer of complexity emerged. Chris wasn't just the charismatic leader I had seen. He was a man under immense pressure, navigating a critical juncture for his company. It made me even more determined to ensure our partnership succeeded. If Nova Enterprise could help Sentech turn things around, it would be a win-win situation.

In my head, everything clicked into place. Thalia's stern demeanor and unyielding attitude made perfect sense now. No wonder she was so uptight. The pressure she was under must have been immense, knowing that Sentech's fate rested on our shoulders.

Chris's belief in us was even stronger than I initially thought. Nova Enterprise's success wasn't just crucial for us; it was their last lifeline in the war waged by TitanTech. Understanding this added weight to our partnership and made me even more determined to succeed.

As we walked out of the office, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I looked at Chris, appreciating the layers of his personality. Despite the heavy burden he carried, he was still able to put on a brave face and rally his team.

"Alright, let's head out," Chris said, his voice full of energy. "We could all use a break."

We walked down the bustling city streets, Chris easily mingling with everyone, telling jokes, and making everyone comfortable. His leadership side shone through, making it clear why he had gotten his company this far. If you didn't see this side of him, you might think he was just a laid-back, silly guy. But his success proved he was a strong, competent leader.

As we reached our destination, Chris turned to me with a grin. "Ready for a great night out, Dio?"

"Absolutely," I replied, my determination steeled. "Let's make it one to remember."

The evening ahead was not just about unwinding but also about solidifying our partnership and ensuring we were all on the same page for the battles ahead.

Dio Stat's Info:

Lvl: 13

Skill Count: 2 (Key selling point analyze)(Analyze)






Dio influence, power & riches:

Money -5.4millions krone.

Associate - 6

Asset - 0

Digital Asset - 250 BTC

Goons - 10

Car - 0

Guard - 0

Employers - 10

Company - 1