Chapter 29 Mysterious Man

982, Immortal Land.

First life ....

The warm air is starting to feel like spring has arrived. The piles of snow on the streets seemed to be melting, while the young shoots of new leaves were sticking out from behind the white snowdrifts. The sky started to look bright since yesterday.

The transition of each season is truly amazing with its own unique characteristics, regardless of how others respond to it.

And for Rea, she loves it.

Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Rea left the room and walked around the garden accompanied by her maid. Letting Rea walks a few steps ahead while they followed behind. The woman looked around with a faint smile, walking on thin piles of snow that had almost turned into water.

The air was already warm enough, and Rea was still wearing a thick robe with a pair of shoes worn in winter.