Chapter 4 This Girl is the One

Honestly, Luce had a good memory, so he pretty much knew who the girl Kilian was referring to be. "Did this medicine-seeking girl do something wrong?" He tried to guess, but the alpha's response was far from expected. The man looked angry but then chose to exhale as if he wanted to find calm.

 Alpha Kilian snorted. "You'd better learn to call her properly, Luce, that girl is your future Luna."

 Luce gaped in place without realizing it. "Eh? Her? Luna?"

 Kilian frowned displeased. "I expected you to act like that considering her low status, and the same thing happened to me before. Since meeting her, I felt like I was dreaming, couldn't believe that an ordinary girl like her would actually be my partner. And for the past two days I tried to ignore it, but the effects are very bad."

 Luce tried to remain calm even though this news really shocked him. In fact, it is unheard-of for the alpha of a pack to have an omega as a mate. Most of them come from beta nobles, warriors, or alpha descendants.

 Now Luce understood why his alpha had been acting strangely lately. "What will you do after finding Luna Rea, Alpha?"

 Kilian shook his head uncertainly. "Perhaps I will hide her identity and bring her here. I will observe and review her before making a decision." The man clenched his jaw. "Will she make me accept it or will reject it?"

 Luce breathed back. As a beta, right-hand man, and friend of the alpha, the man simply said, "I will always support your decision, however, you must also know that rejecting a Mate will make you weak and reduce the quality of your successor."

 "I know, but for now that's all I can do."


 It had been two days since Rea was hired at the village temple as a yard sweeper. Even though she was frustrated by her transfer to this remote place, she gradually recovered after knowing that her father had not really punished her. This was proven when she realized that there was a medicine room and herbal garden behind the temple.

 Meanwhile, the girl remembered their last conversation before parting ways.

 "I will place you in a remote village pack. However, you will feel at home."

 Rea squinted in annoyance. "How could Dad be sure I would feel at home."

 Raymond flicked his cigar until Rea screamed because she was hit by the fire powder.

 "Anyway, whatever happens don't come back. I'm doing this for your good and to keep you away from Alpha Kilian." The middle man suddenly had a serious face as he grabbed Rea's shoulder and squeezed quite hard there. "Rea, even though Alpha Kilian is your Mate, that doesn't mean he's on your side, especially with our current condition.

 "I don't want you to fall under his deadly charm, and end up a woman with a soul empty. Alpha Kilian is not good for you. He sleeps with any woman and leaves them as he pleases. So, don't believe his seduction and sweet mouth. Even if you are caught by him, try to make him give up and reject you."

 Rea understood why her father behaved like that. So far, Rea is also known as an orphan girl before Raymond adopted her.

 The girl had heard quite a lot of dark stories, that her mother were devastated because her father didn't stop playing behind even though he had marked her mother as a partner. 

 Unable to stand this, her mother ended her life and not long afterward her father did the same.

 Usually, a pair of partners is always haunted by both blessings and curses. That once a couple dies, one of them will feel empty, so that sometimes the one with a weak soul decides to die too. In certain cases, when a pair of partners don't like each other, they will agree to reject each other.

 However, the story is different when the bond that has been formed is marked by union—in the sense of sexual intercourse—and leaving a mark on the partner's body while they betray, of course the consequences will be more frightening.

 And, this is probably what Raymond was trying to avoid. He was afraid that Alpha Kilian would only play with Rea, while the alpha continued to play with other women.

 In the end, Rea sighed. Choose to sit while holding a broom on the steps of the temple terrace. The girl had decided to be filial and obey her father this time.

 That's right, she would make sure that Alpha Kilian would reject her without ties, so that she could continue her life even without a partner. Yes, maybe this is the best choice.

 "Well, there she is!"

 Hearing that voice, Rea suddenly turned around and saw the head of the temple walking towards her.

 While Rea didn't understand the situation yet, her pair of eyes widened to find two people who had just joined the head of the temple.

 Alpha Kilian and Beta Luce.

 "Alpha, only this girl named Rea in the temple. Is she the one you are looking for?"

 Kilian took a step forward, then smiled kindly at the head of the temple guards as if mocking Rea who was now wearing a shocked expression.

 "That's right, this girl is the one."