
I sat facing my new therapist, Dr. Nora Cho, she was apparently the best, recommended by the state, she stared at me while holding her clipboard and pen. She looked at me with a calming smile. 

"How do you feel right now?" She asked. 

"Overwhelmed actually, I uh, never thought I would need this, but I think I'm ready for a life change." I managed a smile. 

"Let's begin shall we?" Doctor Cho asked.  

                     *         *         *

"We have a warrant." Those words echoed through my head the day my life ended. My kids watched as i was handcuffed and pushed into the police car. I pleaded continuously as we got to the station.

Someone had killed my co-worker a few weeks ago and all evidence traced back to me.

"Fingerprints, a strand of your hair at the scene, can you tell this court why you murdered Joan Dirk? " The lawyer glared at me.

I licked my dry lips. "I...I didn't, i just got her regular coffee that day to her apartment and that was it, I did not kill her." 

"Yes, we have heard that repeatedly." The lawyer said.

My heart raced as I turned to look at my husband, he was tensed, I could not bear to see our kids watch me being interrogated like a criminal. I was scared, no matter how hard my lawyer tried to calm my nerves, I was still afraid.

"I know Chloe, she would never hurt anyone, ever." The manager of the restaurant where I worked said while giving me a terrified gaze.

"She covered for me when I was down with pneumonia." One of my coworker, Sally said.

Weeks of court sessions and anticipation faded in and out.

"...this court finds the defendant guilty and sentences her to ten years imprisonment without parole. " The Judge said.

I could remember screaming as i was dragged away. I was innocent, I have never killed, I did not put cyanide in Joan's drink. My children, Bobby was just a baby. I needed my babies.

Vic, my husband visited with the kids. I placed my hand on the glass savouring every moment.

"I miss you mommy, when are you coming home?" Lana, one of the twins asked.

"Dad makes bad casserole!" Lisa cried out in frustration.

Vic looked frustrated. "It wasn't that bad." he chuckled nervously.

"How are you holding up sweetie?" My friend Helena asked as she took the phone.

"What...what am I supposed to say? 'It's great, the food is great? Oh and five stars please?!'" I hissed. Helena blinked at my outburst.

"Sorry." Helena mumbled.

"Two minutes!" A guard called.

We talked for what seemed like an eternity, until the guards took me away. I never saw them again. Vic and the kids I mean. Helena visited me as often as she could but that was restricted till the holidays because a trip to the penitentiary was not so easy.

I waited and I never saw my kids again.

The female prison was a nightmare.

I endured the torture, the pain, counting the minutes till the day I would be free, then I realized that, life was cruel and I had to be strong to overcome the pain.

Just until...