Chapter 11 Quarrel

The gloomy atmosphere of the room was enough to describe how Kilian felt right now. Right on his bed, Rea's figure had been lying unconscious since an hour ago. It's been that long, and she hasn't woken up after suddenly transforming beautifully in front of Kilian. 

Sitting quietly observing the girl's face, Kilian just realized what a big stupid thing he had just done. There are bite marks and kiss marks on Rea's neck, and don't forget the swollen lips with a slight tear there. 

Kilian closed his eyes in frustration. He shouldn't have lost control and scared Rea. Honestly, from the start he only intended to tease the girl. However, the damn grapes he swallowed had made his passion increase, especially since Rea was his mate. The figure that would definitely make him—

Never mind, dammit! 

In fact, Kilian didn't have any feelings for Rea. His current feelings were merely pity and interest when Kilian found something entertaining. No more.