Chapter 24 Casual Conversation

It felt so embarrassing to think of Kilian taking her to the man's tent, while everyone looked at her with various gazes. Rea insisted on following Kilian after dark, but Kilian was not an easy man to deal with, especially with all his mischievous attitude.

For Kilian, this might have been his pleasure considering he seemed to enjoy people's response to him. In contrast to the pounding feeling that Rea felt. To be precise, it leads to shame.

Rea could even see Lily, the woman of course looked at her with a piercing gaze only to snort before entering her own tent.

"You must have done this on purpose? What if people find out who I really am?!" Rea cursed loudly as they entered the tent while Kilian had sat down on a chair near the bed. Observing Rea's anger accompanied by an annoying smile. Rea was really annoyed to see the man.