Chapter 31 A Plan?

"Are you awake?"

Simon looked at Liam who was grinding medicinal plants. The young man's gaze turned towards him right after hearing the door to Simon's room open.

There was a piercing look that Simon showed as he replied, "You can see for yourself," he said, sounding curt.

With this response, Liam realized that Simon's anger had not subsided since then. His annoyance certainly stemmed from Liam's impulsive action of hitting him on the back of the neck until he fainted.

As a result, Simon couldn't see Rea.

Taking a deep breath, Liam looked down, reluctant to look at Simon's face for a long time. Didn't protest considering he was also guilty of this. There are secrets that he has to hide to protect himself even if he doesn't have the heart for Simon.

"I'm sorry," Liam finally said. "I don't expect to be forgiven now, but I want you to know that Tiffani is getting better even though she still has to be treated at the hospital Pack."