Vol.3 Ch.30: New sibling, system corruption

It's March and spring has came to Hogwarts, sure it still cold as hail, but I'm ecstatic. I'm an older brother to a little sister. Olivia Esme Black-Bael was born on the spring equinox after 36 hours of labor and my dad coming out with an arm sling and hand cast due to several breaks and fractures caused by my Mom. She has pale white skin with deep black hair that's already coming in, a heart shaped face and royal violet eyes.

I now understand how sirzechs and serafall feel now, but then again this is the same feeling when I'm around my daughter's, protect and spoil. My mom put a stop to it when she had that, gut feeling, and it didn't end well. She got my girlfriends/ fiancees after me. The ear pulling, scolding and promises of no sex from Helena and Artoria straightened my ass out.

I massage my ear , as it's still sore, while laying on the sofa in the room of requirement.

Slurp slurp slurp

I sigh as I feel the person attached to my neck licking the puncture wounds closed as she pulls off me. Valarie black-bael nee tepes looks at me with with her Ruby red eyes as she licks the blood off her lips and chin. She gives me a cute smile that shows off her fangs and snuggles into my neck before speaking.

" Thank you for the meal again, I know I don't need blood everyday but yours and Helena's are divine, Lyra's has a slight burning to hers though. Not really unpleasant but uncomfortable enough for me to not drink as often," she says as I hold her.

" It's probably her attribute to light," I say as I hear a splash coming from another part of the room and giggling. I sigh as the room has built an onsen for the girls and they're in there now. Holding my newest wife, I know it was fast but Helena was actually the one to engage us, I look back over my draws.


22. Common - 100 pk assorted laffy Taffy x 100

23. Common - baby Ruth king size x 100

24. Common - plush toy

25. Common - land before time collection DVD

26. Common - fleece and silk baby blanket

27. Uncommon - moonshine peaches 750 ml Bottle x 100

28. Legendary - Exitus rifle (40k Warhammer) - the sniper rifle of the vindicate assassin of the imperium of man.


1. Common - blue pocket T-shirt

2. Common - Levi blue jeans

3. Common - sweet roll x 100

4. Uncommon - two gold dabloons

5. Rare - boomshot (gears of war)

6. Common - apple cider 1 gal. x 100

7. Common - blue fold out table

8. Rare - a-10 warthog blueprint

9. Common - wooden glide rocker chair

10. Uncommon - platypus size brown fedora

11. Uncommon - moonshine pickles 750 ML bottle x 100

12. Common - hangar steak x 100

13. Common - 80" flat screen TV

14. Common - treadmill

15. Epic - gravity hammer

16. Rare - F-22 raptor blueprint

17. Common - stationary exercise bike

18. Common - tire pressure gauge

19. Common - Crayola 24 pk crayons

20. Common - digital weight scale

21. God - system corruption: we're terribly sorry but the gacha system is shut down for the next three years based on your home dimension.

' what the fuck!? First it removes the shop without my knowledge then it shuts down for the next three years,' I think.

I sigh as I shift a little while holding Valarie. She smiles then straddles my lap facing me smiling with such sultriness I say," you really need to stop hanging out with Helena and kuroka."

She pouts before saying," but they're fun, and I don't think Mr not so little dragon thinks that." She grinds into my growing erection but stops when I groan throwing my head back. I open my eyes and see kuroka standing there behind me smiling. She walks forward and grabs my head and places it on her stomach and says," know what's missing?"

I sigh as I reply," I know kuroka but I want you innocence proven first. So the child can't be used against you, though I don't know if anyone is truly stupid to try that." I shake my head and continue," nevermind I forgot who we're talking about."

She sighs before gracefully plopping down beside us and cuddling into my side, purring as I stroke her back and hair.


" So Ginny has joined the harem," says Luna in a dreamy voice as she looks at Ginny sitting on my lap as we take the train back to London, " Hufflepuff wins the house cup and the quidditch cup again. Lady Helena gets a new familiar, and Dumbledork's plans are all in flames. I say this year has been productive."

Helena snorts in laughter as she pets her New familiar, Medusa the basilisk, in her small form. The basilisk is perfectly harmless due to it three eyelids. While snakes don't have eyelids, the basilisk has three. The first eyelid protects the eye but still allows the death gaze, the second eyelid prevents the death gaze but still can paralyze those who stare at it, and the last eyelid protects everyone as it prevents even the paralysis gaze.

Medusa is no longer than a small ball python ( about 20") curled up in her lap. A soft hissing noise is heard by the others but to me and Helena it's moans of pleasure.

As we're sitting on the train a magic circle appears and a lion familiar appears in the compartment. It looks around before looking at me and jumping on my legs dropping a letter in my lap before disappearing. Picking up the letter from sairaorg I began to read it. After reading it I nod my head and smile before writing back to sairaorg and sending it back with my magic.

" Hmm, misla bael is a really good addition. Plus sairaorg became one of your strongest generals and one of your most loyal friends," says Luna as she looks at me before smiling.

" Luna please don't spoil to much of the future," says Helena as Medusa nods," I'd like to surprise kyros every once in a while, whether in the bed or in general."

" Ahh poo," says Luna as she pulls out a pudding cup and starts eating it. I pull her into a hug a kiss her head causing her to smile and boop my nose with the spoon leaving some pudding on it. She smiles and kisses my nose cleaning the pudding off it. I roll my eyes as everyone sigh at the sweet moment.

" Hope you have fun wherever you're going," says Lyra as the girls all pout since I'm not bringing them with me.

" Luna break it down, how many girls will he gain," says Helena as the rest nod. Before she can answer I swiftly kiss her deeply and when I pull back she forgot all about that question as I look at the Hippocratic question. She looks away guilty and embarrassed.