Chapter 39 Start to Move!

Rea remembers very well that she fell asleep on the living room sofa with Luce and Arno lying right under her.

Realizing that she had just opened her eyes and found her body in the guest room alone, wrapped in a blanket, and in a comfortable position, was enough to explain who had moved her secretly.

Kilian might be angry with her, but the man wouldn't let Rea be around another man for too long, let alone sleep between them.

Rea suddenly chuckled.

"Are you awake, Luna?" said Luce when Rea entered the kitchen towards the dining table. Everyone had gathered and enjoyed breakfast. The only one who was late was Rea.

Rea smiled sweetly. "Good morning everyone!" she replied cheerfully, as if her days had never been better, then sat down in the chair next to Mrs. Yorks, considering that was the only seat left.

The furthest position from Kilian.